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Hello Kaspersky Lab blog readers! Were always reminding you how important it is to buy licensed products. However, you should remember that not all software sold in stores or online is official. There are cases where this software turns out to be pirated copy, even if they look authentic at first glance. This problem is especially important when you deal with seasonal sales and clearances.


Today I am going to explain how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud. As soon as you try to activate a Kaspersky product with a pirated code, the software will inform you it is invalid.


Attempts to request a refund from pirates are never successful. That is why it is better to take a closer look at the box before you buy it. In this article you will find a few tips on how to distinguish a genuine product from counterfeit software. All the pictures in this post are real examples of pirated copies of Kaspersky Lab products. The codes you see on the pictures are blacklisted.

The design of cards and boxes can differ depending on the region, but some general components remain the same. The most evident example is the use of grammatical errors. All text on original cards and boxes is written correctly.

First and foremost, the only correct spelling of the company name is «Kaspersky Lab».


All words in the name of the product start with capital letters:


As well as the CEOs last name:


As you can see in these pictures, pirates rarely care about the correct spelling of the company name. It is one of the most evident signs of a pirated product.

Errors can vary, though. Here you can see some grammatical issues:


Missed spacebars,


letters, and even words:


Sometimes you can get a whole range of mistakes and typos on one package:


When the pirates distribute their goods in more than one region, you can encounter the unfilled regional restrictions template on the box, like the one in the picture:


Here is a more advanced variant:


Well, you have found a box that does not cause any suspicion and looks perfectly normal on the outside. Still, we recommend opening it and checking the contents in the sales clerks presence. What should you expect to find inside? The original package includes the document (a card or a Quick Start Guide) with the activation code, End User License Agreement and the installer. The clerk must provide you with a receipt that contains the name of the purchased product and the date of purchase. Otherwise the product is most likely a pirated copy.

But even if all previous tests went smoothly, you still can find some unusual items in the box. The activation code can be used only for one product. What we see here is the code for two products:


The card should have a rectangular form and the code should be covered with a scratch-off layer:


The code consists of 20 characters,


and is divided into four 5-character groups:


This card contains some additional contact information and instructions, but these are not the only oddities. Look at the city in the address.

Finally, the cover should be scratched off with a hard object, not torn off:


And it should correspond to the height of the characters in the code:


As you can see, the easiest way to detect a pirated copy is to pay attention to the package and the text on it.

Do not rush to buy a cheap product, as you then might have to pay twice: the company bears no responsibility to exchange or refund in the case of a pirated copy.

Your safest bet is to buy licenses from our authorized partners. On the official website, you will find the list of Kaspersky Lab partners in your region: http://me.kaspersky.com/en/partners/buyoffline

Enjoy your genuine Kaspersky Lab software!

Source: http://blog.kaspersky.com/telltale-signs-of-illegal-software/

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Guyz.. I Bought a subscription key for INR 100/-

the key was already activated at july 2012 the number of days left were 713 days

is this legitimate key?

The seller on ebay told me that these are subscription keys they have ove 500 users in india using these keys and never got any key is block

he has given me a gaurantee that the key won't get blocked

i tempted to this offer bcz..its really a small amt of money

so i received the code after 1 hr of the payment..phew!!

Now i gota 713 days of subscription and that appears to be a valid key

Sad thing is that key would work for a few days (or months if you are lucky) and would be blocked.By then,you can't ask for refund from so called reseller or Kaspersky.Don't buy from a reseller just because it is cheap :yes:


thanks Ponting

buddy even if the key gets blocked i won't care much bcz..its just 100RS(INR) its i like i spend in just everyday

thanks for ur pointing to genuine one..I'll buy a genuine one next time if this key gets blocked

i just want to know how can i backup this license ?

i mean i do have this code butthe point is the seller told me not to use it more than once thats y ?

can u tell me how to backup this license so that next time if i format my PC i can restore it rather than entering this code again


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can u tell me how to backup this license so that next time if i format my PC i can restore it rather than entering this code again

:sorry: Not using KAV/KIS/Any AV/AM.Using only HitmanPro as On-Demand Scanner.

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Key might work for KAV

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Key might work for KAV

What's the validity of this key?
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Key might work for KAV

What's the validity of this key?

1 year key...would expire by April/May 2015

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well, my trial is still running fine without any errors for past 3-4 days, ran the bat file:

@echo off

if exist "%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP15.0.0\Report" (
type nul > "%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP15.0.0\Report:kisextended"
) else if exist "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP15.0.0\Report" (
type nul > "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP15.0.0\Report:kisextended"

SET WOW6432=\Wow6432Node
) else (
SET WOW6432=

For /F "Tokens=2*" %%I In ('Reg Query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE%WOW6432%\KasperskyLab\AVP15.0.0\environment" /V Ins_ProductPath') Do Set PAT=%%J

REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE%WOW6432%\KasperskyLab\LicStrg /f
REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\SPC /f
REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE%WOW6432%\KasperskyLab\AVP15.0.0\settings /v Ins_InitMode /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE%WOW6432%\KasperskyLab\AVP15.0.0\settings /v EnableSelfProtection /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE%WOW6432%\KasperskyLab\AVP15.0.0 /v LastLicenseNotificationTime /t REG_SZ /d 1800000000 /f

Start "KIS/KAV 15 Resetter" "%PAT%avpui.exe"

and activated with 90 days key:


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Trial Reset Kaspersky [ML]



Current Version: .

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2003 and above.

Bit OS: 32 (x86), 64 (x64 )


Supported versions of Kaspersky Lab products:

Kaspersky Antivirus 2011. Kaspersky Antivirus 2012. Kaspersky Antivirus 2013. Kaspersky Antivirus 2014. Kaspersky Antivirus 2015. Kaspersky Internet Security 2011. Kaspersky Internet Security 2012. Kaspersky Internet Security 2013. Kaspersky Internet Security 2014. Kaspersky Internet Security 2015. Kaspersky Total Security 2015. Kaspersky CRYSTAL 2.0. Kaspersky CRYSTAL 3.0. Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8. Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10. Kaspersky Small Office Security 2. Kaspersky Small Office Security 3.

Only big request - translate correctly, rather than using online translators. KRT The archive contains two language files RUSSIAN.lng and English.lng . These files are opened and edited in a text editor (Notepad). To translate it into another language KRT need to open any language file and do the translation of the text right after the sign = , and then save the file . lng .

To validate display the translated text in the program must KRT language file rename test.lng , put it in a folder with KRT, KRT run and view a map of the translation switching various functions KRT. Test result with English ( English.lng renamed test.lng ) language package KRT on Russian-language version of Windows is shown in the screenshots.Note: The buttons on the third skrishote displayed in Russian, because established Russian-language version of Windows.

Name: KRT_4.0.0.16_betaCRC32: 55B419CCMD4: DB4D016C3A7E70DE97475FEDB6CC5C6AMD5: 640434B01EEAB4417C2078AA40FD1386SHA-1: DA640C14464462B7B492D394BDA0F0AD8E410366Size: 1.61.MB
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if someone post more Language such as Spanish etc.. i will collect and add into new Trial Reset and re-upload again.

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So My question is They told me to use this code once
but if i reinstall my windows will this code again work?
how can i save my activation backup without getting it blacklisted

just create a new kaspersky a/c here https ://my.kaspersky.com/en/kpc/support

and your license will be backed up on their servers, that way you can install on any machine by logging into your a/c and restoring your license from there.

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Very good, leo1961 listened to my request. He has allowed many more languages than for KRT. Anyone, please send your translation to him!
He sent to me a message!

Hi vnoctober!Write in Russian. The ru-board a beta-test Kaspersky Reset Trial invite you to participate in the translation of KRT.

Vietnamese Lang:



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So My question is They told me to use this code once

but if i reinstall my windows will this code again work?

how can i save my activation backup without getting it blacklisted

just create a new kaspersky a/c here https ://my.kaspersky.com/en/kpc/support

and your license will be backed up on their servers, that way you can install on any machine by logging into your a/c and restoring your license from there.

Thanks bhaiya ji

But do I have to enter the code? Or just

Without entering code I need to resignin the Kaspersky account on my device ryt?


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First you register then after login check under "manage licenses" where you can add your code. if for any reason the product does not gets activated you can raise a ticket from your a/c to get the issue resolved

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well, my trial is still running fine without any errors for past 3-4 days, ran the bat file:

@echo off

if exist "%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP15.0.0\Report" (

type nul > "%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP15.0.0\Report:kisextended"

) else if exist "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP15.0.0\Report" (

type nul > "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP15.0.0\Report:kisextended"



SET WOW6432=\Wow6432Node

) else (

SET WOW6432=


For /F "Tokens=2*" %%I In ('Reg Query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE%WOW6432%\KasperskyLab\AVP15.0.0\environment" /V Ins_ProductPath') Do Set PAT=%%J

REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE%WOW6432%\KasperskyLab\LicStrg /f

REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\SPC /f

REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE%WOW6432%\KasperskyLab\AVP15.0.0\settings /v Ins_InitMode /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE%WOW6432%\KasperskyLab\AVP15.0.0\settings /v EnableSelfProtection /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE%WOW6432%\KasperskyLab\AVP15.0.0 /v LastLicenseNotificationTime /t REG_SZ /d 1800000000 /f

Start "KIS/KAV 15 Resetter" "%PAT%avpui.exe"

and activated with 90 days key:

for me it works, on my old system something was wrong because after a while crashing the key is used

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Kaspersky Reset Trial [EN-RU-FR-IT-VN-ES]


VirusTotal Result: 1/54


Supported versions of Kaspersky Lab products:

Kaspersky Antivirus / Internet Security 2011Kaspersky Antivirus / Internet Security 2012Kaspersky Antivirus / Internet Security 2013Kaspersky Antivirus / Internet Security 2014Kaspersky Antivirus / Internet Security 2015Kaspersky Total Security 2015Kaspersky CRYSTAL 2.0 / 3.0Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 / 10Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 / 3

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2003 and above (x86 & x64).

Sent all LANG to leo1961!

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Kaspersky key checker online
(Some Kaspersky product could activated by Key Files beside with codes)

then you can make Backup as Reg files
Drag and Drop to the Box field

Kaspersky codes checker online (convert to Key files)
sadly no longer support for home users

Type the codes, fill capthca


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Kaspersky Reset Trial


Supported versions of Kaspersky Lab products:

Kaspersky Antivirus / Internet Security 2011
Kaspersky Antivirus / Internet Security 2012
Kaspersky Antivirus / Internet Security 2013
Kaspersky Antivirus / Internet Security 2014
Kaspersky Antivirus / Internet Security 2015
Kaspersky Total Security 2015
Kaspersky CRYSTAL 2.0 / 3.0
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 / 10
Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 / 3

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2003 and above (x86 & x64).


File: KRT_4.0.0.16_beta.zipCRC32: F7760FE9MD5: 5A5E0FFC62658942B30DDD9F59852818SHA-1: 1406D7684C5575645FEB57159D96BE2869155550

Link download:

VirusTotal: 1/54

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