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How to make zip files smaller using AdvanceCOMP recompress


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Even with the highest compression settings by creating/compressing zip files using 7-zip or WinRAR and set as output .zip you can gain a higher compression for example with

AdvanceCOMP Compression Utilities with the Zopfli deflate method.

Homepage: https://github.com/dajhorn/advancecomp

or other custom builds: http://encode.ru/threads/1691-AdvanceCOMP-with-new-7-zip?p=32685&viewfull=1#post32685

To operate it easy, the best way is download the latest windows binary: http://www.vanadac.com/~dajhorn/projects/advancecomp/advancecomp-1.17.zopfli_win32.zip

create a folder under Program Files and copy the advzip.exe file into it. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Advzip\advzip.exe"


Add to the right click explorer context menu under filetype zip an entry with the parameter --zopfli=100 (higher compression but slower speed) or --shrink-insane (slight lower compression ratio but faster speed). You can combine all two parameters as well so that the program tries to find the highest possible re-compression level. Don't forget the parameter --recompress that the program knows it should recompress the zip file. It can extract and create a new zip archive as well.

A full list of all switches:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Advzip>advzip -h
advancecomp v1.17 by Andrea Mazzoleni
Usage: advzip [options] ARCHIVES... [FILES...]
-a, --add Create a new archive with the specified files
-x, --extract Extract the content of an archive
-l, --list List the content of the archives
-t, --test Test the specified archives
-z, --recompress Recompress the specified archives
-p, --pedantic Be pedantic on the zip tests
-0, --shrink-store Don't compress
-1, --shrink-fast Compress fast
-2, --shrink-normal Compress normal
-3, --shrink-extra Compress extra
-4, --shrink-insane Compress extreme
-i N, --zopfli=N Compress zopfli iterations
-q, --quiet Don't print on the console
-h, --help Help of the program
-V, --version Version of the program
Our switch will be:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Advzip\advzip.exe" --recompress --zopfli=100 "%1"
The fastest and easiest way to do that is using Default Programs Editor -> File Type Settings -> Context Menu -> select an extension to change type .zip in the search field -> Add -> any command name eg.: Advzip ReCompress -> browse to the file advzip.exe -> add between "C:\....\advzip.exe" and "%1" the parameters --recompress --zopfli=100 so that it looks like "C:\Program Files ...\Advzip\advzip.exe" --recompress --zopfli=100 "%1" optional you can put an icon to this entry. -> click next and save context menu.

A registry key if WinRar is set to handle zip files as default and you are on a 64 bit OS will look like this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\WinRAR.ZIP][HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\WinRAR.ZIP\shell][HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\WinRAR.ZIP\shell\AdvanceCOMPReCompress]@="AdvanceCOMP ReCompress""Icon"=hex(2):25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52,00,6f,00,6f,00,74,\  00,25,00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,73,00,\  68,00,65,00,6c,00,6c,00,33,00,32,00,2e,00,64,00,6c,00,6c,00,2c,00,32,00,33,\  00,38,00,00,00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\WinRAR.ZIP\shell\AdvanceCOMPReCompress\command]@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Advzip\\advzip.exe\" --recompress --zopfli=100 \"%1\"" 

The smaller the filesize especially by sharing the faster the download time.

A list of the highest compression tools by mixed content can be found here:


The problem is if you share files high compressed that the others need to know how to extract it. NanoZip can create sfx compressed files where the uncompressor is build in the output exe and comes with a easy to operate GUI from the top 10 best compression tools. NanoZip comes in 32 bit and a 64 bit version. Using the Gui from the 32 bit version in the 64 bit is also possible.

Everything which is zip compressed for example .gadget files (if u a gadget developer or just for archiving) can be added not only for .zip files

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Moved to Guide and Tutorials. ;)

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As suspected, when re compressing an already compressed zip file containing a single executable, all that happened was that it got larger....and it takes ages to do....

As suspected, when re compressing an already compressed zip file containing 9 images, all that happened was that it got 2KB smaller....and it takes ages to do....

Better off sticking with what you have, its far more efficient in both time and size

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needs to test. All my test files got 10 up to a few 100kb smaller (tested only files below 10 mb) in size with a single exe inside or more than one exe but never got bigger results otherwise I will not post it. Maybe it dependence how you have compressed the zip files or even on the CPU power, free mem.

Otherwise all the forums where large discussions about it will be wrong.

But you bring me on a good idea. I will ask one from them developers if they can not do a switch inside to replace the output file only if the result is smaller to be sure.

I mean it decompress temporary the zip file and compress it new (recompress). I'll pick up information if it works like that or not.

For example StickyNotes.gadget from 23kb to 14kb,...

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