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Moon landing

Guest Cybergenetic

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Flight of Apollo 11 (The Eagle Has Landed) - Clayton Edwards

Presents the story of the first Moon landing in July 1969. Depicts the principal events of the mission, from the launching through the postrecovery activities of astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins. Through television, motion pictures, and still photography, the program provides an "eyewitness" perspective of the Apollo 11 mission


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It's a load of crap.

oh really. another cia plot no doubt. do you really think we would spend 30 billion in the 60's on a fake program? dont you think the ussr and china and europe would said something if we faked it?

raises hands. i guess the earth is flat and you are the cyber king. im glad you and your kind of thinking wasnt around during ww2. we all would be speaking one of 2 other languages.

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Guest Cybergenetic

Ask yourself why in over 30 years not a single word said about going back ^_^ , technology seems to have gone back, not forward, when associating the moon landings. And no, neither the Europeans, nor the Soviets would of said anything becuase the technology was there to go, (we have the technology to go to Mars, but we don't becuase of the risks) so therefore they couldn't, contradictory to that, we now have 30 years more of technology and improved so much, except form going to the moon that is ;) If we did indeed go to the moon, wouldn't it be so much more technological advances in space travel, or naturally landing on the moon? ^_^ And the cheap lame sarcasm about my name is clealry childish. Though if you must know, I had to change it becuase i forgot my password.

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Though if you must know, I had to change it becuase i forgot my password.

thats what i thought. same guy. same duck. btw if you used a real email account when making your nsane account you could send a message and they would send your password to your real email account. try that. its not a cia plot. unless of course you a) forgot your email account you used, or ^_^ it was a fake one. forgot c) you forgot your email account password too.. i know, you dont save the text files on your computer with the password in it. dang those cia spys using spysweeper to spy on us.

here is a simple way to never have that problem again. you make up a yahoo msn etc account for signing up to all these web sites. you use the same password for the signing up on all the websites. if they dont input your account name and password in the email check then email yourself the account and password for future reference. problem solved. btw different password from your email account. now get along little ducking. ponds on the other side of the road.

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Guest Cybergenetic

Yet AGAIN, you contradict anything I'm talking about. Naturally I can understand why, seeing you know Nothing. All you do is TRY and attempt to patronize me ^_^ It's really childish, not to mention ignorant seeing you can't ACTUALLY say I'm wrong in what I say ^_^

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Now we have a (War of the Words) going on between myidisbb with 180 posts and Cybergenetic with 7 posts

^_^ ;) ^_^

Now I saw a documentry on FOX network providing reasons as to y the moon landing could have been faked....

They had quite solid evidences...

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when you click on the moon surfacce more it to the closest zoom (+) nice cute thing they did.

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Guest tensegg
Ask yourself why in over 30 years not a single word said about going back  :angry: , technology seems to have gone back, not forward, when associating the moon landings. And no, neither the Europeans, nor the Soviets would of said anything becuase the technology was there to go, (we have the technology to go to Mars, but we don't becuase of the risks) so therefore they couldn't, contradictory to that, we now have 30 years  more of technology and improved so much, except form going to the moon that is  :lol: If we did indeed go to the moon, wouldn't it be so much more technological advances in space travel, or naturally landing on the moon?  :ninja:  And the cheap lame sarcasm about my name is clealry childish. Though if you must know, I had to change it becuase i forgot my password.


erm, sorry man, cant buy that. Yep the technology is available to go to mars, we know that we've sent things there? sending people there is a whole new ballgame.

Quote: "Ask yourself why in over 30 years not a single word said about going back"

huh, the japanese, americans, chinese, soviets all have plans for moon bases, and have never shut up about going back. dont ask me why, cos theres bugger all there, not even any cheese.

Oh yeah, and do you seriously believe that we have sent people into space all these years, satelites, rockets, telescopes, probes, washing machines and all other manner of electrical goods, to fly around the moon, crash into comets, reach the furthest edges of out solar system, crawl around planets far more inacessable than the moon, and costing far more money, and we still never bothered to actually land there, hahahaha, please dont tell me your using this evidence to support your theory...


This is clearly doctored since carbonated beverages would explode in the low pressure moon atmosphere.


If you look at A, you will see that the gas pump casts a shadow in the opposite direction! There is only one light source on the moon, i.e. the Sun, and hence all shadows must be in the same direction. You can see that the shadows cast by all other objects are in the other direction. Some conclusive evidence that these pictures are doctored pictures.


If you look at A and B in this picture, you will readily identify them as terrestrial traffic signs. There is no way these could have appeared on the moon, and shows NASA's neglect for detail.

conspiracy theories are fine, sometimes based on real and genuine concerns, mostly based on more nonsense that what the theory is actually about. But you must remember that they are, they are theories, like Darwins theory of natural selection, which was banned , ridiculed and booed, and had him accused of being a blasphemer and a heretic. The difference with Darwins theory compared to most is he was right, and proved himself right, scientifically, he worked and worked and provided the evidence to prove his theory, which holds true to this day. The problem with the moon fake theory is, wheres the proof. Its fine to have theories, we all should, but if you wanna shout about them, and claim you a right and everyone else is wrong, you gotta have the proof, beyond all reasonable doubt. :blink:

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if we, the usa, fake it the powers of the other nations and lib democrats in the usa would shown and proof that we faked it. nixon fakes moon landing. but no. we went there. sadly we didnt go back. news media thought of the multi landings as boring. it took apollo 13 guys almost dying to get any report on it. afterwards they ingore the other 4 landings. we also was in a oil shortage from opec. food and item shortages. that lead to cut backs. it too reagan to bring nasa back. and clinton to cut it again. on reason of not being able to make a moon base was MAD agreement between the usa and ussr. there would been no way to settup a permenant power source. without being able to live deep underground there, the cold and heat on the moon surface would killed the people, plus radiation. no water source. and it you thik we would launch a rocket everyday for the supplies to go to the moon you are crazy.

in our time now, we can solve some of that. but the crew that stayed there would be 2 or 3 people. without much bathing. (do they even bath on the international space station? they cant be bathing that much if they are.)

solve the water problem and we might get a moon base. (btw supposely there might be frozen water in a northern cater on the moon)

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huh, the japanese, americans, chinese, soviets all have plans for moon bases, and have never shut up about going back.  dont ask me why, cos theres bugger all there, not even any cheese.

Please forget India is also aiming to have a landing on Moon... :angry:

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Guest tensegg

You mean they lied to me, just to keep the price of cheese abnormally high, those bastards... :lol: :angry:

Please forget India is also aiming to have a landing on Moon... sneaky2.gif

oops, sorry man, silly me, although theres actually not much chance of me forgetting india, my wife is a yoga teacher, my house looks, sounds and smells like india, half the time i think I am indian. :blink: :ninja:

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Guest Cybergenetic

The only poeple who have said ANYHTING about the moon in over thirty years, is Japan (fact). They plan to send a probe there in 2012. That's it. You'll find there's a NASA spokesperson, in the mid 90's who said we'd get to the moon in a hundred years. I won't hold my breathe. The fact you said there's been USA, china, soviets and Japan tlkaing baout moon bases is absolute propganda.

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The only poeple who have said ANYHTING about the moon in over thirty years, is Japan (fact). They plan to send a probe there in 2012. That's it. You'll find there's a NASA spokesperson, in the mid 90's who said we'd get to the moon in a hundred years. I won't hold my breathe. The fact you said there's been USA, china, soviets and Japan tlkaing baout moon bases is absolute propganda.

you just completely forgotten about president bushs going back to the moon over a year ago. and the chinese plans. you got to get out of your underground cave once in a while. or you still looking for your side kick robin. nah nah nah nahhhhhhhh batman.

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Guest Cybergenetic

Bush has mentioned going to Mars, which indeed, was a year ago. (there's still a 20 minute communication loss from Mars to Earth. Coinsidently, it would take 20 mins to say ''Houston we have a problem'', and that type of communication disbility isn't close to be conquered, so we won't be going there in a hurry :blink: ) Maybe your associating the Moon and Mars for the same :ninja: I'm not suprised, seeing your inability to talk/prove me wrong, other than TRYING to patronize me. On the contrary, your lame attempt to patronize me is childish and stupid :angry: And on the subject of China's plans of going to the moon, yet AGAIN, it's about sending a probe. Nothing More, nothing LESS. But i'm sure your ignorant enough to think just becuase China and USA TALK about the moon, it implys they're going to send a man there, which is clearly not the science there talking about :lol:

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Guest tensegg
The only poeple who have said ANYHTING about the moon in over thirty years, is Japan (fact). They plan to send a probe there in 2012. That's it. You'll find there's a NASA spokesperson, in the mid 90's who said we'd get to the moon in a hundred years. I won't hold my breathe. The fact you said there's been USA, china, soviets and Japan tlkaing baout moon bases is absolute propganda.


1. How is your first point a fact, its not a fact at all , its a forum post, which has no proof attached, or any corroboration provided. So it cant be accepted as a 'fact' thats that.

2. You'll find there's a NASA spokesperson, in the mid 90's who said we'd get to the moon in a hundred years. I won't hold my breathe. :wacko: wtf

3. The fact that I said that means that they said it, and they did. The fact of whether its propoganda or not, is irrelevant, that wasnt a part of the previous post that i responded to, you said "Ask yourself why in over 30 years not a single word said about going back", so I asked myself, I I distinctly remembered many countries talking about it, I checked it, and its true, they have spoke about it, Whether they will do anything about it or not bothers me none, whether its propaganda or not bothers me none, i really dont care, there are more pressing things for me to worry over they have spoke about it. ask google, she dont lie, does she?

truth is, there is no proof that i know of that convinces me that man didnt land on the moon, if there is some, I wanna know about it.

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a time delay? noooooooooooooooooooooooo you are kidding me. i believe its around 12 minutes right now. we where closest to mars and earth a while ago.

and yes bush said finish the international space station. bases on the moon leading to mars. we are going to have to be making stuff on the moon to send up for mars mission. through privatization and companies on the moon and space. just like always. everything goes in one of our ears and out the other. pop those pills. take everyone the doc said too.

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truth is, there is no proof that i know of that convinces me that man didnt land on the moon, if there is some, I wanna know about it.

truth is, there is no proof that i know of that convinces me that man did land on the moon either.

Now we are going to Mars after Moon...

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Guest tensegg
truth is, there is no proof that i know of that convinces me that man did land on the moon either.

Now we are going to Mars after Moon...


:angry: :blink:

The Apollo astronauts brought back to Earth some rocks from the moon. We know for certain that they came from the moon. 100% certain. They are like nothing else on Earth and they couldn't have been constructed artificially because they bear the evidence of billions of years exposure to a vacuum, high energy cosmic rays, tiny asteroids and virtually no water. Nothing on Earth could replicated this, either naturally or man-made.

So how do we know they didn't just fall as asteroids? NASA certainly has examples of these that have been collected from various parts of the world. We can rule asteroids out, however, as they all have the scorching and oxidation inevitable from their fiery entry to Earth through the atmosphere. The Apollo moon rocks, of course, show none of this.

maybe they made some secret robot moon missions to get them :ninja: If you can't disprove these rocks, it all falls to pieces, many scientists from many countries have tried. They stand up to all srutiny so far.

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not to mention the 'chunks' that make up astroids get fused during entry, leaving a kind of weaved pattern on the surface (which are NOT on the moon rocks) :blink:

maybe they made some secret robot moon missions to get them :lol:

actually, it was proved the RUSSIANS were planning on doing just that...

now, as stated before, many countries have been talking about building moon bases for years now. not as science labs or anything, but as refueling/checkpoint stations for other space missions (going to mars, etc.). this is impossible with space stations as they're already crammed to the max with other stuff, the people have to float through 4' wide tubes to get around for christs sake :angry:

about communications, has anyone heard the words LASER, SATTELITE RELAY, and AMPLIFICATION?! communications would take like 2 minutes, at the most.

as for the mars mission, i watched a show on the history channel about that. we do have the technology to go, but just think what kind of vehicle we'd need to get there. the scientists involved said it would take us ~15 years just to build and make sure every part of the ship works as planned. not to mention how long it would take us to actually fly there. but, they are testing certain deployment bases in the deserts of nevada, i believe, which has a very simular environment as mars (very hot days with very cold nights). so we ARE working on that as we speak :ninja:

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