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Why childhood memories fascinates us?


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Ask someone and they will tell you that the best memories are the childhood memories, what is the reason? And is it same for every one?


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Childhood usually is the time in life for a person, when our spent times are without worry and reponsibilities, we don't even know to think of the worrying thoughts we think as adults. We are naive and live in clouds. Our parents take care of us and take us to cool places. Our view to the world isn't that wide yet, and every new place is so exciting to us. my thoughts with that....

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childhood ,,,,

when you never feel stupid or embarrassed to do, whatever you want to or feel like .

all the worlds a big candy .

forever protected by people , friends and families who care more about what is good and safe for us than we can ever do ourselves .

a constant safe den in mom or dads lap when ever we feel the world is bad .

wake up your mum or dad at 3 in night , just wanting to sleep with them or tell them to sing you a night jingle or a funny story to ease you of a bad dream.

a simple trip to the fav store or a eating spot or a simple portion of the fav candy makes you just forget any anger and cry issues or get back as friends with your temp fight buddy .

when you still believe in Santa or the Tooth Fairy or what ever imaginary friend any one tells you and you wait for them to come meet you .

racism , rich , poor , bad , creed , greed , are realms totally oblivious in a child hood .

the mind and soul is innocent to get corrupted by egos and prejudices , easily .

you just LIVE....

the purest thing is the heart . which rules the childhood as long as it can ,

before the mind gets all powerful with its ego , super ego and id , and the most evil and powerful the subconscious . which keeps making plans of its own and makes you do what ever you do ,,,.....

and we realize all this now as grown ups , when we are aware and can understand and analyze what is happening around us , to us , and what we all do .

a thing which is again not a part of childhood .

and the result thus makes us realize how precious and lovely and care free and jolly and rosy those days were ...... -_-

a little poem ..

i was dying to finish high school and enter college .

i was dying to finish college and go to univ .

i was dying to finish univ and start working .

i was dying to make money and get married .

i was dying to be successful and have kids .

i was dying to have my grand children and see them grow .

and now i m dying ,

and suddenly i realize ,

i forgot to Live .......


good ol days ......

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Very nicely expressed majithia23. But ask any child and he/she would have worries too. I still remember worrying about my school tests, worrying about the monsters, worrying about the things that my friends had and i wanted them, worrying about whole lot of things. But now when i think about the past all the happy moments look so magical, all those worries look so childish but still at that time those things did worry me. So is childhood really without worries or is it that now we cant remember those worries of childhood.

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yes mana ,

ur right ...

and i m sure that i or any other child too had such kinda worries, ( to some extent ), to worry about when they were young .

and as you grow up , its not that these things vanish away or solve away by themselves ,

they still very much do happen .

( the sad part being that as we get older , more than half of these worries are self generated and many things we ourselves complicate .

thanks to our over analytical thought process ..! -_- )

and the true thing about problems is .. ( for a sane prudent person ... :P )

that they are only a temporary phase requiring us to accept the reality , dont think of the past , keep a hold of ourselves , maintain our cool , think right and do the best thats possible and it shall pass . just because it has to .........

and few years down the memory lane , while sitting to our selves or in a company of our good friends ,

we will be laughing away or even just smiling off the gone phase as how trivial or nontrivial or just a routine event that was , which actually made you toss in your bed at night, back then .

at age 20 , you would be laughing (coz , of course you now know there are no monsters ! ) at what worried you when you were 10 ( ....when you worried the monster under the bed would take you away while you sleep ! )


at age 50 , you would be laughing at how kiddish and immature you were when you were 30 .

thats just true ..... :rolleyes: ;)

childhood is that period of innocence , purity , liveliness , laughter , gaiety , cheerfulness and naughtiness that just persisted and motivated us , and exubarated in what ever we did .

and this makes it special . a happy jack . :)

and these things sadly go into a hiding inside a dark corner of our hearts as we slowly transcend down the ages ,

becoming slaves to our egos and the rules , motives , and directions laid down by our societies .

our ever inquisitive and restless mind keeps working even while we sleep ,

and the morning we wake up , its ready to vomit out to us all it has prepared through the night . !

more worries .... -_-

this makes the difference ...

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