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Obama and Congress Approve Resolution that Supports UN Internet Takeover


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Susanne Posel

Occupy Corporatism

May 29, 2012

In late 2011, representative from China, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan submitted a proposal called the International Code of Conduct for Information Security (ICCIS) to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that called for international consensus of a global set of rules and regulations that standardize information flow on the internet.

The ICCIS sets forth specific “principles of maintaining information and network security which cover the political, military, economic, social, cultural, technical and other aspects.”

The ICCIS mandates that countries not be allowed to use information and telecommunications technologies “to conduct hostile behaviors and acts of aggression or to threaten international peace and security and stress that countries have the rights and obligations to protect their information and cyberspace as well as key information and network infrastructure from threats, interference and sabotage attacks.” Read the full text here .

Army General Keith Alexander, commander of the US Cyber Command (USCC) and director of the National Security Agency (NSA), does not support the UN’s International Telecommunication Union; citing that the US needs to independently protect their “critical networks” such as electrical power, banking, transportation and other “key elements of society”.

Alexander would like for individual nations to control and regulate their internet. Keith suggests using cloud technology by remote computer servers to mitigate cyber threats and monitor the activity of web users. He said: “These are things that you must do to secure your networks for government survivability.”

Alexander mentioned that the Congress is currently debating whether or not to mandate US firms be required to admit their knowledge of information concerning cyber-attacks.


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