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New Windows 8 Transformation Pack released


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A new version of the Windows 8 Transformation Pack has been released which makes your Windows XP, Vista or 7 PC look like the Windows 8 Consumer Preview.

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Would you like to have your PC look like Windows 8 without all that hassle of actually downloading and installing the Consumer Preview version? The Windows X team has the solution for you with the new 4.0 version of the Windows 8 Transformation Pack.

The pack turns the desktop of any PC with Windows XP, Vista and 7 into one that mimics the look of Windows 8. While there have been previous versions of the Transformation Pack, the 4.0 version adds the Segoe font that is used in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview to give it more of an authentic look and feel. It also adds the Charms Bar as an alternative for users who are not able to get the full UI to work properly.

In addition to the Transformation Pack, there is also a separate release of the Windows 8 UX Pack 4.0, which is designed specifically for Windows 7 users only. While it also changes the Windows 7 desktop to look like Windows 8, the UX Pack doesn't modify any of the system files like the Transformation Pack does. However, the developer does say that the Windows 8 Transformation Pack is more reliable and safer than previous versions due to user feedback.

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