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How SSDs really work


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SSDs use a huge grab bag of techniques to make a computer feel "snappy."

SSDs—how do they work? Not with magnets.

Way back in 1997, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I was working part-time at the local Babbage's for $4.25 an hour, I scraped together enough spare change to purchase a 3Dfx Voodoo-based Diamond Monster 3D video card. The era of 3D acceleration was in its infancy and the Voodoo chipset was the chipset to beat. It all seems a bit silly now, but when I slapped that sucker into my aging Pentium 90 and fired up the new card's pack-in version of MechWarrior 2—which had texture-mapping and visual effects that the original 2D version lacked—my jaw hit the floor. I couldn't wait to speed-dial my buddy Matt and tell him that his much-faster Pentium 166 no longer brought all the polygons to the yard.

That video card was the most important PC upgrade I ever made, sparking a total change in my perception of what computers could do. I didn't think I would ever again experience something as significant as that one single upgrade—until the first time I booted up a laptop with a solid-state drive (SSD) in it. Much like that first glimpse of a texture-mapped MechWarrior 2, that first fast boot signaled a sea change in how I thought and felt about computers.

The introduction of 3D graphics changed our perceptions of computing not because it made colors brighter or virtual worlds prettier—though it did those things and they are awesome—but because it made a smoothly responsive 30 and 60 frames per second gaming experience a standard. Solid-state drives have a similar effect. They're faster than spinning disk, to be sure, but their most important contribution isn't just that they are faster, but rather that they make the whole computer feel faster. They remove barriers between you and your PC, in effect thinning the glass between you and the things that you're doing with and through your computer.

Solid-state drives are odd creatures. Though they sound simple in theory, they store some surprisingly complex secrets. For instance, compare an SSD to a traditional magnetic hard drive. A modern multi-terabyte spinning hard disk plays tricks with magnetism and quantum mechanics, results of decades of research and billions of dollars and multiple Nobel Prizes in physics. The drives contain complex moving parts manufactured to extremely tight tolerances, with drive heads moving around just thousandths of a millimeter above platters rotating at thousands of revolutions per minute. A modern solid-state drive performs much more quickly, but it's also a more mundane on the inside, as it's really a hard drive-shaped bundle of NAND flash memory. Simple, right?

However, the controller software powering an SSD does some remarkable things, and that little hard drive-shaped bundle of memory is more correctly viewed as a computer in its own right.

Given that SSDs transform the way computers "feel," every geek should know at least a bit about how these magical devices operate. We'll give you that level of knowledge. But because this is Ars, we're also going to go a lot deeper—10,000 words deep. Here's the only primer on SSD technology you'll ever need to read.

Varying degrees of fast

It's easy to say "SSDs make my computer fast," but understanding why they make your computer fast requires a look at the places inside a computer where data gets stored. These locations can collectively be referred to as the "memory hierarchy," and they are described in great detail in the classic Ars article "Understanding CPU Caching and Performance."

It's an axiom of the memory hierarchy that as one walks down the tiers from top to bottom, the storage in each tier becomes larger, slower, and cheaper. The primary measure of speed we're concerned with here is access latency, which is the amount of time it takes for a request to traverse the wires from the CPU to that storage tier. Latency plays a tremendous role in the effective speed of a given piece of storage, because latency is dead time; time the CPU spends waiting for a piece of data is time that the CPU isn't actively working on that piece of data.

The table below lays out the memory hierarchy:

Level Access time Typical size
Registers "instantaneous" under 1KB
Level 1 Cache 1-3 ns 64KB per core
Level 2 Cache 3-10 ns 256KB per core
Level 3 Cache 10-20 ns 2-20 MB per chip
Main Memory 30-60 ns 4-32 GB per system
Hard Disk 3,000,000-10,000,000 ns over 1TB

At the very top of the hierarchy are the tiny chunks of working space inside a CPU where the CPU stores things it's actively manipulating; these are called registers. They are small—only a few hundred bytes total—and as far as memory goes, they have the equivalent of a Park Avenue address. They have the lowest latency of any segment of the entire memory hierarchy—the electrical paths from the parts of the CPU doing the work to the registers themselves are unfathomably tiny, never even leaving the core portion of the CPU's die. Getting data out in and out of a register takes essentially no time at all.

Adding more registers could potentially make the CPU compute faster, and as CPU designs get more advanced they do indeed tend to gain more (or larger) registers. But simply adding registers for the sake of having more registers is costly and complicated, especially as software has to be recompiled to take advantage of the extra register space. So data that the CPU has recently manipulated but that isn't being actively fiddled with at the moment is temporarily placed one level out on the memory hierarchy, into level 1 cache. This is still pricey real estate, being a part of the CPU die, but not as pricey as the registers. In a modern CPU, getting data out of the L1 cache takes three or four cycles (typically around a nanosecond or so) compared to zero cycles for the registers. The trade-off for that slower performance is that there's a lot more space in this tier—up to 32KB of data per CPU core in an Intel Ivy Bridge i7 CPU.

Data that the CPU expects to access again shortly is kept another level out, in the level 2 cache, which is slower and larger, and which carries still more latency (typically between 7 and 20 cycles).

Modern CPUs have level 3 caches as well, which have higher latencies again, and which can be several megabytes in size.

Even further down the hierarchy is the computer's main memory, which has much higher effective latency than the CPU's on-die cache. The actual RAM chips are rated for very low latency (DDR2 DRAM, for example, is typically rated for five nanoseconds), but the components are physically distant from the CPU and the effective latency is therefore higher—usually between 40 and 80 nanoseconds—because the electrical signals from the CPU have to travel through the motherboard's traces to reach the RAM.

At the bottom of the hierarchy sits our stalwart hard disk, the repository of all your programs, documents, pictures, and music. All roads lead here. Any time a program is executed, an MP3 is played, or any kind of data needs to be viewed or changed by you, the user, the computer calls on the disk to deliver it up.

Disks these days are large, but they are also glacially slow compared to the other tiers in the memory hierarchy, with latency a million times higher than the previous tier. While waiting for main memory to respond, the processor might have nothing to do for a few dozen cycles. While waiting for the disk to respond, it will twiddle its thumbs for millions of cycles.

Worse, the latency of a spinning hard disk is variable, because the medium itself is in motion. In order to start an application like, say, Google Chrome, the hard disk may have to read data from multiple locations, which means that the drive heads have to seek around for the right tracks and in some cases even wait whole milliseconds for the correct blocks to rotate underneath them to be read. When we're defining latency in terms of billionths of a second in previous tiers, suddenly having to contend with intervals thousands of times larger is a significant issue. There are many tricks that modern computers and operating systems do to lessen this latency, including trying to figure out what data might be needed next and preemptively loading that data into RAM before it's actually requested, but it's impossible to overcome all of the latency associated with spinning disks.

On one hand, human beings like us don't operate in terms of milli-, micro-, or nanoseconds, at least not without the aid of serious drugs. A thousandth of a second is the same to us as a billionth of a second—both are intervals so small that they might as well be identical. However, with the computer doing many millions of things per second, those tiny fractions of time add up to very real subjective delays, and it can be frustrating when you click on Microsoft Word and stare at a spinning "Please wait!" cursor for seconds at a time. Waiting on the computer while it drags something off of a slow hard disk is disruptive to workflow and can be a jarring experience, especially if you've got a rapidly derailing train of thought barrelling through your head that you need to write down.

Solid-state drives provide an immediate boost to the subjective speed of the computer because they take a big chunk out of the largest amount of latency you experience. Firstly and more obviously, solid-state drives don't have moving heads and rotating platters; every block is accessible at the same speed as every other block, whether they're stored right next to each other or in different physical NAND chips. Reading and writing data to and from the solid-state drive is faster as well, so not only does the computer have to wait fewer milliseconds for its requests to be serviced, but the solid-state drive can also effectively read and write data faster. Quicker responses (lower latency) plus faster transfer speeds (more bandwidth) mean that an SSD can move more data faster—its throughput is higher.

Even just halving the latency of a spinning disk (and SSDs typically do far more than that) provides an incredible subjective improvement to the computing experience. Looking at the higher tiers in the memory hierarchy, it's easy to see why. If, for example, a sudden breakthrough in RAM design decreased the effective latency to and from a system's RAM by a factor of 10x, then calls to and from RAM would drop from a best case of 60ns to 6ns. Definitely impressive, but when looked at in terms of the total delay during an I/O operation from CPU to RAM to disk, there's still so much time spent waiting for the disk that it's an insignificant change. On the other hand, cutting the disk's effective latency from 5-10 milliseconds for a random read to less than a single millisecond for a random read—because any block of an SSD is always as readable as any other block, without having to position heads and wait for the platter to spin—you've just knocked out a tremendous percentage of the total amount of time that entire "CPU to RAM to disk" operation takes. In other words, the speed increases provided by an SSD are targeted right at the longest chain in the memory hierarchy.

Latency affects throughput by letting you read more data in a smaller amount of time. Here, the spinning disk spends most of its time waiting on the platter and heads to find the right data to be read.

Now, a solid-state drive isn't going to always be faster than a spinning hard disk. You can define and run benchmarks which highlight a hard disk's advantages over an SSD; a synthetic benchmark that repeatedly writes and rewrites data blocks on a full SSD without giving the SSD time to perform garbage collection and cleaning can overwhelm the SSD controller's ability to manage free blocks and can lead to low observed performance, for example (we'll get into what garbage collection is and why it's important in just a bit).

But in everyday use in the real world, when performing under an organic workload, there are almost no areas where simply having an SSD doesn't make the entire computer seem much faster.

So how does an SSD actually work? Let's take a peek inside.

Article continued at source (link below)...

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intestering. read the 6 pages of it. this is what i got from it. if you are doing anything question-able do not use SSDs.

from the article

This means that the SSD can get slower and slower as it ages. When you pull your shiny new SSD out of the box and plug it in, it's full of erased pages. As you begin copying files to it, it begins busily writing out those files in pages, very quickly, making you happy you purchased it. Hooray! SSDs don't overwrite data, though, so as you change files and delete files and copy new files in, the changed and deleted files aren't actually changed or deleted—the SSD controller leaves them right where they are and writes in the changes and the new files in fresh pages.

now as anyoen knows the future of space travle we need something else then the current harddrives. but i think we need something else then ssd for it and our on safety and security

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SSDs don't overwrite data, though, so as you change files and delete files and copy new files in, the changed and deleted files aren't actually changed or deleted

This is not (entirely) true.

SSDs do, at some point, overwrite previously stored data.

Because memory degrades relative to the amount of times data was written to it an SSD 'records' the amount of times data was written to a specific block/page. 'Erasing data' amounts to overwriting it with zeros, causing a degradation, so instead the SSD just marks 'erased blocks' as 'erased', effectively hiding the data from the OS and allowing the block to be written to again.

So when you write data to the SSD it will end up in block #1. When you 'erase' it and write more data to the SSD it will not end up in block #1, but to block #2, because otherwise block #1 would degrade rapidly, whereas block #999999 (arbitrarily high number) would degrade very slowly.

You can still wipe an SSD, I forgot the name of the feature though (it's actually built into the controller).

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You can still wipe an SSD, I forgot the name of the feature though (it's actually built into the controller).

Is it TRIM?

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You can still wipe an SSD, I forgot the name of the feature though (it's actually built into the controller).

Is it TRIM?
This offers similar functionality, but I believe there was also a way to wipe the entire SSD, regardless of TRIM (whereas TRIM just makes sure that erased data is actually erased).
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You can still wipe an SSD, I forgot the name of the feature though (it's actually built into the controller).

Is it TRIM?

I bought a SSD early (2010 - Edit 2009-08-30) with no TRIM support. Slow down of speed experienced with usage. Upgrading last year to a one that does have it seem to have done the trick. No need to wipe it to get proper speed over time.
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