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City of Cupertino posts further details, renders of Apple mega-campus


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The City of Cupertino has revealed more details and renderings regarding Apple's plans to build a 2.8 million square-foot spaceship-like circular office building in the city.

The city is currently in the midst of its review process of Apple's plans. The first step of the review involves an environmental impact assessment that will evaluate traffic, noise, air quality and will provide the public with an opportunity for comment. Apple's proposal would then undergo a development review and public hearings at the Planning Commission and the City Council.

According to the company's plans, the four-story structure, dubbed "Apple Campus 2," would comprise approximately 2.8 million square feet. A Corporate Auditorium on the campus would seat 1,000 people, while new Research Facilities would take up 300,000 square feet.

Apple's objectives for the project are to "maximize efficiency and convenience" to its employees, create a "distinctive and inspiring 21st Century workplace," and "exceed economic social and environmental sustainability goals through integrated design and development."

The office space would support up to 13,000 employees. Apple is also looking to decrease its reliance on electricity provided by the city power grid by building its on-site Central Plant.

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