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New Windows 8 web browsing features detailed


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The Windows 8 Release Preview has been out publicly for over a day now and many people are trying out the last pre-release version of Microsoft's latest OS. Obviously, a big part of Windows 8 is Internet Explorer 10 and its Metro interface version. In case you haven't downloaded the new Release Preview version yet, the latest update on the official Windows 8 developer blog offers up some more information on the web browsing experience in Windows 8.

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Written by Rob Mauceri, the group program manager for Internet Explorer, the blog details quite a number of changes that have been made to IE 10 for the Release Preview. One of them is how the browser handles multi-page content. Mauceri writes:

Flip ahead enables you to navigate your favorite sites like you read a magazine by replacing the need to click on links with a more natural forward swipe gesture on touch-centric devices (and forward button with mouse). Imagine flipping through a multi-page New York Times article, through product listings on Amazon or eBay, or quickly catching up on the latest news by flipping through CNN.com, all by simply swiping forward without hunting for the "Next" link on the page.

The blog post also reveals how Windows 8 Release Preview adds support for viewing videos in full screen mode with HTML5 videos, a way to adjust the default level for zooming on web pages zoom on high resolution screens, a new network troubleshooter designed for Metro and more.

Source: Windows 8 blog site | Images via Microsoft
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