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New Obama Executive Order Seeks ‘Control’ Over Communications During ‘Crisis’


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I heard him say the Air Force killed 35 people in Texas with weather weapons and then insinuate that the tornado was likely the same thing.... You really did not listen to his ramblings did you?

Look if you wish to believe someone with no credibility go for it... I choose not to believe someone who is known to spread false information.

Let's also be serious....The US Government does not have the power to create and control tornadoes. Just isn't possible with current technologies.

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I heard him say the Air Force killed 35 people in Texas with weather weapons and then insinuate that the tornado was likely the same thing.... You really did not listen to his ramblings did you?

Look if you wish to believe someone with no credibility go for it... I choose not to believe someone who is known to spread false information.

What about the TruTV show and the History Channel show? They both talk about HAARP being able to modify weather and even weaponize it. Are you saying that you want the evidence that the Air Force killed 35 people in Texas or are you saying that you don't believe it?



The above video doesn't say "we had floods in Texas like fifteen years ago, killed thirty-something people in one night. Turned out it was the Air Force." but I have heard him talk several times about weather modification which is usually related closely with biological warfare.

Let's see the video starting at the point the Media Matters started off so you can take it in context, not out of context:

Full main tornado talk "Oklahoma Tornado Survivors Sound Off"


Starting point of mentioned video from Media Matters

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History channel is your source of news? You realize that they have many speculative shows will little base in fact. Isn't Ancient Aliens one of there shows? Do you consider it fact as well?

The Government regardless of what you decide to believe does not have the ability to create massive floods such as the ones in Texas caused by rain...They do not have the ability to create and control tornadoes.

As to there hating us and wanting to get us...We are the government.

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History channel is your source of news? You realize that they have many speculative shows will little base in fact. Isn't Ancient Aliens one of there shows? Do you consider it fact as well?

The Government regardless of what you decide to believe does not have the ability to create massive floods such as the ones in Texas caused by rain...They do not have the ability to create and control tornadoes.

As to there hating us and wanting to get us...We are the government.

If not 1, but 2 former NASA astronauts walked up to you and told you they have proof of UFO's, would you at least consider the possibilities that they are real? This isn't me, it's former astronaut's like Buzz Aldrin and Edgar Mitchell admitting that aliens are real and that even there is a Monolith on one of the moons of Mars. If you can't trust THOSE reliable sources, I'm really sorry man, I can't talk you into believing in something that you refuse to believe.

And not only that, aside from aliens and stuff, very real threats against the USA and it's people BY our law makers exist. Under US Code 50 Chapter 32 subsection 1520a Paragraph b, it openly says that as an "exception" from the law quoted, they CAN use biological agents against the United States people as a chemical and biological weapon for "certain reasons".

CITE-    50 USC Sec. 1520a                                           01/03/2012 (112-90)-EXPCITE-    TITLE 50 - WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE    CHAPTER 32 - CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM-HEAD-    Sec. 1520a. Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of      chemical or biological agents-STATUTE-    (a) Prohibited activities      The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by    contract) -         (1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical      agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or        (2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent      on human subjects.    (b) Exceptions      Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the    prohibition in subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a    test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes:        (1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical,      therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or      research activity.        (2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against      toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.        (3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related      to riot control.(c) Informed consent required      The Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment    described in subsection (b) of this section only if informed    consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in    advance of the testing on that subject.    (d) Prior notice to Congress      Not later than 30 days after the date of final approval within    the Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or study to    be conducted by the Department of Defense (whether directly or    under contract) involving the use of human subjects for the testing    of a chemical agent or a biological agent, the Secretary of Defense    shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and    the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a    report setting forth a full accounting of those plans, and the    experiment or study may then be conducted only after the end of the    30-day period beginning on the date such report is received by    those committees.    (e) "Biological agent" defined      In this section, the term "biological agent" means any micro-    organism (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or    protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance, and any naturally    occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized component of any such    micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious substance, whatever its    origin or method of production, that is capable of causing -         (1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human,      an animal, a plant, or another living organism;        (2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or      materials of any kind; or        (3) deleterious alteration of the environment.

SOURCE: http://uscode.house.gov/download/pls/50C32.txt

Isn't that nice of them, they say that they have to inform us before they can do this to us. How sweet.

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UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. Of course there are some....Does not translate into visiting extraterrestrial.

There may well be other life in this Universe as it is a vast place. The distance needed to travel for them to visit here is verging on unimaginable. They would need to either break the laws of physics as we believe them to be or use an unimaginable amount of energy to bend space to travel here. Do you believe that anyone capable of doing that would simply come here and then be unable to traverse the atmosphere of this planet without crashing as in Roswell? Not likely is it?

Why would they continually visit here and not make themselves known? Is there something extra special about earth that makes it worth the trouble? Doubt it....There are no materials here to mine that are not available elsewhere...

The stuff you posted on Biological weapons does not say they can be tested or used on US citizens....It states that they can not be....Reread what you posted. Stop being so paranoid and enjoy life.

The black helicopters are not circling your house.

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"There's a monolith there - a very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every seven hours." Not proof


The fact it seems to resemble a rectangular monument could be due to simulacra. This is where humans see familar images in random surroundings such as the famous 'Face of Mars', which is actually just a hilly and cratered area.


Aldrin mentioned seeing unidentified objects, and according to Aldrin his words were taken out of context; he asked the Science Channel to clarify to viewers he did not see alien spacecraft.

So not exactly proof of aliens by an astronaut then

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"There's a monolith there - a very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every seven hours." Not proof


The fact it seems to resemble a rectangular monument could be due to simulacra. This is where humans see familar images in random surroundings such as the famous 'Face of Mars', which is actually just a hilly and cratered area.


Aldrin mentioned seeing unidentified objects, and according to Aldrin his words were taken out of context; he asked the Science Channel to clarify to viewers he did not see alien spacecraft.

So not exactly proof of aliens by an astronaut then

Wikipedia - Paul Theodore Hellyer, PC (born 6 August 1923) is a Canadian engineer, politician, writer and commentator who has had a long and varied career. He is the longest serving current member of the Privy Council, just ahead of Prince Philip.[1]

I got many more videos of x-military, former government people who came out recently this year in a congressional style UFO/Alien exposure movement because the governments have failed to tell their people because they thought people would be in mass fear if they knew the truth. Some people might freak out, but that's because they are narrow minded, not me.



Paul Hellyer, Ex-Defence Minister, Believes In Aliens - Huffington Post

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If not 1, but 2 former NASA astronauts walked up to you and told you they have proof of UFO's, would you at least consider the possibilities that they are real? This isn't me, it's former astronaut's like Buzz Aldrin and Edgar Mitchell admitting that aliens are real and that even there is a Monolith on one of the moons of Mars. If you can't trust THOSE reliable sources, I'm really sorry man, I can't talk you into believing in something that you refuse to believe.

Your statement is totally fictitious

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If not 1, but 2 former NASA astronauts walked up to you and told you they have proof of UFO's, would you at least consider the possibilities that they are real? This isn't me, it's former astronaut's like Buzz Aldrin and Edgar Mitchell admitting that aliens are real and that even there is a Monolith on one of the moons of Mars. If you can't trust THOSE reliable sources, I'm really sorry man, I can't talk you into believing in something that you refuse to believe.

Your statement is totally ficticious.

That's strictly an opinion. Please watch the video of Paul Hellyer, Canadian Politician who recently, withing the last couple of months spoke of the existence of actual aliens being on Earth, some of them working for the USA government. His words, not mine.

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It is FACT

Can you please confirm that, I can confirm what I say, because I'm simply showing you what others are saying, former Government people, astronauts, ya know, people that might seem more credible than Alex Jones. If you still can't believe it, do some deep research. I don't know what else to tell you.

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Please provide a source showing Aldrin with a picture of an alien as proof of your original comment.

(not the extra material you insist on providing)

because if you don't mind, i am testing the new startisback+ which is far more important to me.


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Please provide a source showing Aldrin with a picture of an alien as proof of your original comment.

(not the extra material you insist on providing)

because if you don't mind, i am testing the new startisback+ which is far more important to me.


I'll do just that...just as soon as you show me a picture of yourself standing next to a billion dollars, no photo editing allowed. Just because you may have never seen a billion dollars with your own eyes it doesn't make it false. We can't see the wind yet by golly, it blows stuff everywhere!

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I heard him say the Air Force killed 35 people in Texas with weather weapons and then insinuate that the tornado was likely the same thing.... You really did not listen to his ramblings did you?

Look if you wish to believe someone with no credibility go for it... I choose not to believe someone who is known to spread false information.

What about the TruTV show and the History Channel show? They both talk about HAARP being able to modify weather and even weaponize it. Are you saying that you want the evidence that the Air Force killed 35 people in Texas or are you saying that you don't believe it?



The above video doesn't say "we had floods in Texas like fifteen years ago, killed thirty-something people in one night. Turned out it was the Air Force." but I have heard him talk several times about weather modification which is usually related closely with biological warfare.

Let's see the video starting at the point the Media Matters started off so you can take it in context, not out of context:

Full main tornado talk "Oklahoma Tornado Survivors Sound Off"


Starting point of mentioned video from Media Matters

There is "No evidence" that the Air Force used weather weapons to kill 35 people in Texas....It never happened.

That you were able to provide another video with him speaking about weather weapons where he did not say the air force killed them...Does not change the fact that he said it as cleary shown in the video provided to you. Nice try but not going to work.

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Read the debunk and weep as it has been shown completely bogus.


One allegedly well-documented report stems from an interview in which astronaut Buzz Aldrin describes seeing a UFO during the Apollo 11 mission. In an interview on the Science Channel (left, top), Aldrin stated that he, Neil Armstrong, and Mike Collins saw unidentified objects that appeared to follow their Apollo spacecraft.

To get the story straight, I called Buzz Aldrin, who was happy to explain what happened. He said that his remarks were taken out of context to reverse his meaning. It is true that the Apollo 11 crew spotted an unidentified object moving with the spacecraft as they approached the Moon. After they verified that this mystery object was not Apollo 11’s large rocket upper stage, which was about 6,000 miles away by then, they concluded that they were seeing one of the small panels that had linked the spacecraft to the upper stage (any part of the spacecraft’s rocket upper stage will continue to move alongside the spacecraft, as both are floating in free-fall). These panels were too small to track from Earth and were relatively close to the Apollo spacecraft. Aldrin told me that they chose not to discuss this on the open communications channel since they were concerned that their comments might be misinterpreted. His entire explanation about identifying the panels was cut from the broadcast interview, giving the impression that the Apollo 11 crew had seen a UFO. Aldrin told me that he was angry about the deceptive editing and asked the Science Channel to correct the intentional twisting of his remarks, but they refused. Later, Aldrin explained what happened on CNN’s Larry King Live (left, bottom) but was nearly cut off by the host before he could finish.

With the popularity of YouTube, this same question is addressed to me repeatedly, as in: “Check out this video on YouTube with Buzz Aldrin saying he saw a UFO on Apollo 11. Who is fibbing? NASA or the great American hero, Buzz Aldrin?” My answer was that the fibbing was being done by the producers of the video, who omitted the second half of the interview.

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More evidence :

Wikipedia - Lynn C. Woolsey (born November 3, 1937) is a former U.S. Representative for California's 6th congressional district, serving from 1993 to 2013. She is a member of the Democratic Party. The district she represented included all of Marin County and most of Sonoma County. She was a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and was its co-chair from 2010 until her retirement in 2013. Woolsey, who described herself as "the first former welfare mother to serve in Congress,"[1] was one of two members of the House to have been on welfare; the other is Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI).[2]

On June 28, 2011, Woolsey announced that she would not run for re-election in the 2012 election.[3]

This has gotten way off topic since I have to defend what I say but since this will probably be closed in a day or two, here is some evidence (I thought mainstream media didn't cover this but I was wrong) of this being "news worthy".

SOURCE: http://citizenshearing.com/press.html

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Please provide a source showing Aldrin with a picture of an alien as proof of your original comment.

(not the extra material you insist on providing)

because if you don't mind, i am testing the new startisback+ which is far more important to me.


I'll do just that...just as soon as you show me a picture of yourself standing next to a billion dollars, no photo editing allowed. Just because you may have never seen a billion dollars with your own eyes it doesn't make it false. We can't see the wind yet by golly, it blows stuff everywhere!

If not 1, but 2 former NASA astronauts walked up to you and told you they have proof of UFO's, would you at least consider the possibilities that they are real? This isn't me, it's former astronaut's like Buzz Aldrin and Edgar Mitchell admitting that aliens are real and that even there is a Monolith on one of the moons of Mars. If you can't trust THOSE reliable sources, I'm really sorry man, I can't talk you into believing in something that you refuse to believe.

Your statement is totally fictitious


"There's a monolith there - a very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every seven hours." Not proof


The fact it seems to resemble a rectangular monument could be due to simulacra. This is where humans see familar images in random surroundings such as the famous 'Face of Mars', which is actually just a hilly and cratered area.


Aldrin mentioned seeing unidentified objects, and according to Aldrin his words were taken out of context; he asked the Science Channel to clarify to viewers he did not see alien spacecraft.

So not exactly proof of aliens by an astronaut then

You need to provide evidence or pictures of Aldrin with aliens as you are the one saying Aldrin has the proof of aliens to make your original statement creditable and true, please provide it .

I do not need to backup my arguement, it speaks for itself , Aldrin himself says has has never seen a spaceship nor has proof of aliens. <_<

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To any mods or staff or admin(s), feel free to close this anytime, this has gotten WAY off topic a long time ago. Thanks.

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Please provide a source showing Aldrin with a picture of an alien as proof of your original comment.

(not the extra material you insist on providing)

because if you don't mind, i am testing the new startisback+ which is far more important to me.


I'll do just that...just as soon as you show me a picture of yourself standing next to a billion dollars, no photo editing allowed. Just because you may have never seen a billion dollars with your own eyes it doesn't make it false. We can't see the wind yet by golly, it blows stuff everywhere!

If not 1, but 2 former NASA astronauts walked up to you and told you they have proof of UFO's, would you at least consider the possibilities that they are real? This isn't me, it's former astronaut's like Buzz Aldrin and Edgar Mitchell admitting that aliens are real and that even there is a Monolith on one of the moons of Mars. If you can't trust THOSE reliable sources, I'm really sorry man, I can't talk you into believing in something that you refuse to believe.

Your statement is totally fictitious


"There's a monolith there - a very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every seven hours." Not proof


The fact it seems to resemble a rectangular monument could be due to simulacra. This is where humans see familar images in random surroundings such as the famous 'Face of Mars', which is actually just a hilly and cratered area.


Aldrin mentioned seeing unidentified objects, and according to Aldrin his words were taken out of context; he asked the Science Channel to clarify to viewers he did not see alien spacecraft.

So not exactly proof of aliens by an astronaut then

You need to provide evidence or pictures of Aldrin with aliens as you are the one saying Aldrin has the proof of aliens to make your original statement creditable and true, please provide it .

I do not need to backup my arguement, it speaks for itself , Aldrin himself says has has never seen a spaceship nor has proof of aliens. <_<

Fair enough Tezza, I can't provide you with that picture, but what about my other post...still not enough info to make you at least think that maybe we aren't the only intelligent beings living in the Universe?

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and just how logical does that all sound...and if anyone could actually steer a tornado or create floods or cause earthquakes and volcanoes and minus 40 weather to just name a few natural disasters ..WHY would they use on their own people.

Now that is the real question that people are asking: Why would they do it to their own people. In short, the power structure HATES us. There is still some good men and women in government but a lot of them have been corrupted by corporations since corporations seemingly have more power in many regards than governments. Anytime government gets too big, it starts sucking off the people, draining the economy dry, raising the price of living in all directions. The price of food goes up. The price of gas goes up, the price of homes go up. Abuse rises, crime skyrockets, general good things that make a nation thrive go out the window. This doesn't mean that people can't change anything because the most certainly can but we have to first see the threat to know it is real.

For the most part I don't think they would use any extreme sort of weather modification on their own people unless they had a really good reason, or agenda to seize power.

why the need to kill people..and if it is real need..why spend billions to research how to make disasters happen when they just kill people in conventional ways very cheaply this makes no sense whatsoever with any conspiracies to kill off people for any reason...even crazy kill them all conspiracies have to logic behind them and there is no nut case out there saying people need to die ...especially for the reason you wrote about...not to mention if it is the super wealthy and corporations behind all this when a country is drained dry of wealth they too will be with nothing as they ultimately derive ALL their wealth and power form the rest of the people you say they want to kill..cannot rule a country, or make $$ and feel in power when there is nobody in it

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i see no need to close the post ...it has gotten off topic.... but certainly not out of control. are we the only intelligent creatures living in the universe... only a moron would think that we are the only ones ...but extraterrestrials living in the earth's mantle and flying spaceships to from the mantle to the outer reaches of the universe...really... come on..there is enough technology available even for private citizens to have proved this as true long ago without the hype and questionable tactics of alex j offering his usual assortment of claims of proof

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Not to worry, this entire section of the forum is dedicated to off topic chat. Besides, we won't want to be accused of unwarranted censorship again. :P

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Not to worry, this entire section of the forum is dedicated to off topic chat. Besides, we won't want to be accused of unwarranted censorship again. :P

well...sometimes it is warranted

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Not to worry, this entire section of the forum is dedicated to off topic chat. Besides, we won't want to be accused of unwarranted censorship again. :P

Don't ever feel like I am above you. I am not perfect and I know that as a fact. I don't want to sway anyone on their decision about me either way. If I'm out of line, you have every right to let me know and correct me accordingly to the rule of the website and forums. I might know how to speak in a smooth way or know more basic information but this doesn't make me more valuable than them.

Do what is right and everything else is standing on its own.

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does it still count if the basic info is wrong, tainted or fabricated for effect, just to name a few?.. ..just asking

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