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There HAS to be intelligent life out there... as they've not tried to contact us.

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i see no need to close the post ...it has gotten off topic.... but certainly not out of control. are we the only intelligent creatures living in the universe... only a moron would think that we are the only ones ...but extraterrestrials living in the earth's mantle and flying spaceships to from the mantle to the outer reaches of the universe...really... come on..there is enough technology available even for private citizens to have proved this as true long ago without the hype and questionable tactics of alex j offering his usual assortment of claims of proof


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i see no need to close the post ...it has gotten off topic.... but certainly not out of control. are we the only intelligent creatures living in the universe... only a moron would think that we are the only ones ...but extraterrestrials living in the earth's mantle and flying spaceships to from the mantle to the outer reaches of the universe...really... come on..there is enough technology available even for private citizens to have proved this as true long ago without the hype and questionable tactics of alex j offering his usual assortment of claims of proof


Translation: I have decided that certain things are real, anything else that I don't agree with can't be real and MUST be made fun of. Did you look over my post before you narrated propaganda? What do you gather from that? Anything?

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i see no need to close the post ...it has gotten off topic.... but certainly not out of control. are we the only intelligent creatures living in the universe... only a moron would think that we are the only ones ...but extraterrestrials living in the earth's mantle and flying spaceships to from the mantle to the outer reaches of the universe...really... come on..there is enough technology available even for private citizens to have proved this as true long ago without the hype and questionable tactics of alex j offering his usual assortment of claims of proof


Translation: I have decided that certain things are real, anything else that I don't agree with can't be real and MUST be made fun of. Did you look over my post before you narrated propaganda? What do you gather from that? Anything?

Of course I didn't read it, nor did I "narrate propaganda". I posted what I thought was a funny web comic based on dMog's post.

Given the sheer vastness of the universe, it's highly probable that life exists on other planets. It's very likely that intelligent life exists on other planets, even the Vatican agrees. Have they visited Earth? That's a big question. Ignoring distance and relativistic theory for the moment and assuming that faster than light travel is possible (just not yet discovered), I question the intelligence of any species that would visit us. Even in 2013, we're a pretty backwards and barbaric lot. We poison our land, our sea, and our air. We kill and maim eachother for the stupidest of reasons. We are the trailer trash of the universe and all an alien species has to do is check out any of the radio and TV broadcasts we've been beaming out into space for the past 70 years to see it. UFOs haven't been completely debunked, but with the proliferation of cameras, telescopes, radar, and satellites, they're seeming less likely.

Yeti, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster: I'd like to believe in these, but I can't anymore. Between the number of people out there with cameras, suburban sprawl into their supposed habitats, and the debunking of old evidence, I can't hold on to these.

Ghosts: Not going to say no on this one. Science can't decide on what makes us US, let alone what (if anything) happens to us after we die.

Want to type more. Falling asleep.

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now yopu opened a whole new can of worms by meantion the "vatican" to ambro...wow..can't wait for his take on that

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now yopu opened a whole new can of worms by meantion the "vatican" to ambro...wow..can't wait for his take on that

dMog runs the Vatican :P

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I am not even catholic.... ..but i do tell the illuminati just who to target... after all,it is my "desk" in the new world order

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I know I watched the movie.... The Devil Inside.... I've never seen such a great documentary on the Vatican before.

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now you opened a whole new can of worms by mention the "Vatican" to ambro...wow..can't wait for his take on that

dMog runs the Vatican :P


I was going to do some joke on dMog being the Pope, but Francis doesn't really run the Vatican. He's the head of state, but heads of state don't do the day to day running of their country, that's for high ranking functionaries and bureaucrats. In dMog's case, that would probably make him a Cardinal. Tell me, Your Holiness, what do you think of the Holy Father's tenure so far? He's ruffled quite a lot of Cardinals' feathers in his short time as pontiff. First, he eschews the pomp and circumstance of his predecessors, living out of a couple of rooms instead of the papal apartments, skipping out on a concert held in his honor because he was "busy working", why, he even traded in the Popemobile for a Ford Focus! Then, on Holy Thursday, he washed the feet of two women! (non-Catholics, trust me on this, it may not seem like much, but in the words of Joe Biden, it was "a big fuckin deal") To top it all off, last month he suggested that atheists could go to heaven!

When he was elected, I thought, "Oh well, another old conservative. Hopefully he'll at least keep the status quo and not drag us back to the 50s". In spite of my earlier reservations, I find myself liking the man. I'm not going to expect him to start ordaining women or reaching out to gays anytime soon, but he looks to be just the right man needed to give the church an overdue kick in the backside. I hope he lives long enough to see it. I'm not suggesting there would be foul play involved (though I wouldn't be terribly surprised), but the man is 76 years old and only has one lung. ¡Viva el papa!

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