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Motorola to Bring Android 4.4 KitKat to Droid RAZR HD Line and Even the Atrix HD


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Motorola has become the first manufacturer to deliver an Android 4.4 KitKat update to a device that isn’t a Nexus and on Verizon no less. Understandably, Motorola is pretty happy with themselves but, it seems like they have bigger plans for Android 4.4 and a whole host of older devices. Those using a Motorola device before the Moto X and Google came along could very well have a reason to smile today, and it might make getting to upgrade time that little bit easier. Motorola’s support site has been updated with some info about upcoming software updates for a number of devices, as Android Police has discovered.

First up is the Droid RAZR HD line. We already knew that the Droid MINI, the Droid ULTRA and the Droid MAXX would be getting Android 4.4, having launch so recently but, last year’s Droid lineup was in question. Now however, the Motorola website lists the Droid RAZR HD, the MAXX HD and the Droid RAZR M – including their respective “Developer Editions” – as all getting the update to Android 4.4. There’s no telling just when but, a lot of Verizon users will be happy to hear that their devices are going to be updated to Android 4.4.


Something that is a little surprising however, is that AT&T’s Atrix HD is listed as getting the update to Android 4.4 KitKat as well. The device was never very popular and always felt like more of an afterthought as oppose to a proper device launch for both AT&T and Motorola.


As well as the above devices, the Electrify M on US Cellular is listed as getting Kitkat too, so there’s that. Overall though, we’re generally pretty happy with Motorola and how they’re approaching and completing updates as of late. We’re pretty sure that being owned by Google is helping here but, more than that a fresh attitude to just how important updates are for consumers is a bigger help than anything. Gone are the days of buying a phone and being content with it as is for the length of your contract and finally, Motorola has realized this.

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