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Nokia reportedly sold 8 million Lumia smartphones this quarter


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Nokia has been gradually increasing its smartphone market share in Europe and Asia, and now a report from The Wall Street Journal speculates that the company might have sold over 8 million Lumia smartphones this past quarter.


The struggling company whose devices division recently received a takeover bid from Microsoft has been giving Windows Phone a much needed boost ever since it adopted the platform in 2011. With Windows Phone market share reaching double digits in some European countries and being the No. 2 platform in Asian countries like India, Nokia has surely moved a lot of devices over the last two years and accounts for 90 percent of all the devices running Windows Phone 8. Unsurprisingly, the world's highest selling Windows product is the Nokia Lumia 520.


The Journal reports that this is the fourth consecutive quarter for increased sales of Nokia Lumias, and it is expected that the number of devices sold is over 8 million from previous sales of 7.4 million for the second quarter and more than twice that of the same period last year.

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