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Internet Download Manager and fake serial number error


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Windows 7 x64. IDM 6.18 build 7.

I have registered version with babelpatcher patch. It works perfectly with 9 days. Today I get error:

Internet Download Manager has been registered with a fake Serial Number. Be aware that the cracked product may work incorrectly and download files with errors. Thus we advise you to purchase the full-featured product.
But program still works :o
babelpatcher patch do not works anymore.
I have entries in hosts file: tonec.com www.tonec.com registeridm.com www.registeridm.com secure.registeridm.com internetdownloadmanager.com www.internetdownloadmanager.com secure.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror3.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror3.internetdownloadmanager.com *internetdownloadmanager.com/data/395012712/register.cgi *registeridm.com* star.tonec.com rev.dyxnet.com
and still have this error message. Please help :(
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  • Replies 119
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May Be Tonec Applied New Technic for nuking cracks & patches , :unsure: any way don't beleve thire sh** ,Cracked version works like charm
Full uninstall Any Previous Version & Crack s Then restart when promoted then Use this >>> By november_ra1n

Internet Download Manager 6.18 Build 7 Retail + Fix exe & Serials

Changes in 6.18 Build 7:
Fixed a critical bug in IE integration module
Improved Windows 8.1 and IE 11 integration
Resolved compatibility issues with Google Chrome 31
Improved video recognition in web playersName: IDM 6.18 Build 7 Fix exe & Serials.rar
Size: 6.77 MB
CRC32: 945EF082
MD5: 7AE23FE3563438961C97D54CA62B4969
SHA-1: 289EC4A47B0D9BF4FE28B2AED97D8C4C569D260D
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i just was going to post one topic about the same issue

WIN.7 64X

program is activate and all is ok

only today started to get this annoying message for the fake serial number

i use babelpatcher patch the same issue

i use BRD the same issue

SO i will full uninstall old IDM BY YOURUNINSTALLER

and then will give Novemberrain post a try

hope it will be good

waiting for our MODS and EXPERTS

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but here fine ..but mine 32 bit used babel patched

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May Be Tonec Applied New Technic for nuking cracks & patches , :unsure: any way don't beleve thire sh** ,Cracked version works like charm
Full uninstall Any Previous Version & Crack s Then restart when promoted then Use this >>> By november_ra1n

Internet Download Manager 6.18 Build 7 Retail + Fix exe & Serials

Changes in 6.18 Build 7:

Fixed a critical bug in IE integration module

Improved Windows 8.1 and IE 11 integration

Resolved compatibility issues with Google Chrome 31

Improved video recognition in web playersName: IDM 6.18 Build 7 Fix exe & Serials.rar

Size: 6.77 MB

CRC32: 945EF082

MD5: 7AE23FE3563438961C97D54CA62B4969

SHA-1: 289EC4A47B0D9BF4FE28B2AED97D8C4C569D260D


Really bad news ... Folks.

i installed this one .. exactly as per the instruction . full uninstall> reboot>then install>copy patch.

now that's also got detected.

registered with fake serial . :(


AND .. every single minute pop up appears - register with fake serial.

Thats so annoying. :pos: :angry: :angry:

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May Be Tonec Applied New Technic for nuking cracks & patches , :unsure: any way don't beleve thire sh** ,Cracked version works like charm
Full uninstall Any Previous Version & Crack s Then restart when promoted then Use this >>> By november_ra1n

Internet Download Manager 6.18 Build 7 Retail + Fix exe & Serials

Changes in 6.18 Build 7:

Fixed a critical bug in IE integration module

Improved Windows 8.1 and IE 11 integration

Resolved compatibility issues with Google Chrome 31

Improved video recognition in web playersName: IDM 6.18 Build 7 Fix exe & Serials.rar

Size: 6.77 MB

CRC32: 945EF082

MD5: 7AE23FE3563438961C97D54CA62B4969

SHA-1: 289EC4A47B0D9BF4FE28B2AED97D8C4C569D260D


Really bad news ... Folks.

i installed this one .. exactly as per the instruction . full uninstall> reboot>then install>copy patch.

now that's also got detected.

registered with fake serial . :(


AND .. every single minute pop up appears - register with fake serial.

Thats so annoying. :pos: :angry: :angry:


i was going to follow the same now

i already startred to uninstall

so what we have to do now

i hate when IDM start makes problem oh i was almost forgot these days

sure our experts will find solution for us

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oooh so everyone facing this prob...i thought just me... Just 1 hr back when i came online IDM pop-up this fake serial message for 5 times...

and yeah i was useing that Fix exe crack...

so i re-install the idm,then i used the best babel patch..everything works fine again :)) ... till now

From my experience that .crack fix exe never worked for me... not just now in past.. 2 yrs back also i have this same problem with that crack exe...

But Those patches work Perfect

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:sorry: This Fix is not working anymore! :banned: :wtf:

Try This Fix: casanova Patch


so far no issues for me! :)

Exit the IDM from system Tray -> merge the unregister.IDM Key -> Copy the Patch to IDM Installation Directory -> Run the Patch as Administrator -> Select Patch -> Register With Your Name.
PS: Still got issues, Completely Uninstall IDM, Clear the Registry keys, Try again!

Fix Description:

░▒▓██████▓░ ░▓██████▓▒░
░▒██████▒ ░▒▓██████▓▒░ ▒██████▒░
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░▓████ ▓███████████████████████████████████ ████▓░
░████░ ▒██████████████████████████████████████▒ ░████░
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▐ ▌
▐ ID: Internet Download Manager v6.05 and newest ▌
▐ ▌
▐ Web: www.internetdownloadmanager.com ▌
▐ ▌
▐ DRM: Custom activation ▌
▐ ▌
▐ Type: Patch ▌
▐ ▌
▐ Unit: casanova ▌
▐ ▌
▐ Date: 27.02.2012 ▌
▐ ▌
░░▒▓▓█▄ _ ___ __ ___ ▄█▓▓▒░░
░░▒▓█████ █ ▄ █ ▄█ ▄ ████████████████████████████████████████████▓▒░░
░░▒▓████ █ █ █ ▄█ ▀ ████████████████████████████████████████████▓▒░░
▐ ▌
▐ Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase ▌
▐ download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule ▌
▐ downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability ▌
▐ will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost ▌
▐ connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or ▌
▐ unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes ▌
▐ IDM user friendly and easy to use.Internet Download Manager ▌
▐ has a smart download logic accelerator that features ▌
▐ intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart ▌
▐ downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike ▌
▐ other download managers and accelerators Internet Download ▌
▐ Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download ▌
▐ process and reuses available connections without additional ▌
▐ connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration ▌
▐ performance. ▌
▐ ▌
▐ Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and ▌
▐ http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, ▌
▐ MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates ▌
▐ seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN ▌
▐ Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla ▌
▐ Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular ▌
▐ browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also ▌
▐ drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from ▌
▐ command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem ▌
▐ at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or ▌
▐ even shut down your computer when it's done. ▌
▐ ▌
▐ Other features include multilingual support, zip preview, ▌
▐ download categories, scheduler pro, sounds on different ▌
▐ events, HTTPS support, queue processor, html help and ▌
▐ tutorial, enhanced virus protection on download completion, ▌
▐ progressive downloading with quotas (useful for connections ▌
▐ that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like ▌
▐ Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), built-in download ▌
▐ accelerator, and many others. ▌
▐ ▌
▐ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ▌
▐ ▌
▐ 1. Install the software. ▌
▐ 2. Check 'Patch' directory. ▌
▐ 3. If you like this software - support the creator. ▌
▐ ▌
░░▒▓▓█▄ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ▄█▓▓▒░░
░░▒▓█████ █ █ ▄ █ █ ▀█ ▀▀██████████████████████████████████████▓▒░░
░░▒▓████ ▀ █ █ █ █ ██▀▀ ████████████████████████████████████▓▒░░
▐ ▌
▐ + apelord + Astra ▌
▐ coder.cracker.trial tester.trial ▌
▐ ▌
▐ + casanova + FrenFolio ▌
▐ cracker coder.cracker ▌
▐ ▌
▐ + Ignite + Illusion ▌
▐ cracker coder.cracker ▌
▐ ▌
▐ + Liandri - s0l_ir0n ▌
▐ founder.supplier coder.cracker ▌
▐ ▌
▐ + s2003r + SupaSta ▌
▐ cracker.supplier supplier ▌
▐ ▌
▐ Wanted, experience required: ▌
▐ cracker,coder,gfxer ▌
▐ ▌
░░▒▓▓█▄ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ _ ▄█▓▓▒░░
░░▒▓█████ ▄▄█ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▀█▄▄ █ ▄▄█ ▀████████████████████████████▓▒░░
░░▒▓████ ▀▀█ ▀ █ █ █ ██ ▀ █ ▀▀█ ███████████████████████████▓▒░░
▐ ▌
▐ Web.......................................................none ▌
▐ ▌
▐ IRC..........................irc://irc.dawgclan.net:6667/theta ▌
▐ ▌
▐ E-mail (no requests).....................theta.pub<>gmail.com ▌
▐ ▌
░▒▓█▄ ▄█▓▒░

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Try This Fix:


so far no issues for me! :)

can you tell us which group release this or at least the file name

don't just give a link without a name

so people don't have to waste their time and bandwidth just to redownload the patch that already downloaded or tested

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Try This Fix:


so far no issues for me! :)

can you tell us which group release this or at least the file name

don't just give a link without a name

so people don't have to waste their time and bandwidth just to redownload the patch that already downloaded or tested


well i have downloaded it " CASNOVA " unit. group. contains (patch file , one unregisteridm. reg file)

Status - Not tested yet on my PC.

and can anybody plz provide the link for " babel " patch. some are saying that still works.

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Try This Fix:


so far no issues for me! :)

This is not working :(

This Fix is not working anymore!

Exit the IDM from system Tray -> merge the unregister.IDM Key -> Copy the Patch to IDM Installation Directory -> Run the Patch as Administrator -> Select Patch -> Register With Your Name.

PS: Still got issues, Completely Uninstall IDM, Clear the Registry keys, Try again!

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KLR FreeLance

rename or delete the "IDMGrHlp.exe" file in the install directory.

Launch idm.exe, a popup will appear saying it can't find a file, press ok then enjoy.

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Guys, the fix works. You need to delete the keys using regedit.

I uninstalled IDM and had the same problems using november_ra1n's fix/serials. I went into regedit and deleted the folder (IDM) with all keys ( it has a babel key). I installed it again after cleaning up and it works like a charm.

Go - regedit- Local machine-software-WOW6432node-Internet download manager- delete folder and install-patch-and inter serial.

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All patches not working for me on win 8 x64 (babel,brd,casanova etc.) Renamed IDMGrHlp.exe as suggested by KLR FreeLance. working so far, thank you. You will get a pop-up from idm about functionality, and to re-download idm. Haven't gone to regedit- Local machine-software-WOW6432node-Internet download manager and deleted the folder suggested by poster libjoe67 (thanks for reg location), but I will try that if the rename IDMGrHlp.exe doesn't continue to work.

Looks like idm has another way to detect cracks, patches, serials; or an old way with idm calling home to new web pages not in the hosts files list perhaps.

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ps how does igetter compare to idm? Also, if igetter isn't good, what is a good replacement for idm? I love how idm downloads videos right from webpages. Thanks.

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Strange..Ive always used november_ra1n's and my host file is edited to..Touch wood no problems here..Hope you guys get it sorted..

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is this issue only for 64 bit??

i run 32 bit n i have no this issue right now..but my fren complained jus now abt this ..his system is 64 bit

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is this issue only for 64 bit??

i run 32 bit n i have no this issue right now..but my fren complained jus now abt this ..his system is 64 bit

Oh yes thanks i forgot to mention i am using it on win 8 32bit..

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Is it strange that nothing happens to me? I have IDM installed in my PC with W8 x64 and my laptop with W8.1 x64 both with babel patcher applied.

No messages, program works fine and downloads are ok.

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rename or delete the "IDMGrHlp.exe" file in the install directory.

Launch idm.exe, a popup will appear saying it can't find a file, press ok then enjoy.

This one works prefectly :)

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