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Diablo 3 coming to consoles


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A console version of the much-anticipated Diablo 3 has been rumored for quite some time, due in no small part to developer Blizzard admitting back in September that it was experimenting with a console version of the game. Now, according to a tweet from a Blizzard community manager, it looks like Diablo 3 on consoles is all but confirmed.

In response to an inquiry from a fan via Twitter, which asked simply "can you confirm or deny Diablo 3 coming to consoles?" community manager "Bashiok" responded "Yup. Josh Mosqueira is lead designer for the Diablo console project." More specific details have yet to be announced.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Mosqueira has been working as a lead game designer at Blizzard since last May, and prior to that worked on the unreleased Far Cry 3 at Ubisoft and served as a lead designer on games like Company of Heroes and Homeworld 2 at Relic. When Blizzard first revealed that it was looking at bringing the role playing game to consoles, director Jay Wilson said that the game actually felt better in some ways with a controller, as opposed to a mouse and keyboard.

"One of the reasons why we're exploring the idea of a console version of Diablo 3 is because we feel that the controls and the style of the game lend itself to a console," he said. "With some of our early experiments in putting a direct control scheme into the game via a 360-like analogue controller, I've [thought] 'Oh this feels even better, with direct control...'"

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