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CMD Shortcuts for Minimalists or Power Users


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This is something most are familiar with..

But incase there are noobs on here, w/an older PC or laptop, looking to get the most out of their machines..

I disable all non-essential services, and create .CMD shortcuts to turn them on when i need them.

this reduces CPU and Memory load..

thereby improving overall responsiveness..

Included are .CMD shortcuts for:

  • Power Scheme: i set my laptop to Power Saver every night, and have it hooked up to my stereo while foobar plays the audio of documentaries i've downloaded & converted :)
  • VMware: i have all VMware related services disabled. . and when i need it.. i simply enable the services.. takes a second.
  • VPN: since i have ESET installed.. Windows Firewall can be disabled.. but VPNs require Firewall service among a few others.. so i've created .CMD shortcuts to enable/disable all related services. (if you need a free/reliable VPN service, i use VPN Gate.)
  • Windows Backup: same thing.. it's only required to run right before backing up.
  • Windows Update: same thing.. why waste badwidth when you only need to check once a week.

File: CMD.zip


Size: 4.50 KB (4,613 bytes)

How to use:

  • Create a CMD folder under %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.
  • Copy content into created CMD folder.

and it should show up on the Start Menu.



  • December 9, 2013
  • Found an extremely useful script, which uses wevtutil, for clearing Windows 7 Event Logs for a more responsive OS
  • Do this once a week.. (i do it once a day.. i have no need for the logs.. and disabling Event Log will cause problems.. so DON'T disable)

Download: http://paste2.org/Nt00nMIJ

  • Copy & save with Notepad as *Name*.cmd

NOTE: noobs would like to argue, clearing the Event Log is dangerous or useless.. that's because they haven't tried or is confusing w/disabling the service. :)

Edited by FukenGruven
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Thanks 4 the share! :D

Just a question, what't the name of the theme or skins you use...?

and is it compatible with Windows 7 ?

sorry .. didn't see your reply..

it's a classic theme and only compatible with Windows 7 :)

i designed it specifically because im running on a laptop w/very old specs..

i wanted the dark, monochrmatic appearance, but w/out Aero and all the other services required to run Aero themes.

I have it posted on my deviantArt page.

Edited by FukenGruven
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Thanks 4 the share! :D

Just a question, what't the name of the theme or skins you use...?

and is it compatible with Windows 7 ?

sorry .. didn't see your reply..

it's a classic theme and only compatible with Windows 7 :)

i designed it specifically because im running on a laptop w/very old specs..

i wanted the dark, monochrmatic appearance, but w/out Aero and all the other services required to run Aero themes.

I have it posted on my deviantArt page.

Love your Theme, but am really sad, because i use Win_8.1 and

your theme is not compatible, it would be awesome if you could make

this theme compatible for Windows_8/8.1 :D

Edited by ZeroPlus
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Thanks 4 the share! :D

Just a question, what't the name of the theme or skins you use...?

and is it compatible with Windows 7 ?

sorry .. didn't see your reply..

it's a classic theme and only compatible with Windows 7 :)

i designed it specifically because im running on a laptop w/very old specs..

i wanted the dark, monochrmatic appearance, but w/out Aero and all the other services required to run Aero themes.

I have it posted on my deviantArt page.

Love your Theme, but am really sad, because i use Win_8.1 and

your theme is not compatible, it would be awesome if you could make

this theme compatible for Windows_8/8.1 :D

yea.. i like Windows 8's performance.. but don't like how it's optimized for TabPCs and not for Desktops..

if they return the Start Menu and Power Users .. i would switch..

but as it stands..

it gets in my way of doing everyday tasks..

Note: part of the reason Windows 8 is snappier.. is because it's non-Aero :)


  • Added Windows 7 Event Log clearing script.
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yea.. i like Windows 8's performance.. but don't like how it's optimized for TabPCs and not for Desktops..

if they return the Start Menu and Power Users .. i would switch..

Have you tried StartIsBack? When installed, you don't even know its a third party program. Works perfectly without any processes or services.

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  • 1 month later...

Have you tried StartIsBack? When installed, you don't even know its a third party program. Works perfectly without any processes or services.

no i did not..

but i posted a few weeks back asking for tips..

and someone mentioned using Run more often and it dawned on me to go natural..

which is what im doing now..

no 3rd party software..

i really am trying to learn it the right way..

if i use those 3rd party software..

it pretty much turns it into Windows 7.. not that it's a bad thing..

but im beginning to really dig Windows 8 :)

As for StartIsBack..

it doesn't use a service?

how does it start or integrate into Windows 8?

FYI: (January 11, 2014)

- here are updated CMD shortcuts for Windows 8.

- please research each batch script before using..


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As for StartIsBack..

it doesn't use a service?

how does it start or integrate into Windows 8?

I have no idea, the guy is that good. I guess he uses some real Microsoft-like registry keys to make it possible. His CodeFu is strong... :) Edited by 2Old2Remember
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