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Obama and George W. Bush To Be Arrested Soon?


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It`s a good thing to dream and set yourself some goals , but somethimes it is better to come to reality ... :lol:

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omg can the staff at this site do something about this poster once and for all.. it is ok to have an opinion but at least move this original post to jokes and funny stuff...and they wonder why other members sometimes go over the top with responses to his shenanigans...(me included)...but again i say the guy only gets what he deserves here when others get upset with his actions here

edit..posting absolute bull sh*t and passing it off as true world news should not be allowed here either

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Ambrocious no research again just blindly following.

The possibility of an immediate state investigation and arrest of Obama in South Africa fell away when a court ruled last Wednesday that the matter was not urgent

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Ambrocious no research again just blindly following.

The possibility of an immediate state investigation and arrest of Obama in South Africa fell away when a court ruled last Wednesday that the matter was not urgent

nor based on anything remotely close to reality

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Give others the same respect you demand!

One of my favorite current comedians is a Canadian by the name of Russel Peters, and to paraphrase him:

"Boo to you for booing my opinion"

Thousands (maybe millions) of people said that it simply couldn't be true that the US was spying on their own people.

Those who claimed otherwise were called lunatics, heretics, and other terms of endearment...like traitor etc.

But the unbelievers were proved wrong, unless all that has happened in the recent past is a conspiracy...

Thousands (maybe millions) of people said that the US was going to Iraq to find the weapons of mass destruction.

Those who claimed otherwise were called lunatics, heretics, and other terms of endearment...like traitor etc.

But the unbelievers were proved wrong, unless all that has happened in the past 10 years or so is a conspiracy?

Not that I ever believe anyone's OPINION without my own research, but...

I am starting to wonder: What if the warnings we get from the "lunatics" and "heretics" have some truth in them?

Maybe if more people opened their minds to the POSSIBILITY that what our leaders claim is the truth is not always the case, we would challenge them more and avoid a lot of the Bull*** they are inflicting on the world.

As long as people blindly follow their "officials" we are heading right down George Orwells fictional stories1984 and Animal Farm.

I don't want to see the pigs walking on their hind legs and changing the rules from All animals are created equal to All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others.

In my opinion, the greatest traitor is one who blindly accepts what their leaders do when it is to the detriments of the country they rule, the people they are supposed to protect, and the rights they are supposed to uphold.

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Not that I ever believe anyone's OPINION without my own research, but...

Difference is you do research, Ambrocious just spouts AJ's lies everywhere. It is not respectful when (within minutes) using the death and injuries in the Boston bombings as a platform for posting infowars propoganda, all of which proved false as do all of AJ's claims. Everyone is called ignorant if they do not follow his false prophet.

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Give others the same respect you demand!

One of my favorite current comedians is a Canadian by the name of Russel Peters, and to paraphrase him:

"Boo to you for booing my opinion"

Thousands (maybe millions) of people said that it simply couldn't be true that the US was spying on their own people.

Those who claimed otherwise were called lunatics, heretics, and other terms of endearment...like traitor etc.

But the unbelievers were proved wrong, unless all that has happened in the recent past is a conspiracy...

Thousands (maybe millions) of people said that the US was going to Iraq to find the weapons of mass destruction.

Those who claimed otherwise were called lunatics, heretics, and other terms of endearment...like traitor etc.

But the unbelievers were proved wrong, unless all that has happened in the past 10 years or so is a conspiracy?

Not that I ever believe anyone's OPINION without my own research, but...

I am starting to wonder: What if the warnings we get from the "lunatics" and "heretics" have some truth in them?

Maybe if more people opened their minds to the POSSIBILITY that what our leaders claim is the truth is not always the case, we would challenge them more and avoid a lot of the Bull*** they are inflicting on the world.

As long as people blindly follow their "officials" we are heading right down George Orwells fictional stories1984 and Animal Farm.

I don't want to see the pigs walking on their hind legs and changing the rules from All animals are created equal to All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others.

In my opinion, the greatest traitor is one who blindly accepts what their leaders do when it is to the detriments of the country they rule, the people they are supposed to protect, and the rights they are supposed to uphold.

apparently you do not follow or have you seen what Ambro passes off as the truth have you!

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omg can the staff at this site do something about this poster once and for all.. it is ok to have an opinion but at least move this original post to jokes and funny stuff...and they wonder why other members sometimes go over the top with responses to his shenanigans...(me included)...but again i say the guy only gets what he deserves here when others get upset with his actions here

edit..posting absolute bull sh*t and passing it off as true world news should not be allowed here either

Due to my slow connection, I haven't got chance to see the video, but, I don't see any any Inforwars here, maybe the video might contain the conspiracy stuff. However, from an outside view, all I see here on this thread is Ambro sharing a news like youtube video he has found.

Either way, that apart, as I said, if you think you have a problem with things being post, please Report the post or contact the staff or the admins, it's the code of conduct we follow and is the only correct way to ensure best results.

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All who are angry with me for sharing this video, NOTICE: SOURCE IS FROM RUSSIA TODAY, but of course if people can't read or are incaple of watching a video and would rather sling insults, I can't be angry at you guys because ultimately you guys are victims of a system that has taught you to hate alternitive information. I don't expect people like dMog, Tezza, Crazycanuk, or dcs18 (dcs18 hasn't graced us in this topic yet but I feel he may have wanted to) to actually pay any sort of attention to details so I’m not actually mad or anything.

TO: dMog, Tezza, Crazycanuk: You know you really show what degree of ignorance you operate under when you attack me and don't even watch the video to see that it's clearly not an Infowars piece. What would happen if in the real world people got arrested just because cops wanted to arrest them because one person said something was true WITHOUT investigating the proof? Thank God that doesn't happen most of the time and thank God neither of you are investigators, you guys would make TERRIBLE investigators. You guys can't even be angry for the right reasons LOL! Watch the video, you might learn something.

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Ambrocious no research again just blindly following.

The possibility of an immediate state investigation and arrest of Obama in South Africa fell away when a court ruled last Wednesday that the matter was not urgent

Courts can NEVER be corrupted or controlled. It simply goes against reality. I believe everything government says because government is my God! :rolleyes:


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TO: dMog, Tezza, Crazycanuk: You know you really show what degree of ignorance you operate under when you attack me and don't even watch the video to see that it's clearly not an Infowars piece. What would happen if in the real world people got arrested just because cops wanted to arrest them because one person said something was true WITHOUT investigating the proof? Thank God that doesn't happen most of the time and thank God neither of you are investigators, you guys would make TERRIBLE investigators. You guys can't even be angry for the right reasons LOL! Watch the video, you might learn something.

Ambrocious no research again just blindly following.

The possibility of an immediate state investigation and arrest of Obama in South Africa fell away when a court ruled last Wednesday that the matter was not urgent

Courts can NEVER be corrupted or controlled. It simply goes against reality. I believe everything government says because government is my God! :rolleyes:


I have proved i am not ignorant, something that cannot be said of yourself.

This in not from Russia Today.

This is taken from RT -The Truthseeker, a site which promotes wild conspiracy theories the same as infowars.

The truth is Obama was not about to be arrested as i posted, this was not news , just consiracy theory sensationalism. So not exactly great investigation on your behalf.

The incredible arrogance you have to assert that you know better what is really happening than me is beyond belief, I actually pity you.

You believed a fake Family guy video predicted the Boston bombings you have no credibility what so ever.

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the only thing ambro has proved is the fact he cannot look reality OR real actual facts and that he will take fantasy as the gospel truth.them face value..he can only see insane thoughts, out of context and twisted and misconstrued and out and out lies as the truth and will accept anything else as shown to him...when confronted with the truth of his alternate reality he pulls the indignant card and the i feel sorry for you as i showed you proof with my posted words and pictures and video..that 100% of the time are either manufactured lies or down right false claims and later to be proven wrong...makes it very hard when something like snowden actually takes place as as you bastardize that in in way to make it too seem cheap...don't matter that you posted a stupid movie from russia...it has the same taint to it that alex jones puts on anything he touches..why have you not addressed the poor innocent victim alex slandered as bomber and you helped in propagating by posting the lies here...you know the guy ended his life because of what you help do..you have been quite silent on that haven't you..or was just another false flag op

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absolutely correct This is Ambrocious when confronted with the truth, and the lies he posts are proved incorrect , he will never admitt he is wrong, as it is a symtom of a conspiracy theorist


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Moved to jokes and funny stuff section (after watching the video)

On second thought - The Chat Bar.(sorry Ambrocious)

"After due consideration with the site staff and admins , the topic has been moved to the place seeing the relevancy of the content in the topic ."

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So jalaffa, you think this news is funny, and it's funny to make fun of this stuff? I never said this was happening, I said, "The world can only hope so...."

I have hoped that criminals will be brought to justice that is still my hope, even if it never happens. I don't care what people think about me.

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TO: dMog, Tezza, Crazycanuk: You know you really show what degree of ignorance you operate under when you attack me and don't even watch the video to see that it's clearly not an Infowars piece. What would happen if in the real world people got arrested just because cops wanted to arrest them because one person said something was true WITHOUT investigating the proof? Thank God that doesn't happen most of the time and thank God neither of you are investigators, you guys would make TERRIBLE investigators. You guys can't even be angry for the right reasons LOL! Watch the video, you might learn something.

Ambrocious no research again just blindly following.

The possibility of an immediate state investigation and arrest of Obama in South Africa fell away when a court ruled last Wednesday that the matter was not urgent

Courts can NEVER be corrupted or controlled. It simply goes against reality. I believe everything government says because government is my God! :rolleyes:


I have proved i am not ignorant, something that cannot be said of yourself.

This in not from Russia Today.

This is taken from RT -The Truthseeker, a site which promotes wild conspiracy theories the same as infowars.

The truth is Obama was not about to be arrested as i posted, this was not news , just consiracy theory sensationalism. So not exactly great investigation on your behalf.

The incredible arrogance you have to assert that you know better what is really happening than me is beyond belief, I actually pity you.

You believed a fake Family guy video predicted the Boston bombings you have no credibility what so ever.

Lets see:

Daniel Busshell (The man at the intro of the video), RT News Reporter according to this page: http://rt.com/tags/daniel-bushell/

Oh and wouldn't you know it, an image of RT YouTube news channel, gathered simply by just going to YouTube!


I wonder what happens when you click the link where you can go and view other news stories to see if it's some sort of prank channel or just to see if it's the real deal:


WOW! It goes right to OTHER Russia Today video news stories! I never knew it did that! WOW! And here I thought it was all one huge FAKE!!!!


Still not convinced? OK, more info that this is from Russia Today, as you can see, they have a lot of videos up on YouTube:


Oh but that isn't enougn information is it? Oh no, I have to post MORE INFORMATION just because you all cannot and will not look for yourselves because it's more important to hate information you are unfamiliar with and fearful of. Doing a Google search for "Daniel Bushell RT", you find this page, or something very much like it:


Am I the only one looking to see if this is varified or do I have to CONTINUALLY defend myself until Im blue in the face? Im being attacked by you all not because this story isn't true, not because the links don't go to varified places, not because the images are fake, not because I made this up, but because YOU CAN'T BELIEVE IT EVEN THOUGH I VARIFIED EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING!

I would expect these attacks from Tezza, dMog, Crazycanuk, and of course the ever loving dcs18, but jalaffa, can you please tell me why you find this so funny that you have to move this to the "Jokes & Funny Stuff" section when this is a serious article WITH PROOF of where it's coming from, proof that the anchor man is real?

Google considers RT news, so does Yahoo!, so does DuckDuckGo, so does, StartPage, so does ixQuick. This post wasn't moved due to the validity of the news or the source, but rather because of an opinion based judgement and I simply ask nicely that you put this story back where it was. I am being censored by method of being mocked and I do not like it, not even a little bit.

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Obama and George W. Bush To Be Arrested Soon?

:rofl: :lmao: Good one - just love your sense of humor.

This post wasn't moved due to the validity of the news or the source, but rather because of an opinion based judgement and I simply ask nicely that you put this story back where it was.

After asking nicely, if the staff does not put this story back to where it was - maybe, along with Obama and George W. Bush, they should be arrested, too. :idea:

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I am starting to agree more and more with Ambo!

If ignorance is bliss, some of the other commentators should really be the happiest people on this forum! Why aren't they?

Don't kill the messanger for the message. Guys/girls, be a bit more mature and check the views of the "other side", and then you have the choice whether to accept it or reject it.

Maybe YOUR beliefs are wrong, maybe MINE are, and maybe Ambro's are. But insulting someone for their belief or opinion, or in this case simply sharing a video link looks like a childish response.

People seem too quick to rubbish someone else's opinion, but not provide proof of their different opinions appears to be a knee jerk reaction. Emphasis on the latter.

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i found this video to be funny :D i see no point to get "MAD" on the poster what so ever :)

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open letter to staff..can we put an end to this ambro debacle once and for all... regular members are tired of his crap.. he has no valid evidence and most likely thinks the world is flat...i bet he even has proof of that too... the point is HE is the distraction and HE is the problem here...can you honestly blame anyone that has been angered by his antics here and gone postal on him verbally... he has on several occasions in the past(before i was really upset with him) ....sent me private messages and emails with links to all his so called proofs...and pretty much told me if i did not start to believe and agree with his proof and stop calling alex jones a charlatan he would treat me as the agent provocateur i most likely was..and i would suffer the consequences of his wrath or words to that effect... he does nothing but post crap here and even when there is something of note that needs the light of day shone on it(edward snowden) he puts the taint of you know who all over ait and causes any good story to go south really fast... not to say what should be done but his crap posts and lame rhetoric od lies upon lies need to stop

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i found this video to be funny :D i see no point to get "MAD" on the poster what so ever :)

Ambro had no intention of this being funny..he actually believes this to be the truth

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Does this same theme of arrest and imprisonment for war crimes go as far as President Putin or is it an Anti American themed justice you seek?

Oh and I forgot previous leaders of Iran,Iraq,Libya and several African states.......just how many do you actually want brought to "justice"

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Breakdown of the video with some links to other news articles to backup the info. If neccassary I'll post more links to verify the information true and correct. I got the feeling...I'll have to.

"Lawyers file for Barack Obama's Arrest"

Judge Frederick Harhoof says courts "backtracked" on convicticting war criminals because they were getting "too close to thier own commanders" along with being pressured by the United States President.

Malaysia Courts Find George W. Bush, Blair Guilty of War Crimes "These are basically murderers, and they kill on a large scale" Mahathir Mohamed, Malasyian Primier, 1981-2003

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Does this same theme of arrest and imprisonment for war crimes go as far as President Putin or is it an Anti American themed justice you seek?

Oh and I forgot previous leaders of Iran,Iraq,Libya and several African states.......just how many do you actually want brought to "justice"

EVERYONE who commits war crimes MUST be brought to justice. This isn't anti-American lingo.

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