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Windows 8 Task Manager with 64+ logical processors detailed


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Microsoft revealed its Windows 8 task manager CPU improvements on Thursday.

The software maker has made some subtle improvements to the way it handles the task manager processor list for systems with a huge number of logical processors. The new Metro style Task Manager allows Windows 8 to handle a large amount of cores. Microsoft has switched to a percentage numbering scheme for each processor to show which are being used heavily. In Windows 7, the operating system simply displays a line graph for each logical processor:


Windows 7 Task Manager

The result is a little messy for system administrators. Microsoft’s new Windows 8 Task Manager includes the following:


Windows 8 Task Manager

The improvements won’t affect your average user but they do show that Microsoft is looking at every part of Windows 8 to truly “reimagine” its use across different scenarios. “This is scalability well beyond desktop PCs, and is designed for the server and data center,” explains Windows chief Steven Sinofsky in a blog post on Thursday. “A big part of Windows development is that the OS scales across a wide range of form factors and CPU architectures.”

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