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System cows


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Well as the title says, which AV programs do you think are system cows?

I will start this off with avast!. Was a good av engine when it first came out,

now has gone the way of security "suites", (a key word in cow making),

and even its' free version has so many freakin' options it took me 3 reboots to get it to

allow my start up stuff. If you are looking for easy usage, stay away from avast.

Has a system footprint as big as the system itself.:nono:

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Its good on some points when I tried it.. but I will mention.. Performance as I am guessing..and this could vary a little..

  • Norton - before 2010

  • Coranti - Four engines YES you must run them all at the same time to get the results promised in testing..

  • GDATA - Good comprehensive right down to including a registry scanner.. not saying how good/bad.. 2 engines same as above..

  • CA - the very first one I ever installed.. sloooooow. of course.. what year was it again :think:

So there are quite a few more ( even more reason not to use others ) and it has been a long time since I went testing about... Just to get the ball rolling..

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an easier question to answer would have been which av programs are not system cows.

I do not think there is one.

That is the point here. I believe that the av program devs

have gotten way out of hand.

IMO, this is what an av should be: Real-time scanner, scan inbound files, regular

file updates. The scanner should scan the system upon installation, (common sense approach),

and then from then on, an aggressive real-time inbound scan, quiet, seamless, no distraction.

The only time you should see it, is when it stops a file. At that time, you can chose to ignore, or delete.

No quarantine nonsense, no sandbox bull, no bells and whistles. A simple, clean, efficient program.

FYI, I have used just about all the "name" av programs around when they first were released.

All of them were decent at first. It was not until they kept adding more nonsense to them that I started

noticing performance issues. Security suites are system cows and I stand by that.

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an easier question to answer would have been which av programs are not system cows.

I do not think there is one.

That is the point here. I believe that the av program devs

have gotten way out of hand.

IMO, this is what an av should be: Real-time scanner, scan inbound files, regular

file updates. The scanner should scan the system upon installation, (common sense approach),

and then from then on, an aggressive real-time inbound scan, quiet, seamless, no distraction.

The only time you should see it, is when it stops a file. At that time, you can chose to ignore, or delete.

No quarantine nonsense, no sandbox bull, no bells and whistles. A simple, clean, efficient program.

FYI, I have used just about all the "name" av programs around when they first were released.

All of them were decent at first. It was not until they kept adding more nonsense to them that I started

noticing performance issues. Security suites are system cows and I stand by that.

You just described Security Essentials pretty well.

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an easier question to answer would have been which av programs are not system cows.

I do not think there is one.

That is the point here. I believe that the av program devs

have gotten way out of hand.

IMO, this is what an av should be: Real-time scanner, scan inbound files, regular

file updates. The scanner should scan the system upon installation, (common sense approach),

and then from then on, an aggressive real-time inbound scan, quiet, seamless, no distraction.

The only time you should see it, is when it stops a file. At that time, you can chose to ignore, or delete.

No quarantine nonsense, no sandbox bull, no bells and whistles. A simple, clean, efficient program.

FYI, I have used just about all the "name" av programs around when they first were released.

All of them were decent at first. It was not until they kept adding more nonsense to them that I started

noticing performance issues. Security suites are system cows and I stand by that.

You just described Security Essentials pretty well.

Yes, got rid of that one too. It started out ok, but then it kept running a malware scan on idle, taking up most of the cpu time to do it, and there was NO option to turn this off..believe me, I looked.

:eek: :pos:

So, now I am back to square one.

Re-introduced avast! back into my system...OMFG.....this is not a cow..it is the whole damn herd.

The only thing I want is a real time download scanner. If anyone hears of such a thing, PLEASE post it.

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i wouldnt exactly categorize avast as a system cow , meaning a resource , system hog ...

atleast on my system . , especially when compared to the succeeding programs .......

Hogs , Cows , Slugs , Moths , what ever any one would like to call them ,

for me are --

F-Secure ---- God knows how many services does it run to do its job. you need a system with big heart and soul to accommodate it ...

( but more importantly the user should have a bigger heart to accept the figures in the resource monitor .... :P )

G-Data , BitDefender -- Slows down the system considerably .

Panda ---- Even this Cloud Anti Virus is irritatingly foolish . tried a full version from one of the give aways and the system response was affected pretty noticeably . <_<

Kaspersky ---- Ok this might be a lots fav , but to me it was yet another slow cow . it might have a good protection rate but damn it considers itself GOD on your computer . one of the few AVs i found which stops installation if any incompatible software is found on the PC . you uninstall the conflicting software and only then it would install .!

( forced me to uninstall Orbit Downloader .! ) .

and after installation it behaves like --- " ok , now let me see what is happening around here . hmmm... this approved ,, this is not .... block it , allow it . wtf is this , i dont like it , quarantine it , hide it , "

you click any thing on a pc and KAV turns into a gestapo , scrutinizing and analyzing . and even after that , its the programs discretion to allow or block ...! :blink:

my sound from machine stopped working . no sound from speakers , got to enable it ,and then sound from web videos stopped .....

Firefox Started with all the addons set to default state . All preferences gone . GOD knows where . it was like a clean new FF install .!:s

Explorer window started taking years to open .

Programs , executables just got lost , i mean it was like they forgot that they are to open when you double click them .

naaa , not my choice , Kaspersky aint for me ... big letdown ..... :yawn: :sleep:....

Grouchy , you can try the DrWeb link checker extension or the Virus Total FF extension to check for any url and not just download links before you proceed to click them ..

they are not automatic real time , but then you too aint required to do much .

just right click and check .

also for real time malware scanning and blocking you can use Norton DNS or Comodo DNS


then you can also add the list from malwaredomainlist.com to your Hosts file .

this way you block malware domains at two levels . thats easy and efficient and nill load on the system ... ;)

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I agree with majithia. Avast is a cheetah of a suite, the lightest I've used in a long time, and is well setup straight out the box. I just change action to ask rather than move to chest. I tried Outpost the other day and it was so slow compared to Avast.

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