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Hacking talk


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Lately I've been finding myself more and more into the idea of network penetrating and even more so, giving myself access to a computer. I was playing around on my own network, and on my own computers of course, but, through the use of back track, i was able to "hack" so to say, into my network (yea, even though I know the password), and was able to gain access to the password.

Now, having access to the network, I'd like to know, what can one do (port scans, exploit, what ever), to gain access to a computer. I know of metasploit, which exploits the computer to give you access, but once in, once the system is fully exploited, what are some things that can be done?

I'd like to take a screen shot just to make sure of my success, use wireshark or some sort to sniff out passwords...

Any guides/tutorial type of stuff?

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