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Gorilla Glass's maker unveils ultra-thin, flexible Willow Glass


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Corning has unveiled Willow Glass, a new paper-thin (100 microns), flexible glass that it says could revolutionize everything from consumer electronics to lighting and solar power.

Flexible smartphones just got a step closer to the mainstream (and maybe a step closer to the grandeur of Rome) with the unveiling of Corning's new Willow Glass, an incredibly flexible and ultra-thin new type of glass. What's truly impressive, though, is the way it's produced – roll to roll, rather than traditional sheet to sheet methods, as you can see in the video below.

Corning says Willow Glass could revolutionize the consumer electronics industry, leading not only to thinner devices, but flexible and more ergonomic handhelds, not to mention immersive curved displays.

Corning's fusion manufacturing process means that the glass can be as thin as 100 microns, which Corning says is about as thick as a sheet of printer paper. Beyond every day electronics, Willow Glass could also come in handy for flexible solar cells, and even lighting.

Without actually getting our hands on a piece of it, we're still a little bit skeptical as to whether or not something so thin could actually stand up to the rigors of everyday use, but who knows, we might all be using it before too long.

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