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Users Getting Another Update Error: This PC Can’t Run Windows 8.1


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A number of users are said to be experiencing a pretty awkward situation when trying to download and install the new Windows 8.1, as the update is telling them that their PC can’t run the operating system.

Even though their computers are already powered by Windows 8 (which basically means that 8.1 should run flawlessly), an error provided during the updating process tells them otherwise.

Bug reports posted on Microsoft’s Community forums suggest that the error may be related to existing partitions and the location of system folders.

Here’s what one of the affected users has posted on the official forums:

“Receiving the error: Sorry, it looks like this PC can't run Windows 8.1. This might be because the Users or Program Files folder is being redirected to another partition. Getting this error when attempting to update my release of Win8 to 8.1. I have moved both User and Program Files to an alternative drive as my primary is a smaller SSD.”

It appears that this message is displayed to users whose Program Files folder is placed on a different partition, so moving all items indeed seems to be the only way to fix it.

According to a few consumers who already tried this little workaround, it doesn’t seem to make any difference, with Windows 8.1 still returning the same error during the installation process.

“I moved the users folder by using the symlink method. The update also fails, but with some generic error message. The logs show the updater fails to properly traverse the symlink. So either method is not updatable. Updating from the store, or the ISO gives the exact same result,” another user explained.

While Microsoft is probably looking into the problem as we speak, more and more users are already confirming the issue. The Windows 8.1 update is becoming more like a nightmare for many people out there, so Redmond clearly needs to address this as soon as possible.

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The Windows 8.1 update is becoming more like a nightmare for many people out there, so Redmond clearly needs to address this as soon as possible.

Yes, just put this stock-vector-red-closed-sign-on-white-ep in the Windows Store with a direct link to WZOR homepage

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Why don't Microsoft just pull Windows 8.1 out of the Store and get it patched? Better yet, why don't they just release a god-forsaken ISO image so that users can make bootable discs? I personally wouldn't recommend anyone to pickup Windows 8.1 because it is still in serious need of some hardcore patching. I do hope the next Patch Tuesday would make 8.1 run more stable because right now, my PC runs like :shit: ever since I loaded 8.1 in it. :thumbsdown:

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And the hits just keep on coming :nono:

I mean I can understand that pushing through a new OS update can be a lot of work, but why are the biggest corporates in the world like MS and Apple pushing through one after another beta versions (Win8/8.1, iOS 7) as stable RTM releases when they're clearly not ready for prime-time? :o

Win8 itself was a bit of an experimental beta which bit the dust big time and now this! Too bad a huge majority of the users are so heavily invested in the Windows Eco-system, that there's prolly no way out after all these years :(

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Actually, and you all know how much i hate Windows 8, but this isnt technically a Windows 8 fault. since Windows Vista, people were warned NOT to redirect user/program files folders to other paths/drives as it could cause problems when installing updates/servicing....which is exactly what this error is about

Simple solution, move the user/program files folders back, remove any symlinks you created, install the update, then move them back again...until next time

As a windows XP user, i used to do the redirection trick as it seperated my data nicely, but honestly even though there are ways to replicate it under Windows vista onwards (with varying degrees of success, or as above, not), i dont even bother trying these days, i just back up more frequently, which isnt a bad thing.

So this isnt a windows 8 specific error, its a bunch of nutters doing exactly what they were warned NOT to do over 4 years ago and then getting all bent out of shape when what they were warned about actually happens.....

And i say to all the whingers on getting the error: does baby need its dummy put back in?


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Since XP, I always moved my "users" path from C:\Users to D:\Users (that resides onto a RAID-5 logical volume; the boot / system disk is a SanDisk Extreme 250 GB SSD).

So I always performed a full install instead of an inplace upgrade. Even with 8.1.

It's my preferred solution, because on each O.S. upgrade I have a brand new and clean environment, with a smaller registry (and less older and often unused applications, too...!).

I'm wondering why Microsoft hasn't yet implemented a solution for those, like me, who wants to have user profiles in a different volume...

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I'm wondering why Microsoft hasn't yet implemented a solution for those, like me, who wants to have user profiles in a different volume...

My bet is just plain laziness/bad coding. Its all those stupid permissions and symlinking they built into Vista onwards...really thats the cause.

The other useful thing that us IT admins hated them for deprecating since Vista was the ability to copy (once a simple one button job) a templated user profile to the default user profile....

Luckily ForensIT gave us this back via DefProf: http://www.forensit.com/support-downloads.html

Microsoft say you cant do that any other way than their complex way, but theyre wrong :)

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who was the cheap ass who put a 60gb ssd as a boot drive. :wtf:

serves them right

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