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Having proxy problems (edit)


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I've tried going as far as turning everything that i use to filter the internet off and I still get a 0 kb file.

Any ideas:

I use sygate pro and have sleath mode off.

I use pg but allow http most of the time (on or off i get the same results)

I use IE 7 (w/avant browser, but again with regular IE or the avant shell no dice)

- I've turned off pop-up blocker

- I've turn off ad blocker

I cant get any nsane proxy files.

HELP! :)

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the file host seems to have booted me...dunno why, don't really care. but, i've signed up with a new host which should be online here shortly...

edit: rapidshare seems to have blacklisted my fix (which is LEGAL). so your SOL there too. it actually makes me feel kinda special to make something rapidshare bans :)

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thank god!

I though I was going insane.

I knew those voices couldn't all be wrong..no...shhh....no you can't type right now!

**mn! better go now....

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no, but if i get too bad my wife has been known to tie me up! :)

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