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Do you have SP2 installed into your XP computer?

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Do you have SP2 (Service Pack 2) installed into your XP computer?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have SP2 (Service Pack 2) installed into your XP computer?

    • Yes, but I wouldn't recommend using it.
    • Yes, and I recommend you use it.
    • Yes, but I don't know if I would recommend it or not.
    • No, I don't have SP2 / I don't own a XP computer

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thats what the thing says. i made my CD this morning, but i haven't tried it out yet. but yeah, it would be nice if someone could confirm it.

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i have the OEM version of SP2, which is a full windows install given out to PC manufacters. i can confirm that one :hypocrite:

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The sp2 cd from microsoft that is free is just sp2 NOT a full windows cd.

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I got SP2 via auto update. Works like a charm. No errors or anything :hypocrite:

Of course, I got a legal copy of XP :whistle: I heard for pirated copies, its a bit harder.

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I also have a legal copy of XP, so..with the CD I will be able to install SP2 only?

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I also have a legal copy of XP, so..with the CD I will be able to install SP2 only?

Yep, you just insert the sp2 disk and it installs.

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Yep, you just insert the sp2 disk and it installs.

ok, yet I still have to wait 4-6 weeks to get the CD :hypocrite:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Gir489
:)  i have sp5 :)


Shit really?

Well, so much for my coolness

Cool Beans


He's probably has NT. The worst OS ever released by Microsoft. It needed all those SPs.

(Answering this dude's question...)I got a 20 FPS boost in Source, when I updated to SP2. But that was on my old GeForce. I use an ATi 9800 Pro, now.

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Just because somebody makes "service packs" doesnt mean its "bad". Several service packs for NT added additional features

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Guest Gir489
Just because somebody makes "service packs" doesnt mean its "bad". Several service packs for NT added additional features


Its Kernel was so hackable. I was able to hack into one of my friend's NT box with vB!

They fixed the huge exploit in 3 or 4. I don't remember.

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Yes, but SLIPSTREAM also! you can make a slipstreamed cd here: Linky. I had major problems installing SP2 from Windows Updates, so what i did was i made a Slipstreamed sp2 cd and then just installed over.

just wanted to say that I confirmed this and it does work properly... :)

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Just so you guys know, i have Windows XP. Not NT. I was only kidding about having sp5. :P :lol: What os do you have DoLFaN?

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I use winxp SP2...

Earlier had win xp then i got something called nlite a wonderfull prog

Integrated win xp and sp2 along with reducing the size of winxpsp2 installation to 250 Mb

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Guest Gir489

Let me tell you guys a story.

My bro thinks he's totally immune to all hackers/viruses/Trojans/whatever everyone else can get. So, he never got SP2, and he never got an Anti-Virus.

So.... One day, I was searching the Ol' Internet for weaklings, and found this dude, who was running on Comcast, with a very-low used network.

So, I send the little SOB my Trojan, and gain access to the SOB's comp. I take a look at his HD, and he's got like NOTHING left. 2.4 GB out of 30. I realize it's a laptop. (It has a mobile Celeron.) I scrounge around his HD, and notice that 1/4 of the HD is being used up by video. And not just any video, PORN!!!! So I realize that his desktop has a Pink Floyd wallpaper on it. I'm saying to my self: "This guy's comp looks familiar..." No SP2, no Anti-Virus, no FireWall. Nothing! I look at his fucking IP address, and it's mine!!! I was wondering why the Trojan got there so quickly! :lol: So I start using Windows Messenger. (Because he never gets any Windows Updates, it wasn't disabled.) "Hello, Steven. How are we today?" He says: (In very poor spelling and grammar) "Who is this?" I said: "Your mother. I hacked your comp, you little shit. You'd never think the person you beat up 5 years-ago, would be hacking your fucking comp. I OWN YOU, STEVEN!" BTW, this wasn't the first time I hacked his computer. That was like the 4th time. The 2nd time he got hacked, my friend hacked him by mistake. He noticed that the IP was mine. :(

ANY WAY! Long-story short, GET SP2!!!!!!

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LOL, thats funny. I dont have sp2 anymore cause i reformatted and never put it on. My slipstreamed cd was missing files and shit so i decided to go back to sp1a. I have an AV and a firewall and antispyware and other things so im protected.

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Guest Gir489
LOL, thats funny. I dont have sp2 anymore cause i reformatted and never put it on. My slipstreamed cd was missing files and shit so i decided to go back to sp1a. I have an AV and a firewall and antispyware and other things so im protected.


HA! You're never "protected." You can lock yourself from the whole internet, with all the FireWalls, and Anti-Viruses you want! You'll get infected somehow...

EDIT: BTW, this is what he was laughing at.

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HA! You're never "protected." You can lock yourself from the whole internet, with all the FireWalls, and Anti-Viruses you want! You'll get infected somehow

Well, i already know that.

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:( he sounds like Lite... :lol: (kidding :()

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the Gir489's brother. the person he said he hacked

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Gir489
I recommend it.


Also, it made the startup screen less diffeent between both Home Edition, and Professional. People were complaining how Professional got the cooler "blue-bar", and Home only got a green one. So, they murged them, and now it only says "Microsoft Winodws" with the "blue-bar." :D

I had Professional, so it didn't bother me much. ;)

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