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Internet Download Manager problem.


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Hey guys... i've been using idm about a month. Since i'd downloaded large file (50mb+), or maybe sometimes lower than that, IDM just get stuck at 99% (99.5%, 99.6%, etc).

Even after i pause it a while and then resume it again, still the same, even for a few bytes the file can't be completed.

Whether i use my lappy or desktop, the results is still the same. But when i tried downloading using browser built-in downloader (chrome, firefox), no problem at all. This only occur when using IDM.

I thought it was from antivirus problem, after uninstalled antivirus, problem still occurs.

Yes I'm using cracked version, is this related to this? And how to fix this? :unsure:


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@0veR i have done those downloading things everytime sir, problem still exist. i have already uninstalled idm, now change to flashget and it works pretty well, although not as good as idm -_-

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What fix do you use for IDM? Maybe it could be a restriction from your ISP

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try check your temporary directory

default location for win 7

C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\IDM\

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That's a heck of a problem!

Have you ever played with IDM's values in registry?

Are you using the latest version of IDM?

If everything is alright, then try cracking IDM with IDM cracker tool, posted somewhere in the forum.

Edit: Check if Hang up modem when done (is in the 3rd tab of download progress window) is checked (don't know but that may be the bug)..

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maybe your AV /Firewall have conflict with IDM.

Try to turn AV/Firewall off temporary while you're downloading.

or change Max connection number to lower (set to "1")

if this not fix, you can try DAP as alternative

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I use Babelpatcher fix for IDM and no problem. You should try it

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Thanks all ~ I think the problem was not from antivirus. so i'm gonna try babelpatcher fix. using flashget was sucks, it does not resume paused download properly, the completed file sometimes broken.. i'm gonna reinstall idm again and i hope good things gonna happen... thanks again :lol:

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