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Rumor: Grand Theft Auto V for PCs coming in Q1 2014


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This year's mega blockbuster from Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto V is expected to launch for PCs as early as first quarter of 2014 according to multiple sources from the gaming news industry.


Grand Theft Auto V, the billion dollar blockbuster game of 2013 has been initially denied a PC version by the game's developer Rockstar Games, but now it all seems to change very soon.

According to multiple sources for Eurogamer, the game is in production for PCs and will be out in the first quarter of 2014. Earlier this year, NVIDIA director also mentioned that a PC version would launch following the consoles. Rockstar Games, however has not officially announced any details about the game. Soon after the news of Rockstar ditching the PC had hit the internet, an online petition was started by outraged gamers which currently has more than half a million supporters.

Rockstar Games had previously released the PC port of Grand Theft Auto IV, nearly eight months after the console release which can be what they are targeting with the new game. Grand Theft Auto V has been the most expensive video game ever made but the lack of a PC version has left out many fans of the franchise from enjoying it. Post-release, Grand Theft Auto V has become the fastest to hit $1 billion in sales among all entertainment media beating Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.

PC gamers who have waited for GTA V will definitely add to the success of the game if the reports do turn out to be true. We will know more about this once Rockstar Games makes an official statement.

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