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ATI 12-6 driver Bug


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Hey guys! Got a Bug!

I have downloaded and installed ATI 12.6 driver package for my mobility Radeon HD 5145 card..

The process of installing the driver is manual as I have a OEM laptop and can't install the driver via usual installation..For that I have to insert the INF file manually..

For the previous versions, the manual insertion of INF file was working fine but when I did that with 12.6, the display resolution has become 800x600 and the color scheme changed to HomeBasic..The image given below is showing the 12-6 driver update successful but it's only showing that, the update thing was not actually done.

Posted Image

I have heard that 12-6 has stopped support for many older cards..my HD 5145 is exactly a HD 4570 with slightly higher clocks..So is this the end of support for HD 4000 series (modified 4000s too, as mine)?

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Your card is still mentioned in the AMD drivers releasenotes.

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If old drivers were working, roll back...

Else try a complete uninstall / install and be sure to use the good drivers / good install method.

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Your card is still mentioned in the AMD drivers releasenotes.

I saw that..

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Just noticed one thing..

The extracted folder of 12-6 is named 12-6_mobility_vista_win7_32_dd_ccc_whql

But 12-4 it was named 12-4_mobility_vista_win7_32_dd_ccc

So can I get the 12-6 without WHQL?

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  • Administrator

I don't know. As far as I know, WHQL is actually a good thing. Means it's certified by M$.

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Yeah I know it's a quality license provided by MS to hardware manufacturers but I guess this is creating problem for me..

If it's not the problem, then there is a other one that I recently have found out;

The INF file of 12-6 that contains the driver database is too short comparing to the previous versions and there mentioned the oldest one is 54xx series

So the conclusion is, 12-6 stopped support for older cards than 54xx or AMD got mental :angry:

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I downloaded and installed the driver on my laptop and it still shows "12.4" as the driver version..

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Yeah buddy, 12-6 has aLOLtz of bugs!

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I downloaded and installed the driver on my laptop and it still shows "12.4" as the driver version..

Which card are you using BTW?
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I installed and re-installed 12.6 because it didn't seem to work. Then ended up going back to 12.4. Someone mentioned an update will be out in July for us who have the lower series of cards. Look at the other thread for it. I have HD4670 btw.

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I installed and re-installed 12.6 because it didn't seem to work. Then ended up going back to 12.4. Someone mentioned an update will be out in July for us who have the lower series of cards. Look at the other thread for it. I have HD4670 btw.

See the INF file of 12-6..54xx is the oldest in the database!
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  • Administrator

I downloaded and installed the driver on my laptop and it still shows "12.4" as the driver version..

That's the bug they promised to fix but didn't, Don't worry, it it's just the wrong number. What matters is the real driver number, something like 8.9xxxxx, check that.

I installed and re-installed 12.6 because it didn't seem to work. Then ended up going back to 12.4. Someone mentioned an update will be out in July for us who have the lower series of cards. Look at the other thread for it. I have HD4670 btw.

Yup, 3xxx and 4xxx not supported anymore in normal updates. Wait for them.

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The INF file of the 12-4 was of 104 KB but in 12-6 it is of 69 KB only..So you guys can imagine how many entries are removed from the database!

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That has been the problem with ATI (AMD) drivers in general. One would have thought that things will change after the AMD takeover, but nothing apparently has. Even for gaming GPU's the problems persist unlike Nvidia. The 5 & 6 series cards are still not optimized for some of the recent releases and Xfire support continues to be abysmal even for the 7 series which means you actually drop frames in a lot of games with 2 cards in Xfire rather than a single GPU configuration. :nono:

AMD is having trouble with their bread and butter products as it is, and they'll do better to pull their socks up so as not to concede any further ground to Intel and Nvidia ;)

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