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Windows Vista SP1 and Windows XP SP3: Official Release Dates


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A French website, PC Inpact, has posted the official Microsoft product change request forms for Vista SP1 and Windows XP SP3. So just when do our friends from France say Microsoft is planning on releasing our little Service Pack friends? Well, according to them, we will be seeing Vista SP1 a little earlier than previously anticipated:

Windows Vista SP1: February 18th or 19th *BZZZZ*, WRONG! March 18th or 19th, perhaps.

Windows XP SP3: March 23rd or 24th

Here are the actual images from the product change request forms:

52824_mini.jpg <<Vista SP1>> - <<XP SP3>> 52825_mini.jpg

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i'm lost about the Vista sP1, there r lots of rumors out that whatever is been shared on some websites is already the final SP1 irrespective of the official dates of release.

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i'm lost about the Vista sP1, there r lots of rumors out that whatever is been shared on some websites is already the final SP1 irrespective of the official dates of release.

i dont think the official version will be released until march.

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The one spreading around is probably RC Refresh 2 (RCR2).. Fingerprint: 6001.18000.x86fre.longhorn_rtm.080118-1840

It doesn't have the "evaluation copy" thing and is almost final, but... It aint.. ;)

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