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Apple logo really makes you "think different"


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23ia595.pngDuke University’s Fuqua School of Business and the University of Waterloo, Canada, recently released the results of a study. They found that even subliminal exposure to the Apple logo made participants behave more creatively. “Each of us is exposed to thousands of brand images every day, most of which are not related to paid advertising,” said Gavan Fitzsimons, from the University of Waterloo, “We assume that incidental brand exposures do not affect us, but our work demonstrates that even fleeting glimpses of logos can affect us quite dramatically.” The test, conducted on 341 university students, had them shown either the Apple or the IBM logo, then list all the ideas they could think of for a brick besides building a wall. However, they weren't told about this. The students thought they were taking a visual acuity test, and the logo was flashed by too quickly to be seen.

According to independent judges, the students shown the Apple logo came up with more unusual and creative ideas than those shown the IBM logo. This goes along with how those companies are thought of in most peoples minds: Apple as a company that likes to break the mold and make original ideas, IBM as a company that is traditional and responsible. To confirm these results, the researchers tried again with a slightly different test. The participants were either shown the Disney channel or E! channel logos this time. Those who got Disney were more honest than those who got E!, which goes along with how E! is perceived in most peoples minds.

“This is the first clear evidence that subliminal brand exposures can cause people to act in very specific ways,” said Gráinne Fitzsimons. “We’ve performed tests where we’ve offered people $100 to tell us what logo was being flashed on screen, and none of them could do it. But even this imperceptible exposure is enough to spark changes in behavior.” They also comment that these results say if you surround yourself with, say, the Nike logo, you might perform better athletically. “These experiments demonstrate that most any brand that has strong associations with particular traits could have the capacity to influence how we act,” Chartrand said.

view.gif Source: PhysOrg

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How would be Microsoft logo make you feel and act?

The world probably would be better without it...

gaze closely into the apple logo!

You are getting sleepy...sleepy...sleepy...zzz...ZZZZ

:P what a bunch of crap...how in a right mind would believe such thing

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How would be Microsoft logo make you feel and act?

The world probably would be better without it...

gaze closely into the apple logo!

You are getting sleepy...sleepy...sleepy...zzz...ZZZZ

:) what a bunch of crap...how in a right mind would believe such thing

who said anything about right minds.i agree,just a bunch of crap.like al gores global warming scam.microsoft logo makes you feel like you been taken.

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