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New Deus Ex Announced for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, Part of Wider Universe Concept


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The development team at Eidos Montreal announces that it is working on a new concept for the Deus Ex franchise called Universe. This is designed to create a connected and expanding game world that will involve a larger conspiracy that includes more details than any other before it.

The Universe concept is designed to include PC and console games as well as experiences on tablets and other devices, alongside books and graphic novels.

The first piece of the connected experience that Eidos is ready to reveal is an entirely new Deus Ex title for PC, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4.

The team explains on the official forums that, “We’re very excited about it at the studio and I wanted to let you know that most of the team behind Deus Ex: Human Revolution is already working hard on this new game.”

No details have been offered on the new Deus Ex title, but it will use most of the themes already seen in Human Revolution, including the Cyber Renaissance.


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