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[JOTD] Joke of the day


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Two fellas walk into a pet shop. Right away they go over to the bird section. Gerry says to Paddy, “That's them”.

The clerk comes over and asks if he can help them. “Yeah, we'll take four of them birds in that cage up there,” says Gerry. “Put them in a paper bag.”

The clerk does this and the two men pay for the birds and leave the shop.

They get into Gerry's van and drive until they are high up in the hills and stop at the top of a cliff with a 500-foot drop.

“This looks like a grand place, eh?” says Gerry. “Oh, yeah, this looks good,” replies Paddy. They flip a coin and Gerry wins the toss.

“I guess I git to go first, eh Paddy?” says Gerry. He then takes two birds out of the bag, places them on his shoulders and jumps off the cliff.

Paddy watches as his mate drops off the edge and goes straight down for a few seconds, followed by a ‘SPLAT'.

As Paddy looks over the edge of the cliff he shakes his head and says, “Screw that, this budgie jumpin' is too dangerous for me…”

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Three drunk guys were on top of the Empire State building.

"Did you know if you throw yourself down over there a updraft will pick you up and deposit you back just where you stood?" one of the drunks says.

As he finishes he jumps off and about a third way down he suddenly comes back up!

"No way!" replies one of the other drunks as he proceeds to jump of the railing.

As the last drunk watched his buddy splatter on the pavement way down below he says to the first drunk "You're a mean man Superman when you drink!"

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