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Pakistani accused of raping 30 sheep in Saudi Arabia


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2013-06-08 11:22:51

Pakistani resident is facing charges of raping 30 sheeps belonging to a citizen in Al Aflag. The arrest came following a complaint received by the police station from a citizen reporting the capturing of the accused offender in the sheeps yard before midnight to conduct a sexual intercourse with the animals.

The sheep owner filed a complaint to the security authorities to analyze his cattle, Ministry of Agriculture will execute the analysis on the animals to complete the investigation procedures with the accused offender.


:o :lmao:

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This is really Shameful he should be punished as hard as they can :banned: :fight: .People like these ruining the respect of Pakistan :angry:

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At least he did not rape a woman LOL, I guess you could call it a step up :lol:

I hope Saudi Arabian law will punish him whatever he has done.They are really strict in these types of cases

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he is not punishable coz he was not mentally stable.he needs treatment with a PSYCHIATRIC

punishment wont help him...

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he is not punishable coz he was not mentally stable.he needs treatment with a PSYCHIATRIC

punishment wont help him...


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At least he did not rape a woman LOL, I guess you could call it a step up :lol:

I hope Saudi Arabian law will punish him whatever he has done.They are really strict in these types of cases

Yea, they are going to give the sheep 200 lashes each...

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This is sick.But lighten the mood he should move to wales england and let the sheep rape him back.Trust me he would be double dipped and he would never do it again :D

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he is not punishable coz he was not mentally stable.he needs treatment with a PSYCHIATRIC

punishment wont help him...

yeah,,, how can we prove it wasn't consensual?

may be sheep enjoyed it too.lolz


but this not just once, in past also like these things came up.. the only diff instead of sheep it was goats

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At least he did not rape a woman LOL, I guess you could call it a step up :lol:

I hope Saudi Arabian law will punish him whatever he has done.They are really strict in these types of cases

Yea, they are going to give the sheep 200 lashes each...

some sheep may be pregnant also? who knows? they should conduct urine test of affected sheep.

...Justice for all... -_-

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in mot muslim countries law punishes the raped party.... if he had decided on humans...not sure about how safe the sheep will be if he actually did this

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in mot muslim countries law punishes the raped party.... if he had decided on humans...not sure about how safe the sheep will be if he actually did this

Regarding "muslim countries law" there is no such term.

Law in Islam is Sharia, equivalent to Ten Commandments, and both were appointed to sons of Ibrahim/Abraham, which today in not practiced in any country in the World.

There are countries that within their legislation incorporate parts of Sharia, but legislation itself isn't defined as a "muslim law".

And to curve your perspective I'd like you to read "The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Qur'an".

Whether or not Jefferson was also familiar with the Constitution of Medina—the document dictated by Muhammad to govern relations among the diverse Muslim and Jewish tribes in Medina—is unknown. As legislative documents, there are similarities between the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Qur'an. Some of the contents of the Constitution of Medina, particularly in the inclusion of the unification and protection of a people regardless of creed under the government, equal rights, and protection of religious groups, are articulated in both the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. Did the contents of the Qur'an and perhaps even the Constitution of Medina influence Jefferson when he authored the two most important documents in American history?

The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution contain similar clauses on some topics. The Constitution of Medina states: "The Jews shall maintain their own religion and the Muslims theirs...The close friends of Jews are as themselves" and "those who followed them and joined them and struggled with them. They form one and the same community" in solidarity against their enemies. Finally, the conclusion of the Constitution states, "Strangers, under protection, shall be treated on the same ground as their protectors; but no stranger shall be taken under protection except with consent of his tribe...No woman shall be taken under protection without the consent of her family." ix If Jefferson was familiar with the Constitution of Medina, the document may have influenced his inclusion in the Declaration of Independence of the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," an almost dogmatic belief in American culture.x

Reflections of the Constitution of Medina and the Qur'an can also be discerned from the U.S. Constitution. The first Amendment to the Constitution, guaranteeing freedom of religion, was originally called the "Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom." In his autobiography, Jefferson recounted that the contents of the bill and that he was emphatic that the language of the bill should name precisely the groups protected, writing that "the Jew, the Gentile, the Christian and Mahometan, the Hindoo, and infidel of every [emphasis mine] denomination" should be protected under the law.xi Despite not knowing what Jefferson's familiarity may have been with the Constitution of Medina, we can still see the influence of certain elements of its teaching within the Qur'an, in particular Surah 2:62: "Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."xii The interpretation of this verse is traditionally that those who are members of the Abrahamic family of faiths are protected from both spiritual and social persecution. Did Jefferson find inspiration in this surah? Perhaps.

In 1788, when the states voted to ratify the Constitution, the issue of non-Christian identification was part of the debate. In particular, a lively debate was conducted over Article VI, Section 3 which states that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."xiii A similar clause appears in the Constitution of Medina, where loyalty to the state is not tested by religious affiliation but by demonstrated loyalty and that demonstration guarantees the protection of the tribe or state. In North Carolina, delegates debated the amendment deploying the hypothetical situation of a Muslim president.xiv

Whether or not Jefferson was influenced by the Constitution of Medina or his study of the Qur'an in authoring either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution, we may never know. But we can conjecture that his understanding of Islam and other world religions, compounded with his remarkable education at the College of William and Mary, which was informed intellectually by the Enlightenment, shaped his crafting of American national pride.

For more you can visit link provided above.

I can understand if you never heard about this,

how can you create such animosity and hatred in mind of Americans unless you manipulate with information,

unless you demonize the target, unless you hide the truth.

If you are commenting on Sharia, we can discuss it only if you are willing to read Qur'an and Torah,

very different from Sharia they teach/preach on CNN and similar news stations.


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all i know is that personally know women who were raped in countries that hold sharia law as the rule of law.... they had to leave their country because ...one..they would have been punished because they had sex outside of being married and therefore were no longer pure.. and two... their families shunned them because the shame they personally gave the family by allowing themselves to be raped...you may be talking about what some of thee countries attempt to hide form the world about sharia law because they know quite a lot of it is not seen in a good light by western people...and yes, i agree the western media does place a negative slant on this topic but many times with good reason and many times not... there are no simple realities here...i also know women form many of the above mentioned countries who are forced to hide form their own families...why...because they chose not wear traditional dress, or decided to get an education or decided to date a white person or simply because they wore blue jeans or many other numerous acts that you and i take for granted that happen to against their laws ans wrong for women to even think about and especially do.....why do they have to hide.. because their mother father brothers and others will actually beat them and or kill them for these transgressions..so do not tell me i am imagining these things...i have personally seen it take place

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The problem is rampant stupidity and illiteracy throughout the world. More than half of the middle eastern population is uneducated and stupid so when you have stupid small minded males calling the shots and women without a choice of education or free will they come up with all kinds of ridiculous ideas like punishing the woman for being a victim. This goes back really far in history, it has nothing specifically to do with Muslims because the same kind of thing took place in Hinduism which is much older than Islam, and other civilizations.

The first revelation in Islam was Iqra which means to go learn how to read and not be a stupid illiterate but the sad part is that the "Muslim" men who would do this nonsense are too illiterate and stupid to recognize their own ignorance. I have to mention that I support many implementations of Shariah law because the Liberals always want rights for hardened criminals and that's the problem in the West.

The Western population suffers from a different type of stupidity because they don't read books to learn either. The redneck definition of freedom is being able to dress like a whore and walk the streets, as if choosing to wear a hijab or dressing modestly is somehow not a free choice. In American schools they teach propaganda as much as North Korean schools, so books are censored from libraries and the children believe all the propaganda blindly and grow up with patriotism as a religion. So we are thought that since we were humiliated and failed to assassinate Fidel Castro we should use our might and power to oppress and bully the whole of Cuba forever. We should spend millions of tax payers dollars each year to hover a blimp on American waters that transmits propaganda to Cuban TV and Radio stations, yea I bet most don't know about that one. If we fight for our country and rights we are heroes, if the other countries fight for their rights and their country they are evil and bad.

I know some may take offense to what I have said but if that's the case then do something to fix the problem instead of focusing on the ones pointing out the problem. If you are honestly deeply offended by any of this report the post or send me a PM, the rules still apply but I wanted my opinion to be heard as well.

And getting back to the main topic I'd like to know just how exactly they were able to determine the number of sheep that were assaulted? Sheep came forward to confess? I feel as though some of this is hogwash but indeed some are born with mental defects and are victims of their incapacities so we should be more liberal and accept the mentally unstable as we accept gays and lesbians else we would be guilty of hypocrisy.

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all i know is that personally know women who were raped in countries that hold sharia law as the rule of law.... they had to leave their country because ...one..they would have been punished because they had sex outside of being married and therefore were no longer pure.. and two... their families shunned them because the shame they personally gave the family by allowing themselves to be raped...you may be talking about what some of thee countries attempt to hide form the world about sharia law because they know quite a lot of it is not seen in a good light by western people...and yes, i agree the western media does place a negative slant on this topic but many times with good reason and many times not... there are no simple realities here...i also know women form many of the above mentioned countries who are forced to hide form their own families...why...because they chose not wear traditional dress, or decided to get an education or decided to date a white person or simply because they wore blue jeans or many other numerous acts that you and i take for granted that happen to against their laws ans wrong for women to even think about and especially do.....why do they have to hide.. because their mother father brothers and others will actually beat them and or kill them for these transgressions..so do not tell me i am imagining these things...i have personally seen it take place

You should know if you don't Islam prescribes death penalty to rapists, the rights of the victim women don't change and stay the same, the shame and the consequences your talking about has nothing to do with sharia, if it is show me, what people choose to do with a situation is there problem.

Education is compulsory for both men and women, but co-education is discouraged, except where necessary. Women can work if they want to but the jobs where there's a lot of intermingling of sexes is discouraged. Men and Women both have been given a general modest dress code they should follow, all these can be enforced by a government based on sharia.

Like what LeetPirate says, muslim's in these parts are uneducated both in Islam and general studies, hence the plights that come with it in the name of Islam and propagated by the media,

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Sheep eh.......... so did he jumper?.

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Back to the topic at hand ! ya i would also like more details like this, How many humped in 1 day? White sheep or black sheep? oral sex? Did he feed them a nice meal before? Any sexy laingerie ? Doggie stye or .......................................................... :naughty:

Sheep eh.......... so did he jumper?.


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