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** New Automated Trial Teseter for DK12 Hme | PRO | Svr! is Available! by Team MPT!

-No Black CMD windows appear on StartUp!

✔New Automated Trial Teseter for DK12 Hme | PRO | Svr!



Site: http://ge.tt

Sharecode: /1DS9XKK1/v/0

Site: http://distro.0777.ir

Sharecode[?]: /MPT/2014/02.February/Diskeeper.12.Pro.(v16.0.1017.0).Patch-MPT.zip

Simply Create a Shortcut in StartUp!

C:\Users\Yuman\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


Click on Start Button Drop Your Shortcut in Startup Dir.


Tested & Approved! No Dropping Day! at this time, i'm testing it, since Yesterday Valentine's Day! lol


patchs DkUserCtrl.dll

how do u mean Create a Shortcut in StartUp so the program start everytime not good

New Automated Trial Teseter for DK12 Hme | PRO | Svr! is Available! by Team MPT!

-No Black CMD windows appear on StartUp

i think u are wrong as it just patch DkUserCtrl.dll

but u will still need trial reset and yes it still have CMD windows appear on StartUp

so its not new

For the Trial Reseter, u download it to ur Documents Unzippe it then clic Right on TR create a shortcut, Drag it/ Copy it as u like to the Startup Folder, this Method U use to use it by the past because i followed all your Posts!

And for the Patch MPT simply to remove the remove The trial Button in the DK MUI.

You Know Dear Knowledge Tomorrow give you feedback oKay!

i'm Using it since Yesterday Everything's Works like a Charm!

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** New Automated Trial Reseter for DK12 Home | PRO | Sever! is Available! by Team MPT!

-No Black CMD windows appear on StartUp!

✔New Automated Trial Reseter for DK12 Home | PRO | Sever!






Site: http://distro.0777.ir/MPT/2014/02.February/Diskeeper.12.Pro.(v16.0.1017.0).Patch-MPT.zip

Simply Create a Shortcut in StartUp!

C:\Users\Yuman\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


Click on Start Button Drop Your Shortcut in Startup Dir.


Tested & Approved! No Dropping Day! at this time, i'm testing it, since Yesterday Valentine's Day! lol

It's not new, this is really old patch from February 2014 :

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** New Automated Trial Reseter for DK12 Home | PRO | Sever! is Available! by Team MPT!

-No Black CMD windows appear on StartUp!

✔New Automated Trial Reseter for DK12 Home | PRO | Sever!






Site: http://distro.0777.ir/MPT/2014/02.February/Diskeeper.12.Pro.(v16.0.1017.0).Patch-MPT.zip

Simply Create a Shortcut in StartUp!

C:\Users\Yuman\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


Click on Start Button Drop Your Shortcut in Startup Dir.


Tested & Approved! No Dropping Day! at this time, i'm testing it, since Yesterday Valentine's Day! lol

It's not new, this is really old patch from February 2014 :


Yes you're Right the Patch is the same as you say, just used it to remove trial Rubbish in the Diskeeper UI the new thing's is The TR Rester, it lauch on every startup with no Loading ur CPU, Memory! try it give me feedback after tmrw.

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The new TR reseter is here:


--After tomorrow let the time gives me reason!

but it still use

** New Automated Trial Reseter for DK12 Home | PRO | Sever! is Available! by Team MPT!

-No Black CMD windows appear on StartUp!

✔New Automated Trial Reseter for DK12 Home | PRO | Sever!






Site: http://distro.0777.ir/MPT/2014/02.February/Diskeeper.12.Pro.(v16.0.1017.0).Patch-MPT.zip

Simply Create a Shortcut in StartUp!

C:\Users\Yuman\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


Click on Start Button Drop Your Shortcut in Startup Dir.


Tested & Approved! No Dropping Day! at this time, i'm testing it, since Yesterday Valentine's Day! lol

It's not new, this is really old patch from February 2014 :


Yes you're Right the Patch is the same as you say, just used it to remove trial Rubbish in the Diskeeper UI the new thing's is The TR Rester, it lauch on every startup with no Loading ur CPU, Memory! try it give me feedback after tmrw.

but i can see it still use For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (

REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)


but ill give it a try :)

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The new TR reseter is here:


--After tomorrow let the time gives me reason!

but it still use

** New Automated Trial Reseter for DK12 Home | PRO | Sever! is Available! by Team MPT!

-No Black CMD windows appear on StartUp!

✔New Automated Trial Reseter for DK12 Home | PRO | Sever!






Site: http://distro.0777.ir/MPT/2014/02.February/Diskeeper.12.Pro.(v16.0.1017.0).Patch-MPT.zip

Simply Create a Shortcut in StartUp!

C:\Users\Yuman\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


Click on Start Button Drop Your Shortcut in Startup Dir.


Tested & Approved! No Dropping Day! at this time, i'm testing it, since Yesterday Valentine's Day! lol

It's not new, this is really old patch from February 2014 :


Yes you're Right the Patch is the same as you say, just used it to remove trial Rubbish in the Diskeeper UI the new thing's is The TR Rester, it lauch on every startup with no Loading ur CPU, Memory! try it give me feedback after tmrw.

but i can see it still use For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (

REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)


but ill give it a try :)

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The new TR reseter is here:


--After tomorrow let the time gives me reason!

but it still use

** New Automated Trial Reseter for DK12 Home | PRO | Sever! is Available! by Team MPT!

-No Black CMD windows appear on StartUp!

✔New Automated Trial Reseter for DK12 Home | PRO | Sever!






Site: http://distro.0777.ir/MPT/2014/02.February/Diskeeper.12.Pro.(v16.0.1017.0).Patch-MPT.zip

Simply Create a Shortcut in StartUp!

C:\Users\Yuman\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


Click on Start Button Drop Your Shortcut in Startup Dir.


Tested & Approved! No Dropping Day! at this time, i'm testing it, since Yesterday Valentine's Day! lol

It's not new, this is really old patch from February 2014 :


Yes you're Right the Patch is the same as you say, just used it to remove trial Rubbish in the Diskeeper UI the new thing's is The TR Rester, it lauch on every startup with no Loading ur CPU, Memory! try it give me feedback after tmrw.

but i can see it still use For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (

REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)


but ill give it a try :)

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:P :D :wub: Peace & Love Guys! :wub: :P :D

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IMPORTANT For the auto reset is done without problem after having followed the method of this article do not forget that you need to be administrator of the computer and also have deactivated its Windows UAC

ps this the trial reset i use if he can make it so u not need to be administrator this may just work

:: ### Admin Check..

if "%~1"=="a" goto :start
set "file=%temp%\%random%.file.vbs"
if exist "%file%" goto :getfile
>"%file%" echo Set UAC = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
>>"%file%" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~f0", "a", "", "runas", 1
start "" "%file%"
goto :eof
del "%temp%\*.vbs">nul 2>&1
For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (
REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)
For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%B in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Reg Delete %%B /F)

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I do not need to run as administrator by right on schedule for the windows!

If the day is key to delete the parts store each day will be gone and you can not see the statistics of Diskeeper!

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I do not need to run as administrator by right on schedule for the windows!

If the day is key to delete the parts store each day will be gone and you can not see the statistics of Diskeeper!

:towel: :welcome: Hi Bodies! :drunk:

-Primo, My Diskeeper always works fine.

-The Registry Key still here.

-You knew @Hamano i already tried your Method it Drives me till i Re-install my OS! :sorry:

-All Statistics Are Here! When checked them.


:dance2: :sun: :nono: Hope i will not disappoint You All :nono: :sun: :dance2:

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Here can show you my Screenshots!






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So basically what this new trial reset does is to reset the trial days with no black cmd popup, and it works on non-administrator accounts right?

The crack from 2014 is just to remove those annoying Trial remembers and popups of trial days-

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So basically what this new trial reset does is to reset the trial days with no black cmd popup, and it works on non-administrator accounts right?

For this One You've to be an ADMIN, thing i don't know to Switch From Principal User to a Admin?

if you arrive to do that, the TR will work fine i've seen a Demo about it!

By i, not yet become an Admin in Proper PC!

If Known let us learn about it!

The crack from 2014 is just to remove those annoying Trial remembers and popups of trial days-


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yes what YUMAN say is right New Automated Trial Teseter for DK12 Hme | PRO | Svr! is Available! by Team MPT!-No Black CMD windows appear on StartUp!

working fine for me and works on Condusiv V-locity Endpoint:)thanks YUMAN for your post

You're Welcome KNOWLEDGE! i'm not the author i simply Bring the News and Spread it , Nice to hear you already take advantage! lol

and sorry for my English,

Hey, Knowledge can you learn how you deal with it?

User >> Admin!

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So probably it doesn't work on limited accounts has anyone tried it already?

Works only on Admin Accounts, not more!

Yes! i do after 48Hrs when turned on my PC the 3rd Day i Got the Trial Popup 28 Days remaining.

this is the only simple reason.because i wasn't the Administrator :coolwink:
Veteran to help me but he won't! :snooty:i told the KNOWLEDGE <_<
=================================== :dance: :fight:

Works only on Admin Accounts, not more!
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The major problem of trial reset, was the fact that it didn't work on limited accounts, so we could use the batch file, so the problems remains.

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New Automated Trial Reseter for DK12 Home | PRO | Sever! is Available! by Team MPT not working

just got a popup 28days so its not working back it trial reset .bat

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So Sorry Sir @Knowledge didn't Help you! Let The Administrator Account ON! you expose your computer and System both to Multiple Harms | Threats | Hacks as a result your Security Level is compromised, While this why Windows will Disable it by default. Currently using the [@Hamanokaito Diskeeper Trick!] Works fine, installed on 4 PCs, Voilà! Nice follow >>

>> The Administrator Account it is strongly to be kept | turned OFF!. IT Expects recommend !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Installed v-locity on 12 Feb'2015


I have paced the trial reset "Trial Reset Diskeeper 12-Majax31" in the Startup folder itself.


Everything worked fine until today when i received this pop up


Please help :(

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Th Best solution to stop Pop-up i think go head to the this link:


If you want Install DK Server or You can Use only this >> DkTrialwareRollup


to hide Popups! But Days Don't Stop Dropping!

>> Diskeeper12.Trial.Reseter.by.Lyon275 Copy it to DK or V-Locity Directory Folder > Run it to get 45 Days Trial, when finishing u can Delete it! because the file wanted (Pro TW45.DAL)d Injected to ur DK or V-Lovity Dir.


Credit: Sam3971, Diakov i think this Already posted!

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