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Windows 8 users have two years to update to Windows 8.1 before support ends


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Microsoft is giving people who have Windows 8 installed on their PCs two years to upgrade to Windows 8.1 after it launches next week before official support for Windows 8 ends.


Microsoft would certainly love for every person who owns a Windows 8 PC to download and install the free Windows 8.1 update when it is officially released next week. It certainly has a number of improvements and new features compared to the version of the OS that launched in 2012. But what if there is a reason for you to keep using Windows 8 and ignore Windows 8.1?

We can't imagine what that reason might be, but just in case you want to keep Windows 8 for a while longer, Microsoft has revealed on their support page that it will have a very quick shelf life. The page states, "Windows 8 customers will have two years to move to Windows 8.1 after the General Availability of the Windows 8.1 update to continue to remain supported under the Windows 8 lifecycle." That means Windows 8 support, at least for the version that launched a year ago, will officially end on October 18th, 2015.

If you do decide to upgrade to Windows 8.1, Microsoft will continue to support the OS under its main support lifecycle time period, with mainstream support ending on January 9th, 2018 and extended support continuing until January 10th, 2023. In other words, there's very little to keep anyone with a Windows 8 PC from downloading Windows 8.1.

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Now we pay, and get no support or upgrade, i'm sick of how Microsoft treat their clients !

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MS keep playing with us using its OS ... that so lameee , i admire the ppl who still using XP and keep out of this ugly game . :angry:

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Why are you requiring Windows 8 customers move to Windows 8.1 two years after the General Availability?

Historically, we have a similar support approach related to Windows service packs; when a Windows service pack is released, Microsoft provides customers 24 months of support for the prior service pack or original RTM version.

Unlike service packs that are typically just a collection of fixes, Windows 8.1 has new features and enhancements, and we designed Windows 8.1 to give customers an ability to deploy this update in a manner that is similar to how customers deploy service packs, therefore we are applying the existing service pack support policy to Windows 8.1.


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When MS will launch their Windows 9 they will also give the date when windows 9 will stop getting support may be after 1 year or 2 year :s :D :P another S**t on their crap windows 8

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When MS will launch their Windows 9 they will also give the date when windows 9 will stop getting support may be after 1 year or 2 year

Why ?

S**t on their crap windows 8

Why ?

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I think this is more like a self admission by Microsoft. I think by this, Microsoft is shouting it loud that Windows 8 is another Vista. :)

Having said all that, upgrade to Windows 8.1 is free, so I don't see many issues with it.

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When MS will launch their Windows 9 they will also give the date when windows 9 will stop getting support may be after 1 year or 2 year :s :D :P another S**t on their crap windows 8

Windows 8 is not crap use a start menu replacment and it is snappier than 7.. Or are you another troll like this one...



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Posted 12 October 2013 - 08:18 PM

Bryan, on 12 Oct 2013 - 20:16, said:snapback.png

and who want to feel it like old windows? Windows 8 should look like Windows 8. goodbye all old OS.

Lol! i'm a Linux user, still i use windows 7 to, if i will say hating sentence i will say fuck windows 8 for dumb people, sorry if i still saying it!

:troll: yep were all dumb cause we dont use linux or 7 sorry..Each to there own but dumb.very low and sad....

Edited by F3dupsk1Nup
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Microsoft keeps getting worse and worse. Not giving them a single penny. I hope with the tactics they are using they will just drive themselves further into their grave.

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I think it would be a good idea for M$ to do what their customers want them to do rather than force upon us one or two peoples visions from their marketing team.

Make me C.E.O. of M$ and pay me a shit load of money to piss of their customers.

I would not do that, I would listen to what customers want and try improve rather than dis-prove.

On another point I was watching a program and it contained piracy, was on bbc1 this morning.

1 registry key for a windows operating system is registered to 1,000,000 users in China, so 1,000,000 Chinese are pirating 1 M$ serial code.

Wow I thought, I also thought that China had special prices as their standard of living costs are less.

Edited by LeeSmithG
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lol! 2yrs is even enough... A year would be cool... Cos i dnt even see people (nsaners) on windows 8, is either Xp or Win 7 n the upcoming Win 8.1... Win 8 will die like how Vista died, even faster...

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