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Diskeeper 12 Professional with Trial Reset back two 45days


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Does it work in Windows 8?

Please feel welcome to try it on Windows 8 and let us know by EOD. ;)

I tried it already and the trial reset didn't work. Have anyone had the same problem? Thanks!

Thanks for taking the trouble to inform us - the Author, too seems to have realized that his fix doesn't work on Windows 8 :(
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i can fix it 2 work on windows 8 but not now as i am on windows 7 ill update u all as soon as i can got lots on but u can just 4 now use trial rest work on windows 8 i think

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or u can make ur own trial rest 4 windows 8

open notepad
copy this copyfrom the for two the exit and save not as text dec but all files

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (
REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)

now save it as somethink like diskeeper12pro.cmd and then run the file

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i can fix it 2 work on windows 8 but not now as i am on windows 7 ill update u all as soon as i can got lots on but u can just 4 now use trial rest work on windows 8 i think

Take your own time - I'll test it for you on Windows 8 whenever you're ready. ;)

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The trial reset (the batch) is exactly the same as that of the "Diskeeper 12 Professional 16.0.1017.0" topic.

And this batch doesn't work in Windows XP (here)

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just a little update guys the Diskeeper12Professional paused that 45days do not work but crack and trial rest working on windows 7 i am working on makeing it better soon but this program not easy 2 crack

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Diskeeper12Professional45days trial reseter portable

it may work on xp and windows 8 do not no if it will or not need testing

Site: http://ge.tt

Sharecode: /5S2La0V/v/0 [?]

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i am now working on makeing

Diskeeper 12 Professional

trial rest 4 windows 8 on a virtual computer ill add link soon

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if u can not get it 2 work on windows 8 just do this going 2 safemade and then run the trial rest working 1000000%

2 get out of safemade u do it the someway u got in safemade

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if it do not work on xp let me no ill see what i can do 4 u its just about time i can fix all when i have more time guys :yes:

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xp users

safemade works

In Windows XP SP3, the REG command doesn't accept the /t option and the /s and /v options can't be used together.

It is REG.EXE version 3.0.

Type REG QUERY /? to see your version and the syntax.

Safe mode or not : no difference...

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sp1 and safemade worked 4 me 10000% 32bit

See here the REG QUERY differences between Windows versions.

/t option introduced since Vista or W7.

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