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that registry cleaner recommends to me?


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tengo problemas con unas entradas de registro que no puedo borrar...

he probado ccleaner, regsupreme, jv16, tuneup utilities, registry medic, registry healer, regscrub, reg seeker... y ninguno me soluciona el problema... ;)

Cual es el mejor para ustedes?? Cual me recomiendan??

Gracias y Saludos!!



I have problems with registry entrances that I cannot erase...

I have proven to ccleaner, regsupreme, jv16, tuneup utilities, registry medic, registry to healer, regscrub... and no it solves to the problem...:unsure to me:

As he is the best one for you? As they recommend to me?

Thanks and Greetings!

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Hmmm mana yo le recomendaría optimizador avanzado elasticidad del sistema... Usted tiene que pagar él sin embargo a menos que usted pueda encontrarlo a otra parte ^ _ ^. Pero entonces para el freeware.. No soy grande con ése... Usted podría también dar a mecánico del registro un intento o su Uninstaller 2005 (ambos no están libres) No puedo realmente ayudarle tan hacia fuera cuando viene al freeware... Apesadumbrado


Hmmm well I would recommend you give Advanced System Optimizer... You have to pay for it though unless you are able to find it elsewhere ;).

But then for Freeware.. I am not great with that...

You could also give Registry Mechanic a try or Your Uninstaller 2005 (Both aren't free)

So I can't really help you out when it comes to Freeware... Sorry

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If you dont know what your doing... don't use them! They cause lots of problems, which most people prolly won't notice at first...

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gracias cultivator

tambien probe el advance system optimicer y el registry mechanc 5... tampoco hubo suerte...


thanks cultivator

also probe advance system optimicer and registry mechanc 5... was no luck either...

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