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Its a patched exe. Install, stop service, replace exe. And cross fingers ;)

johndough is that patch the same as old by Flasher-11? is it working for you ?

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[CRACK ONLY x86/x64]


Site: http://www.mediafire.com

Sharecode: /?c8fia644s4trw2b [?]

sent hail....2 the God Particle within uz all...&..re-up somewhere elze cauze...my acc on MF iz free....(the file won't last long)


re-uped/renamed...by my DAMN3D sp33d....10Kbps


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[CRACK ONLY]Diskeeper.2012.v16.0.1017.Pro.Premier.rar

Site: http://www.mediafire.com

Sharecode: /?g1zu325z3hi1f9w [?]

sent hail....2 the God Particle within uz all...&..re-up somewhere elze cauze...my acc on MF iz free....(the file won't last long)

File Blocked for Violation.

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try it...& have a little faith....oh.....just u w8....i'll screen it up... x^D

TRIAL + NAG RIP, Cracked by Flasher-11

screenshot...coming ri8t up.....

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Yes, the Flasher11 thing has been posted before. Aphotic wouldn't have known it, but I've tried it myself. Shows as registered, but everytime you start DK, keeps bugging you with annoying error messages :rant:

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Yes, the Flasher11 thing has been posted before. Aphotic wouldn't have known it, but I've tried it myself. Shows as registered, but everytime you start DK, keeps bugging you with annoying error messages :rant:

I don't see any annoying buged error message!

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i am on win 7 x64 & it iz working fine for me...don't know why it dosen't work 4 all.....

try cleaning the registry after uninstalling it whole....& install==>do not start program==> copy Crack c iv it workz........ xD

simple but maybe some dosen't get around.....

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i am on win 7 x64 & it iz working fine for me...don't know why it dosen't work 4 all.....

try cleaning the registry after uninstalling it whole....& install==>do not start program==> copy Crack c iv it workz........ xD

simple but maybe some dosen't get around.....

It is just a fake crack (fuck) as simple as that :showoff: :) :mellow:
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Aphotic :-- » If you advance Windows Date / Time, let`s say ... 4 months and then go to Diskeeper and click on Report / Report and you will see time trial is over / ended !

So... Crack not good and was already tested by several members. Forget !

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My trial has expired and when I installed DK and inserted the flasher-11 crack everything work again as normal including analyzing and defrag. Yet The red letters saying professional as far as I know mean that if it's red it's trial. But since no crack was done from almost year now this one is the best I have ever used.

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onix :- more 30 / 45 days ( depending on the trial you have installed ) and then --» THE END !

Or, you may advance your windows clock, as I said on my previous comment . It`s not a trial forever you can be sure...

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The 64bit crack appear to be working on W7. My trial had already expired but after i put the medicine everything work as intended including defrag and analyze.

so.......anyone......haz any ideaz iv thiz endz?!? x^D (beside suicide!?)

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waiting of Giveaway! or another fix from flasher-11.. :lol:

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I have tried the crack from flasher-11 on Windows xp 32, the crack seems to works but, windows XP can't shut down without hanging and it won’t shut down at all, after I have replaced the crack with the original Diskeeper.exe, the issue is gone, so this crack has some bugs in it, on the other hand, the x64 crack works flawlessly, I have installed it on an XP x64 and the shut down issue doesn’t exist, so x64 is alright, the 32 bit edition needs some further tweaking.

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new thread with latest medicine


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new thread with latest medicine


If you had read this thread you would have found out that this "new medicine" posted in your wrongly placed posted topic has already been posted in this thread.
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Is I'm not mistaken, this crack is the one that it doesn't work on properly on XP x86, making it to hang during shutdown.

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LOL the diskeeper prevented 505 fragmentations and today is not working :). It look like this trial version is no better than the one by lyon.

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