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Firefox and Bing--together at last?


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Mozilla wants to diversify its search revenue base from Google. Microsoft's Bing wants more market share. Enter some integration that may move the needle for both parties.

In a short blog post, Microsoft said it worked with Mozilla to launch Firefox with Bing. In a nutshell, this version of Firefox has the default settings for Bing and the user won't have to change anything to use Microsoft's search engine.

Will this effort move the needle for Mozilla and Microsoft goals? It's unclear, but Firefox with Bing certainly can't hurt.

Keep in mind this Firefox with Bing comes just a few weeks before Mozilla's search deal with Google is set to expire. Hmm.

Mozilla generated $21.7 million in 2010, down from $26.5 million in 2009. Total revenue and support for 2010 was $123.2 million, up from $104.3 million, according to its annual report. Most of that revenue derived from search deals.

In an FAQ, Mozilla noted that "we have every confidence that search partnerships will remain a solid generator of revenue for Mozilla for the foreseeable future." Mozilla also touted search deals with Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Amazon, Ebay and others, but the reality is most users go with Google. Microsoft's Bing with Firefox partnership aims to shift that equation a bit.

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Two versions, one with Bing and one with Google? :s

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I guess Micro$oft is paying Mozilla more to use Bing, eh? That's the only logical explanation I can think of.

It's not the matter of who gives more money here. Google and Mozilla's deal is going to end soon. And it seems both the parties may not renew it. Google has it's own Chrome so why it would pay it's competitor? So, Mozilla is trying this out before the deal ends so that they can get the revenue atleast from somewhere.

How does this matter to us savvy users? Bing would be set as default Mozilla Firefox specific homepage (which is Google right now) and "default" search engine (which is Google right now). This means, Bing would be default, all of which that can be changed back to Google in few clicks.

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It's not the matter of who gives more money here. Google and Mozilla's deal is going to end soon. And it seems both the parties may not renew it. Google has it's own Chrome so why it would pay it's competitor? So, Mozilla is trying this out before the deal ends so that they can get the revenue atleast from somewhere.

How does this matter to us savvy users? Bing would be set as default Mozilla Firefox specific homepage (which is Google right now) and "default" search engine (which is Google right now). This means, Bing would be default, all of which that can be changed back to Google in few clicks.

Well, maybe Google is not paying Mozilla "directly" but their contract pays Mozilla royalties for referrals for using Google as the default search engine. It is said in Mozilla's financial statement that these royalties account for approximately 85% of their revenues. Now that Chrome is gaining popularity, unlike more than 3 years ago when they made the contract, Google can now ditch paying Mozilla royalties for its referrals.

We can definitely change Google back to be Firefox's default search engine but I don't think this will generate revenue for Mozilla because Google (upon the contract expires) doesn't have to pay royalties anymore to Mozilla. :dunno:

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True. But as an end user, we should do what suits us the most. Mozilla already earns in millions from Google, a little less (from Bing) wont do any harm, as lot of the users may not bother changing to Google.

But lets see, this is just a speculation. Maybe Mozilla is just giving Google an idea about what could happen if Google leaves Firefox. :P

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Its all about the money. Forget what anyone says. Every "deal" like this is always about the money.

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