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I want to software protect...


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software protect,such as WinLicense or software other this I do not know.

I ask for advice ,I should use software protect ? and crack..

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software protect,such as WinLicense or software other this I do not know.

I ask for advice ,I should use software protect ? and crack..

Could you be a bit more precise what exactly do you mean?

You want to protect your own application or something?

If so,take a look at PESpin,it's a freeware protection,but I think many Anti-Virus software

detects it as a worm/trojan/virus.. (=false positive)

PESpin is a Windows executable files (EXE, DLL) protector, compressor coded in pure assembly using MASM.
It allows compression of the whole executable - code, data and resources, leaving them executable and
protects against patching and disassembling.

Compatibility with Windows® XP/Vista/7

Homepage: http://pespin.w.interia.pl/

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protect source code.... created by VB ....

So if you want to protect (obfuscate) the source code..

Look here:



sharecode: &file=DeepSea.Obfuscator.

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best one i've found is .NET reactor http://www.eziriz.com/ - I found it was the hardest to reverse, and I use it on all the software i write at work.

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