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[JOTD] Joke of the day


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I recently ran into an old student of mine, who said, “I always liked you. You never had favorites."

"Why thank you," I replied.

Then he concluded with, "You were mean to everyone.”

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On a Tesla


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A woman met her husband at the train station after work for the ride home. He looked haggard, so she asked, "Rough day?"


"You bet it was," he groaned. "Our computers were down, and we had to think all day long."


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Taking selfies in the '90s


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My mate's missus left him last Thursday, she said she was going out for a pint of milk & never come back!
I asked him how he was coping and he said, "Not bad, I've been using that powdered stuff."

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As the storm raged, the captain realized his ship was sinking fast. He called out, "Anyone here know how to pray?"


One man stepped forward. "Aye, Captain, I know how to pray."


"Good," said the captain, "You pray while the rest of us put on our life jackets. We're one short."

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A 5-year-old son Little Johnny after reading the story of a king.


Johnny: Mom, I also want 3 wives. one will cook, one will sing, and one will bathe me.


Mom: And which one will put you to sleep?


Johnny:..No mom, I will still sleep with you…Mom’s eyes filled up with tears … God bless you, son.


Mom:…but who will sleep with your 3 wives.


Johnny: Let them sleep with daddy.


Daddy’s eyes filled up with tears… God bless you, son!


Edited by aum
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Into a Belfast pub comes Paddy Murphy, looking like he’d just been run over by a train.

His arm is in a sling, his nose is broken, his face is cut and bruised and he’s walking with a limp.

“What happened to you?” asks Sean, the bartender.

“Jamie O’Conner and me had a fight,” says Paddy.

“That little squirt, O’Conner,” says Sean, “He couldn’t do that to you, he must have had something in his hand.”

“That he did,” says Paddy, “a shovel is what he had, and a terrible Iickin’ he gave me with it.”

“Well,” says Sean, "you should have defended yourself, didn’t you have something in your hand?”

“That I did,” said Paddy,

“Mrs. O’Conner’s breast, but it didn’t help much.”


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I won't tell anyone if I win the lottery but there will be signs

46l57556o0da1.jpg    msn55rl74oda1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&a

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A man in a hurry, taking his 8-year-old son to school, made a turn at a red light where it was prohibited."


Uh-oh, I just made an illegal turn!" the man said.

"Aw, Dad, it's probably okay," the son said. "The police car right behind us just did the same thing."

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Crossing my fingers


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Two Irishmen are hammering floorboards down in a house.
Paddy picks up a nail, realizes it's upside down & throws it away.
He carries on doing this until Murphy says, "Why are you throwing them away?"
"Because they're upside down," says Paddy.
"You daft fool," replies Murphy, "save 'em for the ceiling!!"

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17 hours ago, ducky88 said:

Two Irishmen are hammering floorboards down in a house.
Paddy picks up a nail, realizes it's upside down & throws it away.
He carries on doing this until Murphy says, "Why are you throwing them away?"
"Because they're upside down," says Paddy.
"You daft fool," replies Murphy, "save 'em for the ceiling!!"

I think they are not Irishmen but blondies!!!

Edited by vitorio
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