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Every once in a while when surfing the net you may actually find something notable. Thanks to the duckduckgo search engine I found this site.

I'm a posting newbie so my contribution may be minimal but I'll try to find a way to share some things with all of you.

I realize that my membership is a privilege, not a my right and I promise to conduct myself in a like manner.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of this great forum,


Santa Barbara, California


Tolerance is a very dull and boring virtue, but it is essential to the completeness of character, which allows us to endure all the unpleasantness that exists in our diverse culture.

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:hi: & :welcome:

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Welcome to the digital resolvative resistance and euphorium of many wondrous people and great software!

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Welcome! :rockon:

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Welcome DeadZoo,

I guess you don't like animals ;-)

Anyway software and answers is what you find here...........


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