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Two dead, two wounded in Nevada middle school shooting


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Two dead, two wounded in Nevada middle school shooting

A Nevada middle school student shot and killed a teacher and wounded two students Monday before fatally shooting himself, Sparks police said.

Police said the teacher died trying to protect students.

"We've got video we have to review, people we've got to talk to," said Tom Robinson, deputy chief of Reno police, which also responded. "But in my estimation, he is a hero. We do know he was trying to intervene."

The Reno Gazette-Journal said the victim was a popular math teacher at Sparks Middle School but said it was withholding his name until it was made public by police.

Angela Rambo, spokeswoman for Renown Regional Hospital, said the hospital had received two male patients, both minors and both initially in critical condition. Their conditions later were upgraded, one to fair condition, the other to serious condition.

Eighth-grader Kyle Nucum, 13, said he was on an outside basketball court when the shooting happened about 7:15 a.m. local time.

"We heard a pop, like a loud pop, and everybody was screaming and the teacher came to investigate," Kyle said. "I thought it was a firecracker at first, but the student was pointing a gun at the teacher. After the teacher told him to put it down, and the student fired a shot ... at the teacher and the teacher fell and everybody ran away."

Kyle said he and other students heard four or five more shots as they ran across a field, where a woman let them into her home.

Student Michelle Hernandez said she saw the shooter Monday morning. "I heard him saying, 'Why you people making fun of me, why you laughing at me,?" Michelle said.

Eighth-grader Seth Hinchberger said the shooter "pulled out a weapon and just shot it. And scared all of us and we just started running."

Seth said they ran into a hall and created a pile, "guys in the front … for the safety of the girls." He said the shooter came over and appeared to aim at the pile, but was distracted by a teacher and started shooting in another direction.

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I don't really know why the Congress does not prohibit/restrict the sales of guns once and for all.... -_-

Edited by Siddharta
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middle school...wow... some pretty screwed up people in this world...and getting younger and younger... train entire schools to rush the shooter and kick him to death,, better than waiting for him to shoot reload and shoot and reload...not sure if that is the answer or not edit ...spelling

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middle school...wow... some pretty screwed up people in this world...and getting younger and younger... train entire schools to rush the shooter and kick him to death,, better than waiting for him to shoot reload and shoot and reload...not sure if that is the answer or not edit ...spelling

Or arm every teacher with a fire arm, beforehand every teacher is to take firearms safety training. If we trust them with nurturing knowledge in the kids then why not trust that they are ready to defend the kids? When criminals bring guns into "gun free zones" like schools, it's like saying "this place is defensless, attack HERE". It attracts psycopaths (gun free zones) and speaks to the heart intent of people who read the sign as though it was reverse psycology.

The solution is simple: either arm the teachers, or some teachers OR hire security forces that are packing heat. These are rough times and taking out a shooter or disabling them via a firearm is crucial. Fight fire with fire.

Edited by Ambrocious
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I don't really know why the Congress does not prohibit/restrict the sales of guns once and for all.... -_-

Becuase people will get things they want with or without the govt "blessing". Look what happened during prohibition. The sale of illegal firearms would sky rocket(since every gun would be illegal)and the criminal factor would get more $ and with $ comes power. Also alot of otherwise law abiding citizens would become instant criminals becuase they would not give up their firearms and would continue to buy additional ones. It is a very very sad thing that happened but what you promote as an answer is really just being naive. I dont think there is an answer. I think that its just a fact that bad things happen and will always happen. I dont think we as a society should "cut off the nose to spite the face". We have lost enough freedoms since 9-11 in this country because of the "cut off the nose to spite the face" mentality.

Edited by locoJoe
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Blah... blah... blah...

Blah... blah... blah...


teach your children to respect others and be nice to them even to the lowest in the food chain. Learn to be considerate to one other's feelings. :P

(stop trying to find a solution to the problem and find a way to prevent the problem) ;)

Edited by nIGHT
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Blah... blah... blah...

Blah... blah... blah...


teach your children to respect others and be nice to them even to the lowest in the food chain. Learn to be considerate to one other's feelings. :P

(stop trying to find a solution to the problem and find a way to prevent the problem) ;)

that goes without saying but with how many billion people in the world it ain't gonna happen except in never never land...bottom line people do this sort of thing because they know they can kill a lot of people and all because they know people will not even attempt to stop them..if the prey started fighting back it would not happen..how they eventually find ways to fight back is a topic that will most likely never be resolved..one thing for sure any one from 911 to today and in the future attempts to take over a large airliner know the entire compliment of passengers will all fight back form the first seconds

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@dMog yap 911 showed those terrorist what will happen if they attempt to take over another plane again. And, for the main topic, bullying and mobbing could be the main culprit. Lack of acceptance and social communication(especially at home) just gravitate the situation. On the part of educating lots of people about giving respect is actually impossible even to the most ideal scenario, you are very right here. hehehe! Fighting back should be the solution, if it already is happening, but you can't teach most to do this as most were cowards and lack the presence of mind to do it. It should be mandatory to impose and inject (fuck even to brainwash them) the importance about giving respect to others and learning to handle bad people in every institution, be it in school (primary,secondary, colleges and military schools), in gov't/business level, and even in the internet platform. In MMORPG games world, these behavior are at its worst and rampant. Many will bully lower level characters and the one who gets bullied will turn to being a bully to another player. In the real world, well, that (like the news on the first post) usually happens now. :mellow:

MMORPG (Many Men Online Role Playing as Girls LOL!) :lmao:

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still another thing to wonder about is WHY a 12 year old would find it a solution to his problems being to bring a gun to school and try to kill other 12 years olds... how many would have been killed if that one teacher, who was ex army did not find the courage to step forward... not saying he willingly died but he had to have known there was high probability he would die...

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