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Online Armor fails Logger Tests ..


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ok ,

i have almost never used Online Armor , but when one of my friends insisted for an advice on firewall , i recommended him OA .

installed it on his system and afterwards tried to test it , just for fun , .

started the Spy Shelter Test Tool and to my surprise ,

it failed to block the Key Logger and Screen Logger module of the test


it actively intercepted the Webcam Logger and Sound Logger ...!

now this seemed strange to me ? !

see the captures ---

Failed Key Logger ---


the selected encrypted strokes are in the Firefox window with Key Scrambler .

failed Screen Logger ---


Blocked Webcam Logger ...! -----


Blocked Sound Logger ! ----


i posted this topic to see what other members and users have to say about this ...??

how it is that OA could check for and block some type of intrusion attempts and not others ...??

either OA just fails to block the intrusion attempt

or SpyShelter tool employs a different and advanced type of Logging techniques which are meant to defeat the existing HIPS app , so that they can sell there stuff !!

OA is HIPS firewall ,

so accordingly it should be able to block intrusion attempts

and at least key loggers and screen loggers are meant to be defeated ..... !

For the sound and web cam logger blocking ,

both Spyshelter and Zemana advertise themselves as being the only Apps which can block such intrusion attempts .

well , they need to see , thats not exactly true .

OA just did that ,

but too bad it failed on the other logging tests ..... !

so what say ...........

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Staff Note: Moved to Security And Privacy Chat.

How does something like Comodo perform there?
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I've been using OA for years, but must say that since Emsisoft took over the line it's been one big mess! I've gone to their forums, and stuff that countless people have complained about the admins say they can't reproduce in their labs. How you could have people complaining about the same problems with the software going back 6 months or more, and the company says they can't reproduce the problem I don't know, but that's their position. Given that, I'm not particularly surprised at what you point out here. I question whether or not Emsisoft is going to continue with Online Armor or just drop it altogether. I really don't want to move to Comodo, as I prefer the simpler-to-understand approach that OA has always had, but if I want decent security I believe I will have to make the switch. Too bad, as OA at one point was a really top notch firewall.

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no idea .

dint test comodo with this tool .

myself using no software firewall , only router's hardware firewall.

some one else will have to test it and see for himself and also report ...

why dont you ?? :think:


well , as i said , i never used OA ,

and if you say that it used to be good until acquired by Emsisoft ,

i will believe you .

as of now , it has failed the security test ., so i dont think it is a good security option .

and failed that test which is openly available for any one to use .

i mean, its not some thing like a advanced bot program like the Zeus which is known for its lethalty and advanced coding and only available after shelling out some big bucks in the underground black internet market , which escaped its protection ,

but a rather simple security test tool out there for any one use ......

so i seriously doubt the protection the protection given by OA ........ <_<

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