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ANY other app better than FOLDER LOCK?


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did you check this tutorial -

Easily Create an Undeletable and an Inaccessible Folder ( http://www.nsaneforu...nal-safe-vault/ )

completely Locked Folder with no need of any softwares ;)

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Nice tip...but keep in mind, Folder Lock also encrypts your data. There is also a stealth mode that will hide your locked folders as well as hide the Folder Lock program so no one even knows it's running...a special key combo brings it out of stealth mode.

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software alternatives , if any one needs them --

> Free Hide Folder - http://www.cleanersoft.com/hidefolder/free_hide_folder.htm

>My Lockbox - http://fspro.net/my-lockbox/

>Protected Folder - http://www.iobit.com/password-protected-folder.html

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ya but m nt getting registered version so its nt possible..

Hmmm...Why not? All you have to do is block it from the net using hosts file or your firewall...pretty easy stuff.

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Well can u please send d tutorial coz i tried a lot but suggest an easier way if u got :)

Nice tip...but keep in mind, Folder Lock also encrypts your data. There is also a stealth mode that will hide your locked folders as well as hide the Folder Lock program so no one even knows it's running...a special key combo brings it out of stealth mode.

ya very true folder lock still remains the best

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even though i m turnung the protection ON in the folder lock and selecting the files to be locked i can easily access this files

for eg :- i locked the file D/MY documents/folder

and turned the protection on and logged out but then i can easily access it from my coputers what shud i do?

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