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Adobe Flash Player 11.2 Beta (v11.2.202.18)


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Adobe Flash Player 11.2 Beta (v11.2.202.18/19)

Flash Player 11.2 Beta 32-bit Installers





Flash Player 11.2 Beta 64-bit Installers





Flash Player 11.2 Beta 32-bit Content Debuggers**





Flash Player 11.2 Beta Global SWC






This beta release provides access to the Flash Player 11.2 runtime for Windows, Mac OS and Linux desktop environments. The key features and benefits of Flash Player 11.2 beta are:

Multi-threaded video decoding (Windows, Mac OS, and Linux) — The video decoding pipeline is now fully multi-threaded. This feature should improve the overall performance on all platforms. Note that this feature is a significant architecture change required for other future improvements.

Flash Player background updates (Windows) — New versions of the runtimes can now be delivered more effectively to the end user with this enhanced updating mechanism (Background update is only available in the release versions of Flash Player).


Note about Flash Player background updates

The Windows Release versions of Flash Player contain the new Flash Player background update feature that we'd like you to test. Begin by running the installer for version on your machine. After installing, the final panel of the installer gives you options for how Flash Player will provide you with future updates. Selecting "Automatically update me when possible" is the setting that will enable you to help us with testing -- please choose that option. You can always change the choice you make by navigating to the Advanced tab in your Flash Player Settings Manager. To access the Flash Player Settings Manager, either right-click Flash content and select "Global Settings…", or find Flash Player in your Windows Control Panel.

Your system will check every hour for updates to Flash Player. We have posted Flash Player as an update. It is essentially the same build as, but with an incremented version number. If you leave your system on for at least 4 hours, you should see these updates applied to your system -- both your ActiveX component and your plug-in will have been updated. To test this, you can open a new webpage with Flash content and right-click over the Flash content -- the bottom-most item in the context menu will have the version number in it. You should be updated to version Note that browser instances with Flash content that were loaded before the update was applied will not have the update.

During the background update, if Flash Player is updated while Firefox is in use, Firefox will continue to use the previous version. To fix this, either delete the previous version NPSWF.dll in \Windows[sysDir]\Macromed\Flash* (see note below) or restart the computer for Firefox to load the newly installed Plugin. If the Operating System is 64-bit, it may be necessary to remove the NPSWF .dll from both \Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash AND \Windows[sysWow64]\Macromed\Flash directories.

Note that for security reasons, the Flash Player background updater will update all Flash Player versions (10.1 and above) installed on your configuration (plugins, ActiveX).

During the background update, on Windows 7 x64, if Flash Player is updated while Internet Explorer is running, an Internet Explorer Security Warning dialog will display if the browser is refreshed to load the newly installed version. To avoid this, restart the browser to load the newly installed ActiveX Control.

Please use this the Flash Player 11.2 forums to let us know how this feature works for you. We'd like to hear about success as well as problems, so a post simply saying "AX & Plug-in updated to" is very valuable information to us, as are any errors or problems you may run into.

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