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Problem Loading OS


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Yesterday My windows 7 E started crashing repeatedly and has been a problem for several weeks so I decided to format and reload with 7 ult but I can't get anything to load to drive. After I get past showing drive to install os and it says it is installing files it quits after about 11% loaded (corrupt or missing files) and won't continue. I have tried several dvd discs with different versions and all do basicly the same, even the one from MS. These drives have been formatted and loaded several times before. Also I must note that I have tried with 5 different HDs. Any ideas how to force load or what I need to do to make it load the OS.

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Problem with DVD drive?

If it's not the disks nor the HD, than it should be the DVD drive.

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The drive reads and installs up to the expanding files and will only expand about 13% before it says missing or corrupt files replace disk and reinstall. Bye the way I have 2 dvd-rws in the case and get same results no matter which one I use. Could a cpu cause this type of problem. I really need help on this problem. Thanks

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I've never seen a CPU really give any1 issues. Try cleaning the lens in both drives. I mean both drives could be bad. Its not uncommon that both CD/DVD drives can fail or be dirty. It depends on how dusty the inside of the case is. I would see if you could install it from a flash drive. Its a lot faster and the flash drive can't get dirty. Also it can't hurt to test the hard drive. Try those and see if you get any issue


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2 hds are new and the othe ones were just being used (1( might have bad sectors and is why I decided to not fight with the BSOD); also both drives read fine until the files start to expand and then it get corrupt or missing files. I am now loading a flash drive on old computer to try, will update but seriously thinking about some target pratice with this puter. thanks

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get a fresh untouched MSDN Win 7 ISO > match the hashes > prepare a bootable Win 7 pendrive > plug it in > boot the pc into pendrive > click on install .

Done .

Windows would install in less than 15 mins .... !

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I have a store bought win 7 pro and I installed it to a flash drive and then tried to install on puter and it said damaged boot record. I have about 8 or 9 different win 7 iso and they all will start to load but when then get to about 13% of expanding files I get msg: Windows cannot install required files. File may be corrupt or missing. Make sure all files required for installation are available and restart the installation. error 0x80070570....Also when u say pen drive I guess u mean flash drive (right). What is the proper way to make it a bootable pen drince I must have done something wrong on the first copy I did. As much detailed instruction u can provide is greatly appreciated, thanks.

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try changing the HDD settings in BIOS as Dkt suggests .


you can easily n quickly install Win 7 via a USB Flash Drive .

follow here -

>> Win 7 untouched MSDN ISO -- http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/7126-The-Official-Windows-7-Repository?p=87550&viewfull=1#post87550

>>Windows 7 USB install tool from Microsoft -- http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msstore/html/pbPage.Help_Win7_usbdvd_dwnTool

>>Step by Step instructions -- http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2009/12/-the-usb-flash-drive.ars

follow through the above links and you would have a bootable flash drive with Win 7 on it in no time .

if you have the original discs , no need to redownload the windows again .

just use Nero or Image burn and create an ISO file from the windows 7 cd and use it to create the bootable USB with the tool .

after the usb is ready ,

plug it in ,

turn ON your pc ,

go into your BIOS ,

and from there Boot into your USB .

Done .

you will be presented with the Win 7 installation menu ...

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Thanks to all u guys or gals for the great help. Turns out to be a combo of effects but with the usb load and removal of what appears to be a bad stick of ram I now have this win 7 back on its feet. The only problem is with age comes forgetfullness and I will probably forget what to do next time, So I'm gonna print out all the input on this page. Thanks a million.

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