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Alone in the Mysterious Dark .


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Alone in the Mysterious Dark .

go to this link -- http://comic.naver.c...=350217&seq=31#

let it load ,

and then scroll down the page for the revelation ...

recommended --

disable any script blockers , flash blockers and the like add ons for the page to work properly , let it load completely and then proceed ,

and scroll down slow and easy . ! ;)

enjoy :)

( read the advisory at the start of page carefully before proceeding ... ! )

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Awesome! :fear:

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strange-- just 2 comments . :think:

every one out here is no less than John Rambo except for me , floppy n pedrito . :P

dont know about you guys , but i found it unique , entertaining and , damn it scared me the first time i saw it . !

( about to sleep , lights shut off , random surfing , headphones plugged , no music and this shit comes across -- f@ck ! :fear: )

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yeah , what Speedy said . !

but was new for me ;)

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The idea was old for me, too. I knew it was coming yet, it manged to startle me. ^_^

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