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Forensic findings on Obama’s birth certificate: ‘A 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it’


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WOW.....You just a string of conspiracies....Do you believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus too?

I do not believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. I am however able to connect the dots and see what is happening here. I am awake and I am alert. I understand this stuff because I choose to understand it. It's not conspiracy theories, its fact. One day you will know what I say is true. Please consider watching these documentaries on YouTube, they are there in full length and they will help you understand why I am like this. Watch the full video though, don't just skim it, and investigate what is being said.

TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism

ENDGAME: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

The Obama Deception

Fall of the Republic

I don't just believe automatically what those videos say either, I researched and researched some more. I found both the pro and con of the issues. In the end I realized that what I saw was true, or at least mostly true. It sparked in me an understanding that grew and here I am today trying to help other people understand the same things I do.

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There is ample evidence that President Barack Obama's birth certificate is legitimate, and there is no evidence to the contrary. Just about everything you've mentioned is touched upon on Snopes: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthers/birthcertificate.asp

"The March 'Cold Case Posse' investigation of Barack Obama's birth certificate conducted by Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio produced no new evidence demonstrating that document to be a forgery; that entity's report by Mara Zebest simply recycled old arguments that had long since been thoroughly debunked in detail. Likewise, a July 2012 announcement from Sheriff Arpaio repeated more rumors that had already been debunked."

Birthers care more about believing their birther beliefs than whether or not their beliefs are true. This shouldn't be marked as news.

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Why would ANYONE want to go after the President of the United States in such a fierce manner, at risk of personal defamation and at risk of much more harm to one's self in many different ways, unless they thought for sure they had something on Obama?

The fact that they could, is in itself proof that freedom and the rights of the people still exist. The problem with Liberals is they are never pleased with anything, they are lucky to have freedom to complain about everything and take that freedom for granted. Sometimes things are exactly as they appear and the simplest explanation is the right one. Let's assume for one second that Obama wasn't born in America, how is that helpful in any way whatsoever?

It would not change the fact that he is and always will be a better President than Bush, it won't change the fact that he is a great leader and role model in front of those uneducated buffoons McCain and Romney. It won't change the fact that he came office to clean up the colossal mess left by Bush and he is faced with critical and difficult decisions. It's no surprise that most of the people who didn't support Obama were rednecks and Neanderthals.

Would you risk yourself respect and livelihood in order to falsely criminalize Barack Obama? I wouldn't, not in a million years, but if I had evidence against him that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt was real, I would be very careful about how I got that information out to the public.

Well answer this, and think carefully before you do. Why would Obama risk being on the wrong side of the US Supreme Court and public humiliation and his self respect by going up for presidential election if he wasn't a natural-born citizen? It's your same argument so think carefully before you answer. You do know that going up for president is a big deal and they don't just let anyone do it, you have to meet all the requirements and it isn't something they take lightly. Obama would be risking his reputation and pride and shame would befall his entire family and you think he would do that? You do not understand the power of American patriotism if you believe Obama is a foreigner, the American people would never allow an outsider to become their president and if Obama's documents were faked then you better believe that nobody in the secret service would be willing to cover that up and no amount of money could bribe something like that.

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The latest darling of the birthers is named Reed Hayes, a handwriting expert in Hawaii, tasked by the Maricopa County volunteer Cold Case Posse to look at the electronic PDF image of Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate.


LOL you have to be kidding.

So he seems pretty willing to defamate himself by supporting the birth certificate fraud. I wonder if he would do this for any specific good reason. I wonder if he's doing this to lose credibility, that must be his goal right? I'm sure he isn't doing this lightly. Why would he, at the risk of his buisiness success, support Arpio so vehemently unless he was absolutely sure of his findings? Ask yourself: why would you say anything with intense belief? Ussually it is because you would be sure of some thing right? Well he is an expert in what he does, I'm sure he wouldn't do this unless he was on to something.

or he is just a nut case... i am going with the nut scenario

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LeetPirate, on 09 Jul 2013 - 21:46, said:

Ambrocious, on 09 Jul 2013 - 20:48, said:

Why would ANYONE want to go after the President of the United States in such a fierce manner, at risk of personal defamation and at risk of much more harm to one's self in many different ways, unless they thought for sure they had something on Obama?

The fact that they could, is in itself proof that freedom and the rights of the people still exist. The problem with Liberals is they are never pleased with anything, they are lucky to have freedom to complain about everything and take that freedom for granted. Sometimes things are exactly as they appear and the simplest explanation is the right one. Let's assume for one second that Obama wasn't born in America, how is that helpful in any way whatsoever?

It would not change the fact that he is and always will be a better President than Bush, it won't change the fact that he is a great leader and role model in front of those uneducated buffoons McCain and Romney. It won't change the fact that he came office to clean up the colossal mess left by Bush and he is faced with critical and difficult decisions. It's no surprise that most of the people who didn't support Obama were rednecks and Neanderthals.

Ambrocious, on 09 Jul 2013 - 20:48, said:

Would you risk yourself respect and livelihood in order to falsely criminalize Barack Obama? I wouldn't, not in a million years, but if I had evidence against him that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt was real, I would be very careful about how I got that information out to the public.

Well answer this, and think carefully before you do. Why would Obama risk being on the wrong side of the US Supreme Court and public humiliation and his self respect by going up for presidential election if he wasn't a natural-born citizen? It's your same argument so think carefully before you answer. You do know that going up for president is a big deal and they don't just let anyone do it, you have to meet all the requirements and it isn't something they take lightly. Obama would be risking his reputation and pride and shame would befall his entire family and you think he would do that? You do not understand the power of American patriotism if you believe Obama is a foreigner, the American people would never allow an outsider to become their president and if Obama's documents were faked then you better believe that nobody in the secret service would be willing to cover that up and no amount of money could bribe something like that.

There is no easy answer to this but if you really want to know, and not for the sake of laughing at me for saying it, it has to do with the New World Order, the Illuminati...the powers that be, the shadow government (the hidden power structure). If you want me to expand on THAT, I will but only for the sake of education and informing will I do that because trust me, I realize it sounds like a bag full of crazy. I RARELY talk about the New World Order and what it means in depths because people generally have a hard time realizing the simple things, why in the world would I talk about something so deep, something so spiritually evil when people would rather laugh at it?

If you want to know, I can post it here or I can PM you with an exhaustive study. Trust me when I say this, it brings me no pleasure to be mocked or made fun of for posting ANY of this. Evil is real. It does exist. It is in power. It is deceitful. It controls politics, schools, media, medicine, food, and military, pretty much everything else. Full spectrum dominance is the right key word here. The facade of freedom exists for now, but that too will probably go out the window if people cannot realize that there is a real threat to all of humanity.

George W. Bush was a puppet of the world elite, just as Barack Obama is too. They are not really that different. Most of the same people who funded Bush do so for Obama. People like Henry Kissinger, who has stayed in positions of power behind the scene have remained for FAR too long and remain there as a constant influence over the USA to bring it to its knees and politically slice its head clean off. David Rockefeller, this is another man who is in a similar place as Henry Kissinger. He too has been in power behind the scenes for FAR too long.

The problem is not that I have no evidence. The problem is that I'm not sure where the hell I'm supposed to start with the mountain of evidence and then how I can gracefully yet correctly present the information WITHOUT bringing disinfo/misinfo. The best way that I have found is to point people to the documentaries that I have always stated to be crucially important. There is no need to re-create the wheel so to speak.

You can't make a person read something he doesn't want to read. You can't make a person write something he doesn't want to write. You can't make a person do something he doesn't want to do. You can't make a person do anything unless you force them to, but even then, they will hate you for it. The global elite have discovered that via propaganda, people can be made to LOVE their form of mental enslavement (inability to mentally mature in thought and understanding which surpasses their own pre programmed ideas). Where it was once a grateful thing to warn people about something dangerous, today it is made fun of and hated. Once it was considered a good thing to inform people of things they didn't know, now it is all but a sin to consider new ideas at all that do not conform to the standard way of thinking; how everyone else thinks. People literally base their sanity on if others "feel, act, dress, look, and talk the same way I do". People will define their own sanity based on how the majority of all of the people around them and how THEY act and how THEY talk and WHAT they talk about. If it is all the "same" stuff, well then praise the lord, you must be sane! If people see you as different, no matter how good a person might actually be, that person is seen as bad generally, without logic attached.

Edward Bernays wrote a fascinating book entitled "Propaganda" in which he talks about how people can be taught to love their slavery. The thing is this: the slavery that the USA faces is not of a physical form, it is of the mind. If you can lock the mind up and discontinue its ability to consider things to be possible beyond what we ourselves understand, you can control how people think. That is psychology and it is being used against everyone for a lot of nefarious reasons. Social engineering is a fine example of how it happens. Commercials, TV shows, movies, games, trends...all of them can and are being used to format the mind to include/exclude the "possible". Whenever mainstream media focuses on crimes such as the Trayvon Martin case, it is a way to incite racial division and strife against people of different races where it would not normally exist in this day and age. We have moved past racial division for the most part as a species yet it is force fed to use in the news so that it BECOMES an issue for EVERYONE.

What is possible? Do we decide what is real based on what we know or is it based on what we CAN know as well? How people perceive reality DOES NOT make reality. Reality is a collective consciousness that works together as one yet operates separately as all of humanity. All of the people of the Earth make up what our future becomes. Some people make a far less significant impact while others go on to reform nations by thoughts and ideas that cause some nations to rise, and some nations to burn. Information and the control thereof is the most true form of power there is.

As you can see...this stuff gets pretty deep and so if you would like a more exhaustive look into this, I can give it to you because I don't care what others think of me. I am here to enlighten people, not of their stupidity, but of their indoctrinated ignorance to reality. Reality is so much more than what I think it is, it is more than we all can imagine. Humanity MAKES reality. The more people feel a certain way, the more the world will bend in that direction. It happens over time but it does happen.

So...would you like a PM or do you want me to make a series of posts regarding this or would you like one large post or none at all?

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I've been hearing about NWO for generations, those same people said the world would end in 2000, for no logical reason other than it being the second recorded millennium in history and some mental case named Nostradamus. We don't really hear about him anymore now that all his nonsense has been proven false so they needed to invent a new predictor of worldly demise called NWO to keep the believers grasping to their every lie. Those same people were convinced that the Mayans predicted the end of time in 2012 when logically and as proven by our continued existence, Occam's razor came to pass instead and everyone realised that they just ran out of space on the stone and didn't care to write more dates.

You never hear about things like NWO in North Korea because their citizens think about reality and don't have the freedom to read fictional novels to form conspiracy theories. America has always been a Capitalist society largely run by self regulating corporations, this isn't new. There is no secret power behind the curtain, it's the same way of governing since the 50 contiguous states became united. The problem is that Americans have so much freedom they have no idea what to do with it.

People are just people, not some monolithic secret society, if you were as open minded as you claim you would realise that it's impossible to coerce every federal employee into joining a cult and even more impossible for a NWO with secret powers ruling because the facts we know about human behaviour simply does not allow it to be possible.

First of all any NWO would have been split into several factions by now with each one exposing and trying to destroy the other, you cannot have something called an NWO and expect all the so called power hungry elites to sit obediently like knights of the round table. Religion is by far the most powerful cult-like movement in existence and look at how many different factions exist today but somehow a group of power hungry elites will stay obedient and selfless for the sake of the NWO. That idea is so contradictory and highly improbable.

The second thing is that individual state laws still exist and will continue to exist which in itself contradicts any concept of a NWO. The third thing is which American elite is going to ask Putin and Kim Jong Un to submit to their NWO regime? The fourth thing is The mighty Germany divided today, the mighty USSR is divided today, so based on recent world history what has happened is actually the opposite of NWO. What will happen when you reach age 60 and realise that nothing changed and you wasted your entire life? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is a sign of insanity: stop waiting around for this so called NWO to make their big move, it has not happened in all your years of being alive so far so there is no reason to keep waiting for it, the only thing certain in life is death.

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Why would ANYONE want to go after the President of the United States in such a fierce manner, at risk of personal defamation and at risk of much more harm to one's self in many different ways, unless they thought for sure they had something on Obama?

The fact that they could, is in itself proof that freedom and the rights of the people still exist. The problem with Liberals is they are never pleased with anything, they are lucky to have freedom to complain about everything and take that freedom for granted. Sometimes things are exactly as they appear and the simplest explanation is the right one. Let's assume for one second that Obama wasn't born in America, how is that helpful in any way whatsoever?

It would not change the fact that he is and always will be a better President than Bush, it won't change the fact that he is a great leader and role model in front of those uneducated buffoons McCain and Romney. It won't change the fact that he came office to clean up the colossal mess left by Bush and he is faced with critical and difficult decisions. It's no surprise that most of the people who didn't support Obama were rednecks and Neanderthals.

Would you risk yourself respect and livelihood in order to falsely criminalize Barack Obama? I wouldn't, not in a million years, but if I had evidence against him that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt was real, I would be very careful about how I got that information out to the public.

Well answer this, and think carefully before you do. Why would Obama risk being on the wrong side of the US Supreme Court and public humiliation and his self respect by going up for presidential election if he wasn't a natural-born citizen? It's your same argument so think carefully before you answer. You do know that going up for president is a big deal and they don't just let anyone do it, you have to meet all the requirements and it isn't something they take lightly. Obama would be risking his reputation and pride and shame would befall his entire family and you think he would do that? You do not understand the power of American patriotism if you believe Obama is a foreigner, the American people would never allow an outsider to become their president and if Obama's documents were faked then you better believe that nobody in the secret service would be willing to cover that up and no amount of money could bribe something like that.

once again this thread needs to be sent to joke of the day where it belongs

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I find it difficult to believe that random "experts" from anywhere could get a hold of Obama's original birth certificate for the sake of authenticating it. I mean seriously? It doesn't matter how much of an expert or "expert" someone claims to be, the fact is that none of them have the right or power or legal authority to hold the original document so how can anyone authenticate something by examining a duplicate? I'm 100% sure there is a nutcase out there who will claim that the declaration of independence is also a fake.

don't give him any more fodder..He may actually see that document as more proof of the new world order is real because "they" would not allow his so called experts to look at that document too ...a collection of self described experts that have no real credibility whatsoever and base their proof on examining copies of original documents or simply making shit up as they go along hold no sway for people that are sane...and this is the only proof that can be supplied here..give our heads a collective shake for allowing this misinformation and outright lies to be passed off as proof...biggest proof that there is no new world order...all the things ambro says they have done...it would be sooooo easy for them to make their detractors disappear, for ever

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I've always had my doubts about the Birth Certificate. Didn't Infowars confirm that there were 2 layers in the image. The first layer was a Hawaiian Birth Certificate with rectangle cutouts of where the information should be and then the second layer had Obama's information where the cutouts were.

What I found strange as well when this information came out on Infowars and during the Trump Birther debate is that they finally caught Osama Bin Laden the very next day. As if a tactic to divert attention form the BC.

I've always thought everyone forgot about it but I'm glad this has been mentioned again.

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I've always had my doubts about the Birth Certificate. Didn't Infowars confirm that there were 2 layers in the image. The first layer was a Hawaiian Birth Certificate with rectangle cutouts of where the information should be and then the second layer had Obama's information where the cutouts were.

What I found strange as well when this information came out on Infowars and during the Trump Birther debate is that they finally caught Osama Bin Laden the very next day. As if a tactic to divert attention form the BC.

I've always thought everyone forgot about it but I'm glad this has been mentioned again.

and at the exact same day and time right down to the minute there was a car accident on my street... i too claim that to now be false flag op totally designed to take the pressure off the birth certificate problem obama has... want to welcome me to the club now... i am a convert..i see the truth finally

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He is doing it for money or agenda......

We've seen what happens when you defame the government let alone the president himself.... You die in a car fireball that happens to occur to a reporter with a big lead.

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I've always had my doubts about the Birth Certificate. Didn't Infowars confirm that there were 2 layers in the image. The first layer was a Hawaiian Birth Certificate with rectangle cutouts of where the information should be and then the second layer had Obama's information where the cutouts were.

What I found strange as well when this information came out on Infowars and during the Trump Birther debate is that they finally caught Osama Bin Laden the very next day. As if a tactic to divert attention form the BC.

I've always thought everyone forgot about it but I'm glad this has been mentioned again.

and at the exact same day and time right down to the minute there was a car accident on my street... i too claim that to now be false flag op totally designed to take the pressure off the birth certificate problem obama has... want to welcome me to the club now... i am a convert..i see the truth finally

Sarcasm. I like it.

What you've mentioned is a statistic. What I've mentioned is fact. The Birth Certificate was in serious question and suddenly Bin Laden is caught. Aren't you at least a little surprised? Especially without a body to verify? The corpse being dropped into the ocean part is just nonsense.

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I've always had my doubts about the Birth Certificate. Didn't Infowars confirm that there were 2 layers in the image. The first layer was a Hawaiian Birth Certificate with rectangle cutouts of where the information should be and then the second layer had Obama's information where the cutouts were.

What I found strange as well when this information came out on Infowars and during the Trump Birther debate is that they finally caught Osama Bin Laden the very next day. As if a tactic to divert attention form the BC.

I've always thought everyone forgot about it but I'm glad this has been mentioned again.

A lot of people cannot allow themselves to connect the dots like you and I. It doesn't make us better or anything, it just makes us alert and vigilant.

Some other things people should connect the dots about (but probably never will)

Andrew Brietbart: 1 day before he was set to release video evidence of Obama that would completely ruin him, he mysteriously dies of a heart attack. The video footage then sits there and is not posted online for quite some time. By the time it IS posted online, it's very wattered down and it becomes the laughing stock of Obama supporters who can't connect the dots. The original man who did the autopsy of Andrew Brietbart was found dead about 1 month later by being mysteriously poisoned. Coincidence?

Michael Hastings: The former editor of Rolling Stone had stated on mainstream media about a week before his fiery car crash that he was being monitored by the FBI and that the Obama administration was "at war with the press". Shortly before his death (on the same day I think) he sent out Tweets saying that he is going into hiding because he was being followed. His car not only crashed but EXPLODED in a heat blaze so hot, even experts say that is NOT suppose to happen.

Aaron Swartz: The co-founder of Reddit was found dead by supposedly committing suicide even though he said he was going to fight the bogus charges that were set against him.

The United States of America has a kill list of people who cross the line. Usually it's when they hold onto information that they shouldn't have and don't release it. Whistleblowers should know that the best way to defeat this is to IMIDIATELY release any and all information online in as many places as possible to help thwart your own demise.

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With all that's happened and done how can anyone be trusting of the American Government? NSA, Snowden, Bush/Iraq, M Hastings and many more. Is it all a big coincidence?

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With all that's happened and done how can anyone be trusting of the American Government? NSA, Snowden, Bush/Iraq, M Hastings and many more. Is it all a big coincidence?

It's not a coincidence but people can't be forced to believe anything. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink, as the old saying goes. Be vigilant and let thier harsh remarks drop away from you like water on a ducks back. The undiscerned can be quite hostile at times. You just have to keep going, feel nothing but love in your heart for them knowing that they are victims of this system of intricate lies. It has been hard for me at times in the past to be nice but I finally realized that they are not the enemy, just victims.

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I don't believe anyone said to trust the US Government or any other Government. The point is nobody can be sitting the Office of the President with a fake birth certificate. It is just not possible to get away with. There is so much division and venom on the right wing Republican side. Does anyone believe that they would just sit around and allow Obama to take the office?

How do you theorists explain the Newspaper announcement of Obama's birth in a Hawaii newspaper dating to the time of birth? Did NSA use their time machine to go back in time and place the announcement in the local paper?

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I don't believe anyone said to trust the US Government or any other Government. The point is nobody can be sitting the Office of the President with a fake birth certificate. It is just not possible to get away with. There is so much division and venom on the right wing Republican side. Does anyone believe that they would just sit around and allow Obama to take the office?

How do you theorists explain the Newspaper announcement of Obama's birth in a Hawaii newspaper dating to the time of birth? Did NSA use their time machine to go back in time and place the announcement in the local paper?

Things get hidden. It's quite obvious. Even after Cheney confirmed no WMD was found in iraq, they continue to station and transfer more troops. What was their agenda? Apparently Oil, Greed and Wealth.

I have another question, why is the Birth Certificate not consistent with other Birth Certificates? We have experts who have verified it to be fake and manipulated.

Who are the republicans? Bunch of people who are completely out of touch with reality. Can't Americans see how ridiculous they are?

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I don't believe anyone said to trust the US Government or any other Government. The point is nobody can be sitting the Office of the President with a fake birth certificate. It is just not possible to get away with. There is so much division and venom on the right wing Republican side. Does anyone believe that they would just sit around and allow Obama to take the office?

How do you theorists explain the Newspaper announcement of Obama's birth in a Hawaii newspaper dating to the time of birth? Did NSA use their time machine to go back in time and place the announcement in the local paper?

I can't really answer that question for a change. But can you answer me this question: why did Obama's own Bio say for 16 years that he was Kenyan born? Why did his wife say that he his home was Kenya?

Obama’s Lit Agency Used 'Born in Kenya' Bio Until 2007


According to archive.org, a website that caches websites on a regular basis, the Dystel.com website – the official website for Dystel & Goderich, Obama’s literary agents – was using the Barack Obama “born in Kenya” language until April 2007, just two months after then-Senator Obama declared his campaign for the presidency.

Archive.org shows that the Dystel website used the following biography for Obama as of April 3, 2007:

BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller.

Obama launched his presidential campaign in February 2007.

By April 21, 2007, the Obama bio had been changed to state that Obama was born in Hawaii:

BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Hawaii to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller.

Obama had already been a national figure for three years, since the Democratic National Convention in 2004, by the time the biography was changed; he had been a sitting Senator for over two years.

SOURCE: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/05/17/Obama-pamphlet-in-use-2007

So why for 16 years has Obama stated that he was born in Kenya but then it got changed on April 21st of 2007?

Obama Kenyan Born (April 3, 2007) go to the link, Ctrl+f and search Obama

Obama Hawaii Born (April 21, 2007) go to the link, Ctrl+f and search Obama

Same website, different origin of birth....wtf is going on here?

So which is it I wonder?

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I can't believe people are satisfied with:

- Newspaper article to when he was born - How do we know this is shopped as well? Who the hell gets a national announcement when they are born? Certainly no one in the UK

- Obama administration says it isn't - They've said a lot of things that were lies.

- Hawaii confirmed it's real - Would you deny the White House's demands? Half the world will bend backwards to make the US happy.

And that's really it.... What other evidence is present? Wake up, there's more to this story then just a "No".

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I can't believe people are satisfied with:

- Newspaper article to when he was born - How do we know this is shopped as well? Who the hell gets a national announcement when they are born? Certainly no one in the UK

- Obama administration says it isn't - They've said a lot of things that were lies.

- Hawaii confirmed it's real - Would you deny the White House's demands? Half the world will bend backwards to make the US happy.

And that's really it.... What other evidence is present? Wake up, there's more to this story then just a "No".

Well in defense of small towns, they will sometimes release births if the people who had the child release that info to the press but I hear ya. Although the newspaper says he was born there, for 16 years prior to April 3rd of 2007, it was stated that Obama was Kenyan born, born to an anthropologist. On April 21st 2007, the story changed. One thing for sure, Obama is sneaky and secretive and I hope we can get to the bottom of this BEFORE it's too late. I am pretty sure truth doesn't have much time left before TSHTF but I could be wrong, I hope I'm wrong.

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What national notice of birth are you referring to? Don't know about the UK but I can tell you that it is common for local newspapers in the US to print local notices of birth which is what we are talking about with Obama. Newspapers in the US have a history of listing births, deaths, etc. Many people here send the notice to the paper and it is printed in that section.

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