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Obama and George W. Bush To Be Arrested Soon?


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Did we stop taking requests Ambrosius Aurelianus ?

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Did we stop taking requests Ambrosius Aurelianus ?

Actually I derive my name from this sorta cute childhood memeory:

Ambrosius is the dog and Sir Didymus is the walking, talking, fighting, fox.

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careful that latest video may be a ruse...it could open up to an exlax jones rant/lie

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careful that latest video may be a ruse...it could open up to an exlax jones rant/lie

Heaven forbid that!

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Obama and George W. Bush To Be Arrested Soon?

3 days have passed - neither Obama nor George W. Bush has been arrested, yet (maybe they'll be arrested, tomorrow - fingers crossed.) :think:

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Dont get over excited by the expectation of expeditious entrapment

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comedic relief can only go so far before it crosses that line on stupidity and annoyance and the biggest thing...promotion of lies, innuendo less than half truths as actual facts is morally wrong... abro can have his opinions but the wrongness he brings here should have a limit...I know he sees this differently but really..he does or the staff here need to reign this in..if he must promote this crap to death why does he have to do here where just about every single member does not wish to see it to the extent he provides it.....he is most likely a member of several sites where this stuff is more than welcome and is nurtured... he can go there to get his fix... here he should be making 99% of his posts on relevant topics to do with computers and software and stuff like that... and NOT 99.9% of his posts promoting a site that propagates and manufactures FALSE conspiracies,,,not to mention doing his real and personal life a lot of harm...living breathing falsehoods as truth is not healthy for anyone...

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This is how I see these threads.

Ambro posts something he has read on the net. Done some research (whether good or bad, I don't care)

Wants people to be aware of his findings.

Then the usual names appear attacking Ambro because his posts are, according to them untrue.

Then it just turns into an attack on poster about how deluded he apparently is. They get quite abusive and so a few others join in the attack just for the hell of it.

Ambro then posts more info to prove he isn't the only person who thinks along the same lines.

Then the replies come abusing the other sources and like minded people.

It turns into a pretty abusive thread with personal insults flying.

Why bother?

My solution. If you don't like the threads why not just block Ambro. This way you won't see any of his posts on the forum.

Ambro. You can also block members who only post to abuse you so you don't read their replies.

A better solution. If you see a new thread from Ambro, just ignore it. Don't bother reading it in the first place. The posts used to drop down the forum and be forgotten because people didn't reply.

Or if the OP is getting upset by all the replies just stop posting these threads.

I'm only posting because I see a gang forming and abusing a member. It's not nice to see on such a friendly forum.

I'm all for discussion and well meaning replies, but that's not what I'm seeing. Why don't I take my own advice and ignore these threads? I intend to. I just wanted to say this first. :rolleyes:

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You have not read what Ambrocious says. He is the one who calls us deluded because we do not believe the misinformation he posts,all from the same source, infowars. He posts it to educate us in the truth according to AJ, because Ambrocious thinks we should all believe that AJ is the light and he is saving us. I do not need saving. Never once has one single piece by Aj ever been proved factual, it is pure conspiracy theory material. AJ is not an investigative journalist, bringing us the real truth that mainstream media covers up as he has never broken any news. If mainstream media covered up stories where did we learn about Snowdon, WMD, Iraq etc. AJ makes money from his site promoting conspiracy theories.

This is a tweet from AJ minutes after the Boston bombing

"Our hearts go out to those that are hurt or killed," "But this thing stinks to high heaven #falseflag."

Why say false flag, only to put his infowars propoganda machine into overdrive and watch the money roll in, which is what he is all about.

Ambrocious is not the poor victim of bullying and i had never attacked him and have nothing against him personally, yet he calls me ignorant and childish, playing the poor lonely downtrodden truthseeker does not cut it.

The posts are lies and misinformation from infowars, and these are shown for what they are. If he does not want AJ lies to be pulled apart he can stop posting them. Other topics about Snowdon, religion etc can get overheated but they are members opinions and beliefs and that is great , they are not AJ propoganda.

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I fail to understand why certain individuals find it difficult to comprehend that this is a discussion board based upon differing opinions. Not a single person has an opinion more valid than others. Without this freedom of thought and opinion we might as well become sheep.

At nsane.forums we are not the internet censor and value differing opinions.

I will point out the forum rules for those of you that have either forgotten or choose to ignore when it suits:

All interactions between community members (be it via posts, PM's or via the shoutbox) should be free from flaming, baiting, spam, profanities and illegal / obscene material, and as a result should be positive, polite and constructive. Should you come across something that isn't please use the "Report" button next to a post or contact a staff member via a PM (Reporting Tutorial).

"Mini-moderating" to any extent will not be tolerated.

Consider this a blanket notice. If the same continues the staff are more than happy to issue warnings and place restrictions on member accounts.

It is with regret that i have to close this topic.

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