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Author: 50 years from now, we'll remember Gates, not Jobs


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Bestselling author Malcom Gladwell says that 50 years from now we'll have statues of Bill Gates, but people will be asking "who was Steve Jobs?" Of course, no one will remember Microsoft, either.

Malcolm Gladwell, the bestselling author of books like The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference and Outliers: The Story of Success, says that 50 years from now there'll be statues of Bill Gates across the third world, and people will be asking, "who was Steve Jobs?" That's not to say that Gates is perfect; Gladwell is quick to point out that Gates, like Jobs, was "the most ruthless of capitalists" during his tenure at Microsoft.

Of course Gladwell thinks that's a good thing - it's important, he says, that great businessmen be amoral (not immoral, mind you), willing to do what's best for business, setting aside personal qualms and worldly squabbles. That's important to remember that when we're celebrating great entrepreneurs.

Because of this, Gladwell says that in 50 years no one will remember Steve Jobs, or even Microsoft, for that matter. What they will remember is Bill Gates, not as a businessman, but as a hero. Gladwell spoke at the Toronto Public Library about entrepreneurs and the balance between morality and business.

Gates is the most ruthless capitalist, and then he wakes up one morning and he says, 'enough.' And he steps down, he takes his money, he takes it off the table. I firmly believe that 50 years from now, he will be remembered for his charitable work, no one will even remember what Microsoft is. And of the great entrepreneurs of this era people will have forgotten Steve Jobs. Who's Steve Jobs again? There will be statues of Gates across the third world.

Even though Gladwell doesn't think many people will remember Steve Jobs or his accomplishment, he still praises Jobs as a businessman, and uses his career as an example of why it's usually not best to be first. He uses Xerox, Lycos and Friendster as examples of companies that were first but ultimately fizzled. It's still nice to be first-ish, though.

So what do you think? Will people remember Gates and forget Jobs 50 years from now? Or have Jobs' supporters (and Jobs himself) firmly established his legacy? And is it fair to criticize Jobs for not being as charitable as Gates, after his life was cut so tragically short?

Check out the full video of Gladwell's talk below. He discusses Gates at about 9:30, and Steve Jobs at 16:20. It's a bit of a long haul, but all in all pretty interesting stuff.

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Bill Gates should also be remmeberd for his desire to depopulate the planet via soft kill (such as pollute public water, GMO foods, sterilization, vaccines that cause cancer, making abortion trendy) too. He openly says he wants to pretty much kill off the entire population of human beings. Oh, but he wouldn't say that!!!


Bill Gates may have been the CEO of Microsoft but he is NO hero.

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Well, as much as I hate Gates, I hate Jobs more. XD In general, yeah, I don't see Apple as being revolutionary as much as MS was (or is, if you will).

As far as the dilemma goes, let me make an appropriate comparison - when we think of Nazism, we think of Hitler, he's the man with the vision, no one really cares of his pet Himler, the little horn dog and his fanatical entourage.

(Please note that in no way have I meant to endorse Hitler's political view, but rather to make an appropriate sarcastic point and comparison with Gates himself.)

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Ambrocious, seriously...

Shouldn't the fact that the video you posted has the related video 'Hitler behind global warming' tell you enough?

If I could give you one advice in life it would be to stop visiting InfoWars and to start thinking for yourself (that's actually two, I know, so let's make a video about that and expose the fact that I am actually an undercover CIA operative).

The only thing Gates said is that IF we want to get CO2 down to zero it will be highly unlikely that we achieve this by (1) limiting the average number of services per person, (2) limiting the energy used per service or (3) limiting the CO2 produced per service.

Although it is likely that 2 and 3 can be reduced it is improbably (and probably even impossible) that we will ever get those factors down to zero. Number 4, reducing the population to zero, is also highly improbable which is why he doesn't even mention it.

His TED talk is simply supposed to point out that reducing the amount of CO2 produced to zero is impossible, whether we want it, or not. So people should be more realistic in their expectations and not attempt to reach unreachable goals.

Please note that I am not trying to insult you (even though I am aware that, given your beliefs about the world, I probably am), I'm simply hoping that some day I will be able to help you get a more realistic view on life (although this is probably ill-founded hope)...

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